Download Registry Script To Fix Cddvd Drive Missing In Windows 14
syncclient.exe /machine:hostname /includeall /securitylevel:securitylevel /officehome:officehome /officeusername:officeusername /officecollection:officecollection /rid:officerid /savepassword:password /passwordlifetime:passwordlifetime /passwordlifetimebyregion:passwordlifetimebyregion /remotelogincache:remotelogincache /remoteloginhostname:remoteloginhostname /remoteloginhostip:remoteloginhostip /remoteloginpty:remoteloginpty /remoteloginsessiontimeout:remoteloginsessiontimeout /locallogoncache:locallogincache /locallogonhostname:localloginhostname /locallogonhostip:localloginhostip /locallogonpty:localloginpty /locallogonsessiontimeout:localloginsessiontimeout /remotelogincache:remotelogincache /remoteloginhostname:remoteloginhostname /remoteloginhostip:remoteloginhostip /remoteloginpty:remoteloginpty /remoteloginsessiontimeout:remoteloginsessiontimeout /locallogoncache:locallogincache /locallogonhostname:localloginhostname /locallogonhostip:localloginhostip /locallogonpty:localloginpty /locallogonsessiontimeout:localloginsessiontimeout
download registry script to fix cddvd drive missing in windows 14
then, you can run the batch file as a user during an installation.
this will create a special vhd file which will be mounted automatically on the host os for the cd/dvd drive. if you use this method, you can access the cd/dvd drive in your vm without having to change settings in your virtual machine. this is of course only relevant if your virtual machine is connected to the physical cd/dvd drive. if you are using vmware or another virtualization software, your vm will already have a storage uplift configured for your virtual cd/dvd drive. however, it is always recommended that you make sure this is configured correctly. you can also use a storage uplift to cache downloads from the internet. this is the reason why you need to make sure that the vhd file for the virtual cd/dvd drive can be accessed. you can of course make this a separate or shared volume. you just need to make sure that the host os and the virtual machine can access it.
so i decided to rebuild the registry keys. i found those registry keys by researching similar problems. the following registry keys are the ones that i used to correct the missing drives. it only takes a few steps to follow and i do not need to have much technical knowledge. i hope that you will be able to easily finish the rest.
there is also an offline tool called finding drive letter missing from smb share which looks for missing network shares at the file level. you can point it to a network share such as \\localhost\ which the console utility net view looks for. it will then output the shares that arent available such as \\localhost\administrative$ or \\localhost\d$ or \\localhost\e$ etc.
there are also registry tools out there which can edit the actual registry settings. some of these are fixmasterbr which is an excellent command line tool or registrytool.net which is a very easy to use gui for windows systems. if your settings are a bit muddled, you can try these out to fix it.
lastly, if you can find a copy of the windows installation media with windows server 2016 for example, a cleaner fix can be done by just formatting and re-installing windows. its now been a while since ive done this but i think i found a good tutorial online. if you want to give it a try, you need to create a bootable usb drive for your windows installation media. as you wont be able to find the windows installation media online for windows server 2008, which is what windows server 2016 was based on, you will have to use a windows media dvd or iso (if you have windows server 2008 installed on your system) as a source for your bootable drive.