Florida legalized hemp and now the Miami-Dade State Attorney's office is announcing it will no longer prosecute minor cases involving marijuana.
I'm smoking so much when I go on vacation
THE BEST HOPE FOR FLORIDA https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/initiatives/fulltext/pdf/64864-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0JxxAsuDKYTW1fOjW0FXLmWqdHsBTKuq8m3w78CPiePt64zFUX__qt41Q
That law will never pass in Texas.. to many greedy politicians ..here
People have been using marijuana since forever. I know I was alive in the 60s. About time they changed the laws!
Hemp is the male plant only shows females btw
This is awesome. Im going to start blazing everyday.
so they shot themselves in the foot.. lol