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Onision Admits to Pressuring Kai and Calls Victims "Frauds" – Catching Contradictions and Lies

Onision and Kai’s Grooming Explained for those who need catching up: TIMESTAMPS BELOW. Onision posted 37 videos telling …

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  1. In case you don't finish this in one sitting or want to save some for later when you on wine, here are the timestamps:
    0:00 Intro and showing how Onision has NOT "stayed silent”
    2:10 Summarizing his first 12 videos (and how Kai is still in love with Billie)
    10:56 Onision Denies Targeting Vulnerable Girls (despite the evidence his own words contradicting himself)
    13:58 Onision Denies Having Forums Where Underage Girls Submitted Pictures For Him (and I provide receipts proving otherwise including girls he "would date")
    17:45 Onision Admits To Falling In Love With 17 Year Olds
    23:53 Onision Shades Kai and Shows Avoidance To Confront Relationship
    26:32 Onision Talks About Being "Blackmailed" While Admitting To Pressuring Kai To Sleeping In A Threeway With Sarah…
    30:56 Onision Denies Kai Ever Flirting Or Exchanging Photos With Regina …and I bring the receipts to prove him wrong
    40:54 Onision ~The Straightedge~ Confesses to Providing freshly 18 year old Sarah with Alcohol on Christmas …for no reason at all lol
    45:28 Onision randomly talking about putting it in the butt while also claiming to have been r-ped by Sarah
    53:54 Onision doesn't like Chris Hansen's turtleneck :/
    57:13 Onision Calls Regina Ugly and says that's why Kai would never be romantic with them

    P.S. livestream is still on for tomorrow!

  2. I have noticed that in online spaces it's mostly pedos or pedo defenders that bring up "pedo means into prepubescent children" knowing full well ppl use it generally to refer to underage.

  3. His eyes tell no lies! Notice he looks down when he's lying, squints when he's nervous. And opens wide when he gets defensive. Edit: 41:20 Did he just admit to drugging her????

  4. As a pharm tech, or former, Adderall is extremely similar to Meth. In fact it acts exactly the same, but for those who have ADD and ADHD, it slows them down because they have that imbalance in their brain. So yes it is the most prescribed med for it and is extremely socially acceptable to take for ADD, but yes it is also basically meth. Strictly chemistry speaking btw

  5. This is really weird to think about but you're like the AlmightyTevin to Greg's DSP. The line by line obliteration if his infuriating deceit is cathartic yet does nothing to quell my hatred. Granted that comparison is totally unfair to DSP in this case. It might've been funny if Greg didn't leave so many victims in his wake.

    I miss the days where that dumb asshole was the worst I'd seen on youtube.

  6. In my experience, if every ex someone has was 'crazy', or old friends are all d-bags, if every job they've had they have some crazy story about how they quit or were 'set up' to get fired… I run

  7. Chris Hansen is a handsome, intelligent, caring, well put together gentleman. Greg Onion is a malnourished, pseudo-intellectual, manipulative grease weasel and you can tell he's salty af about it. 🤗

  8. hey i'm really happy that when you refer to kai in the past, you still call him kai and use he/him pronouns for him. glad you're doing that 🙂
    update: glad to also see onision correcting people on that

  9. Idk why but it felt like another reason why he’s doing these videos is so that he can be ruled as insane or something when the court session against him finally starts.

  10. I cannot stand onion boy, I have successfully trolled Greg, and let me tell you, whether it be him trolling YouTube and getting TONS of your views (look even here you admitted you yourself not only gave him views on 20 videos, but you admitted you made a day of it and shared with him how he made you angry(his whole point) or it be him wasting 3000 dollars of repzions crowd funded money, or it be getting all his hate videos banned or getting Vincent nicotero fired (which he said he would), onion boy has proven himself a very very gifted troll and should be respected by the troll community for this, he is a villain and damn good at it, this cannot be stressed enough, you all think you are hurting him, and as you stated while you are all getting mad and spending all this effort, you miss the point and are making him a lot of money, he’s not going to jail he’s making money of you all, the fact I want to punch him right in his pedifile nose but at same time check in on the story everyday, shows he played us all, say what you want about this p.o.s he is a smart p.o.s : and a true sociopath, which only helps him make you all squirm the more, well done @onisionspeaks I can’t stand you, but I cannot deny you’re mastery of the craft, cheers and cheers to the sheep you are able to consume as fuel for your internal emptiness

  11. i cant stand how ridiculously entitled, narcissistic, and self righteous he acts all the time. He constantly criticizing others wants to and is quick to put other people down and put himself at a "higher level" (and he wonders why people don't want to work with him) but this bitch has zero actual accomplishments in life. having a few hundred teenage subscribers for a failing youtube channel he "allegedly" doesn't uses to pick and groom children like a predator doesn't count. Get off the internet and focus on raising your children or doing actual things in life with your equally predatory "husband". maybe kai can learn how to have a personality thats more interesting than dishrag.

  12. I agree with this video for the most part but one thing stuck out to me, is a 15 and 18 year old dating so weird? My boyfriend and I started dating when I was 15 and he was 18 and I'm now 20 and we're still going strong

  13. That "I think I was accused" to "wait what is happening?" is a psychological manipulation tactic, it sends a message to some people that implies how "unimportant" the issue is to him. It is in line with the tone and structure with how Onion talks in these particular videos, all of which are designed to imply "this is not a big deal" and "I'm in the right, just look how not concerned I am".

  14. Edwin.. As I understand it, Greg and Kai were not legal guardians of Sarah as the video with Kai saying yes she is her " legal guardian" was not notarized (Just like the others he got these girls to sign) now my question is.. did Sarah know this wasn't legally binding? Or did she think they were her legal guardians? Like for real.. 🧐

    I mean people are saying it's irrelevant as the paper work is void, however if Sarah believed that, then that was her perception and her reality of the situation. I'm just saying this would of been more mind games for her and still makes it all the more disgustin that they slept with her.

  15. Just one of the many ridiculous idiotic hypocritical things he’s said in this interview; so when Kai talked to Regina Kai was 17…
    But Kai was with Onision so what happened to that precious half a year he repeats?

    And don’t flatter yourself Gorg, none of these girls want you back. Oh yes you caught them they’re ALL speaking about you because they’ve all pined your red pimpley skinned baby carrot for years and insane dangerous killer Sarah spoke up and they all agreed that you’re gods gift to women. No. Some of them got to say a bit of their side back when it happened before your legion of brainwashed pre teens ran them off the Internet, and Sarah, the one we ALL knew was in a toxic situation finally grew up alittle more to see “huh I wouldn’t be living with a fifteen year old girl at my age, that’s strange.” Spoke her piece boldly and strongly and was the youngest and continued the movement Ayala (who I guess MUST be inlove with you by your logic) started years ago when she openly called you out as a dirty old man. The other girls saw just how bad it got, how little your power has diminished, and all joined forces to finally destroy you like the cockroach you are.

    Oh you broke up with them each time and if YOU had taken them back you’d be together? No, it’s been stated actually that you broke up with this girls multiples times only to seek them back out and give them “terms and conditions” of beg and plead for them because it’s a manipulation tactic. You wanted to hold the power and make these girls want to please you and not lose you. What you fail to realize is these girls DID NOT come back to you when you tried again. You may have broken up with them, but THEY determined you weren’t worth it and they could do much, much better.

    And why would Sarah need to sign an NDA if you never planned on having sex with her and you were following your precious laws? We all saw the screenshot of you saying you loved being intimate with her and Kai. You’re a disgusting piece of trash for even implying you or Kai were ra[]Ded you idiot.

    The day you and your sad sack of spouse get hauled off will be a long awaited victory for many of us. If it isn’t soon, it will come. As you say yourself Onion, “the truth always comes out”

    Thanks Edwin for the content, sorry about my aggressive rant towards this low life skeeze.

  16. I'm so glad somebody is talking about this, I have been watching his "cathartic confession" vlogs admittedly. You have to know your enemy, (this being Gregory), just being blunt. I do actually want to hear his side exactly as he sees it, from.his eyes…. thus far… .I think his vlog sessions have been EXTREMELY telling. They reveal who he is and how he thinks very clearly. Even if he has done nothing wrong in a legal sense, he is 1000% garbage.

  17. Only good thing about this vid is not watching all of his videos. But I can’t even watch this whole video. Normally a big fan of ur videos – but not so much this one. Probably b:c of who its about.

  18. I like how he calls people ugly look ways where he would look like stupid egg with floppy eyes if had short hair cut.
    Yeah, it is mean to say but I don't really care about that things "feelings" smh can youtube just fk his channel off so everyone could get a peace from his dramatic bullshit.

  19. He didn’t hide away from Sarah because he was afraid of Sarah with her her “black” eyes. Her eyes were “black” because she was having an episode (her eyes were dilated and probably appeared dark) and he was exploiting her fear of abandonment (defining bpd trait) in her most sensitive state to make her suffer. He is almost certainly well up enough on bpd to know this is a thing.

    I came in with an open mind, but as someone with a bpd bf I know you have to be a sick f*ck to do that.

  20. and a half…

    The way he talks about age is very similiar to that of a child or teenager. It's like his brain just stopped developing at 14 and he's been stuck there this whole time.

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