The Complete Guide to Marijuana Law in Illinois
On June 25, 2019, Illinois Governor, J.B. Pritzker, signed the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act into law. The law meant that as from January 1, 2020, Illinois would become a much happier place where people can legally enjoy smooth joints and get high on good vibes.
But this isn’t the first time the Land of Lincoln would be tweaking its marijuana laws. The state first prohibited the use and possession of marijuana in 1931. Then in 1978, the state passed the Cannabis Control Act into law and marijuana lovers in the state thought “finally, this is it!”
But, that was a false dawn as the law was never really implemented (no thanks to the State Police and Department of Human Services). Now, after allowing medical marijuana in 2013, the state has finally come to realize what 10 other states and Washington DC already have – there’s really nothing wrong with legal weed.
And to put that point across, the state witnessed the biggest opening week for marijuana sales in the US. There were more than 77,000 transactions on only the first day, and by the end of the week, total sales had entered $11 million.
As you luxuriate in the change of fortunes for weed in Illinois, it’s also useful to keep in mind the legal limits and conditions for consumption in the state. Wondering what you can buy, where you can buy or if you can grow? This article explains all you need to know.
The law meant that as from January 1, 2020, Illinois would become a much happier place where people can legally enjoy smooth joints and get high on good vibes.
Can Just Anybody Request to Buy Weed in Illinois?
Well, pretty much yes but only if you’re 21 years and above. It doesn’t matter if you’re a resident in Illinois or from out of state. So long as you can provide a government-issued ID, then you’ve got a license to purchase.
For medical marijuana, you need a medical card to purchase. But this is only available to Illinois residents with a valid doctor’s recommendation.
But keep in mind that it’s strictly cash purchases. You cannot buy weed online or with your credit card. This is because weed is still illegal under federal law, so credit card companies are a bit jittery about walking that fine line.
Most dispensaries will have an ATM in their store where you can quickly make a withdrawal and complete your purchase.
You can only purchase Marijuana with cash. Most dispensaries will have an ATM in their store where you can quickly make a withdrawal and complete your purchase.
Where Can I Buy Weed in Illinois?
You can only buy weed from a licensed and registered adult-use marijuana dispensary. Quite a mouthful. The purpose of the licensing is to ensure that you get only high quality weed.
There’s a time limit to when you can buy though. Dispensaries are legally allowed to open only from 6am to 10pm. Apart from this, there are some cities and communities in the state that have said “No, thank you” to the marijuana legalization effort.
The state law left it up to cities, villages and municipalities to decide whether they want legal marijuana and how they want it. So, you will not be able to buy marijuana in areas including:
- Arlington Heights
- Barrington Hills
- Glenview
- Golf
- Grayslake
- Gurnee
- Highland Park
- Berkeley and a few other communities in the South, West and North Suburbs
Most of these communities have only made a firm decision for 2020 though. So, things could still change. But you can buy in most of Chicago, except a few areas such as the Loop and the Magnificent Mile.
Can I Get A Big Bag of Weed All at Once?
Unfortunately, No. If you’re a resident in Illinois, you can legally possess up to 30 grams of raw cannabis flower. For cannabis-infused products such as tinctures and edibles, the limit is 500mg of THC, and for concentrates, you can possess no more than 5mg.
Folks who are not resident in Illinois can legally possess up to half these limits. This means you can only possess up to 15 grams of flower, 250 grams of infused products and maximum 2.5 grams of concentrate.
The great news is these amounts are cumulative. So you can max out each category until you’re next able to purchase.
Medical cannabis patients can potentially purchase more than these limits, up to 2.5 ounces or even more. But this will only be possible where their physician considers it necessary.

Now That Weed is Legal, Where Can I Smoke in Illinois?
Definitely not in public or any place that is easily accessible to the public. This includes trains, at the park, bus stations, on streets, at the mall, bars, restaurants etc.
In fact, you cannot touch, sniff, smell or enjoy your weed in any way while in the dispensary. It will be brought to you in a child-resistant, odor-proof, zip-lock bag and you’re expected to carry it home that way.
You can’t smoke in your car either, not when it’s stationary and definitely not when driving. Marijuana use is still treated much like alcohol use which means the DUI laws apply. You can have your bag of weed with you in a vehicle but it must be sealed tight and should be out of reach.
With all these restrictions, you may be wondering where exactly you can enjoy your weed. It’s perfectly legal to smoke in your own home, if it’s your house. If you have a landlord, you need to be sure they don’t have a problem with it.
There are also plans to have marijuana lounges where you can enjoy your weed. So all is not lost. You may still get a chance to light up with those you’d rather get high with.
You can’t smoke in your car either, not when it’s stationary and definitely not when driving. Marijuana use is still treated much like alcohol use which means the DUI laws apply.
Can I Grow?
Yes, but you must be registered in the medicinal program. This means you must be a card carrying medical marijuana patient. Ouch.
If you have a card, you can grow up to 5 plants in your household, but only up to 5 inches tall. Also, the cultivation must be done in a secluded room that cannot be accessed by children.
If you’re interested in growing your own marijuana, here’s a guide on Marijuana Cultivation for Beginners to get you started right.
Take Some Weed Home?
Err… that depends on where home is. If you’re heading out of Illinois, you might want to finish up here first.
Since marijuana is still illegal under federal law, crossing state lines with weed in your pocket can land you in hot water. So it’s best to stay safe and enjoy your pot brownies in Illinois before heading home.
Can I Smoke at Work?
Not if you want to keep your job. Employers are still required to maintain a workplace free of substance and alcohol use. So if your boss doesn’t look too kindly on the occasional blunt, you might want to restrict your high to when you’re home.
You should also be careful about smoking at any time before going to work. Due to the fact that weed can remain in your system for a while it might show up on an impromptu drug test at work. This may not apply to medical marijuana use though.
Anything Else I Should Know?
Illinois is approaching its marijuana legalization in a unique way, compared to the states that have gone before it. The state is doing its best to be fair by providing opportunities for communities and demographics that had been at a disadvantage in the “war on drugs”.
So, if you are from a disadvantaged community, you may find it easier to get a commercial grow or sell license if that’s something you’d like.
The state is also handing out expungements for people that got arrested or convicted for possessing up to 30 grams of weed. People who were convicted for possessing between 30 and 500 grams can also petition for expungement.

In all, it’s great to know that there’s one more place where you can light up without fear in the land of the free and the bold.
If you’d like to know more about where else you can enjoy marijuana in the US, check out our growing compendium on marijuana laws in the US.