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The Sweet Spot of Liberty – Bruce Pardy and Salim Mansur

Politics has become a war of shifting definitions with both the Conservatives and the Liberals becoming ‘progressives’ and ‘collectivists’ yet continuing to call …

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  1. The intolerant, authoritarian left have done everything they can recently to push classical liberalism in to the "right wing" camp.

    Thank you, we'll take it.

  2. Bruce hits it on the nail – both the "liberals" and the "conservatives" are collectivist, believing that government (i.e. force) has a role in a wide variety of our activities and lives.

  3. Great discussion. Your guests have articulated something I have been feeling for some time. These parties no longer represent anything I believe in. I was always a swing voter and often voted Liberal if I liked their policies. I could never voteLiberal again and the Conservatives seem to be trying to be just like them. This is not progressive these parties are regressive. They are taking us back to tribal instincts where we are against each other. I would definitely push for Bernier next time

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