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import (
func TestNode(t *testing.T) {
nodes := map[NodeID]*RaftNode{
NodeID(0): {
commitCalled: false,
stepCalled: false,
NodeID(1): {
commitCalled: false,
stepCalled: false,
NodeID(2): {
commitCalled: false,
stepCalled: false,
NodeID(3): {
commitCalled: false,
stepCalled: false,
NodeID(4): {
commitCalled: false,
stepCalled: false,
runTests(t, “TestNode.tmpl”, TestNode)
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention is directed to a device for holding a tool in a mold or vise.
2. Description of the Prior Art
The prior art includes many examples of holding devices for holding tools. A survey of the prior art in this area will now be made.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,545,060, entitled “Tool Holding Apparatus” and issued to Shular on Dec. 8, 1970, discloses a tool holding apparatus which is in the form of a double jaw vise wherein two vise jaws are brought together by a threaded shaft.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,784,347, entitled “Tool Holder” and issued to Tomko on Jan. 8, 1974, discloses a tool holder apparatus having a “box” form of construction.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,841,106, entitled “Vise” and issued to Nelson on Oct. 15, 1974, discloses a vise having a foot plate in the form of a square bar which is adapted to be
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An elementary approach to the study of the crystallization of poorly soluble drugs in aqueous solutions is described. The amount of drug deposited on the solid/liquid interface of saturated aqueous solutions was determined by using the liquid-scintillation counter method. The amounts of phenylbutazone and ofloxacin, two poorly soluble drugs with different crystal structures, were measured. The results obtained are discussed in terms of the physical characteristics of drugs and of the crystal structure of drug aggregates, and the theoretical parameters based on the size of solid particles and the size of the crystal in the solid/liquid interface are examined. The liquid-scintillation counter method proved to be very effective in the determination of the interfacial area and of the local concentration of the dissolved molecules. The incorporation of the total adsorbed mass of drug in a control curve representative of every studied sample made it possible to compare the drug concentrations at the interface as they varied within the samples, in a sample-to-sample basis, as well as to determine the drug concentration at the interface in individual cases. It is suggested that the liquid-scintillation counter method may serve to evaluate the microenvironment of drug crystals in aqueous systems and to provide control parameters for the fabrication of new types of drug products.1980s in Ireland
This is a timeline of Irish history in the 20th century.
1900s –
1918 – Ireland becomes a separate state within the United Kingdom.
1922 – Irish War of Independence – Irish Civil War
1923 – Treaty of Lausanne allows the emergence of a free Republic of Ireland after a new constitution is written.
1927 – Oireachtas establishes Special Powers Bill to deal with dissident members of the IRA (Irish Republican Army)
1932 – Ireland is granted limited home rule by the United Kingdom, the first step in the eventual creation of the Irish Free State.
1932 – The lowest point in Irish history is reached with the Rape of The Brides.
1933 – Neutrality Pact between Germany and the Allies.
1937 – Fascist politics in Ireland are at a low ebb with the advent
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Yo-yo-ing back and forth between “I don’t want to do anything” to “I’m going to go back to school”, I am still sorta trying to figure out what I’m going to do with my life. I’ve moved away from Alaska back to Wisconsin and there is nothing in particular I want to be doing. I want to be a model, but I have to decide whether or not I want to move back to the U.S. in order to do it. I’m not going to give up being a model, but I’m also not ready to become an American. I’m sort of going to be doing both. My brother and I made a sort of plan about 3 years ago to return to Alaska and live there for a year then return to the U.S. and work on a degree in graphic design. It’s something we’ve both had on our list of “I’d like to accomplish in our lifetime” for some time now. I will be going back to the U.S. August 20th for my final semester in a full-time program at a local liberal arts school in Milwaukee. After that we’ll decide what to do (and if it makes sense to live in Alaska again).
I find myself thinking a lot about my future right now. I have very little direction in my life because of my indecisiveness. I’m 28 years old and I’m not even half way through my life yet. I’ve been planning on not having kids early on in life and it’s weird to think that I’m 28 and I’ve yet to make a decision about my future