How To Pass A Drug Test Last Minute! (WORKS) “CHECK DESCRIPTION”
What Is Up Stoney Birds?! So you guys got a last minute drug test and smoked weed the night before or month before because weed stays in your system longer …
Update: just passed my test the next day after making this video hope it works for you guys as well good luck and always stay litty fam
My b 12 didnt work do u think i should use a yellow gatorade vrs. Red( first vid i saw used red thats why i did that one) im gonna take extra b 12 and do yellow one
As long as you mix the certo with a drink 2 to 3 hrs before your drug test you will PASS. I didnt take the pills but i still pass, just drink something to give your piss color at least a hr before you drug test
Lmfao did yall forget to study
What if you just stay doing this all day everyday for 30days.? Does that mean you can be tested anytime? Of course not smoking again in those 30 days either. Is that possible to stay clean for 30 days if your doing this once every 3 to 4 hours???
Does this work even if smoke a lot or smoke the night before ur drug test ?
Followed the directions and took my test today. My sample was totally clear and the woman who took the sample said that was a problem and would most likely come back inconclusive. Hoping once the lab tests it that it will come back clean and I’ll be good to go.. I even took 3 B12 vitamins. Anyone else out there pass with a clear sample??
Hope it works lol ima try it tonight
Do you have to pee 2 timers before the actual test or hold it for the test
I'm 5'3, 120 lbs. I've smoked 1-2 times a day for about 3 weeks. I have not smoked for 3 days. I'm being tested tomorrow. I bought Detoxify Mega Clean, I have been drinking water and taking no flush niacin, also will be taking B12 pills 2 hours before my test tomorrow. Wish me luck!
I’m here cause I got 12 months probation…
This will literally start my entire life. Pray for me lol I’ll update after
It doesn't work!
I’m getting drug tested in 2 hours and I’m doing this shit,,,pray for me
I have 2 weeks before my test should I start drinking certo now? Or wait? And I’m currently working out and drinking a lot of water it’s been 24 hours since I smoked when should I start taking the vitamins and certo
So let's say I have a drug test tomorrow and I take a certo today and I chug the Gatorade with it will i still pass for tomorrow?
How long does it block that there’s weed in yo system or is it all the way out to system
How you get a medical card
Gotta drug test tmr hope this works
im from philippines no certo available in any supermarket.what should i do?
I went to walmart in got this asap lmaooo
Ugh my stupid ass job decided to select a “random” employee to be drug tested and I’m that lucky employee I literally smoked a blunt and bowl the night before I’m so damn nervous I’ll actually come back and let you know how it goes if I fail I loose the only job I actually liked
What if you are a hard smoker? Like wax. How long do you have to stop smoking before?
Stay littt fuck a drug teshhht man
How about lab?passing?or….
I stopped smoking since Tuesday this week I have my drug test tomorrow will this work for me?
How bout if i take the two pachages in two bottles of gaterate tree hour beford a take the test so i make sure drain my urion out
I got a drug test on Wednesday for a bomb ass job!! I'm about to try this for the first time. Wish me luck peeps.
Got us stressed out because we like to smoke the occasional joint
Does it matter how much weed I was blowing? I was hitting dabs and blunts but I haven’t smoked for 5 days and I’m not getting drug tested until 4 more days. Will I be okay? Please respond because I need help.
How much do you weight? How tall are you? And how much do you smoke?
If u a heavy smoker and they take ur piss to a lab this method will not help u… trust me..
How’d you get a medical card bro ??
This is the most ghetto video ever
i have to do UAs for 6 months so THANK GOD
Bullshit. Didn’t work at all
God bless you .
Just tested myself. It's positive for thc… Got my Certo and Gatorade. I have a multivitamin with b12 in it so I'ma take that as well…. I'll update if I pass. Test is in 3 hours exactly.
So take it how long before my test exactly?
Doesn't work…..followed all instructions
smoked 2 days ago and got a test tmr. i got piss pills took about 20 of em. drunk about 30 water bottles and even apple cider vinegar and got certi for tmr think i will pass?
Certo sure jell at Walmart in the food section use cranberry juice obviously any liquid works but cran is best I do one pack night before last 2hours prior. No weed 24hours prior. Body weight height age gender and amount of intake matters. But drink a gallon of water, 2packs certo mix in lots of cranberry juice I used 32oz (2) of them. I smoke a lot and semi big dude it worked so this method should work for most. I recommend b12 or niacin but I didn't and it worked. I did drink a red bull right before my test like 30 mins and my urine was semi yellow not sure if it's cuz drink but maybe. But certo cranberry water and 24 hr clean your good
If I do it the week before like 3 to 4 days will it clear out my system for good till any test ?
Update: just passed my test the next day after making this video hope it works for you guys as well good luck and always stay litty fam
My b 12 didnt work do u think i should use a yellow gatorade vrs. Red( first vid i saw used red thats why i did that one) im gonna take extra b 12 and do yellow one
As long as you mix the certo with a drink 2 to 3 hrs before your drug test you will PASS. I didnt take the pills but i still pass, just drink something to give your piss color at least a hr before you drug test
Lmfao did yall forget to study

What if you just stay doing this all day everyday for 30days.? Does that mean you can be tested anytime? Of course not smoking again in those 30 days either. Is that possible to stay clean for 30 days if your doing this once every 3 to 4 hours???
Does this work even if smoke a lot or smoke the night before ur drug test ?
Followed the directions and took my test today. My sample was totally clear and the woman who took the sample said that was a problem and would most likely come back inconclusive. Hoping once the lab tests it that it will come back clean and I’ll be good to go.. I even took 3 B12 vitamins. Anyone else out there pass with a clear sample??
Hope it works lol ima try it tonight
Do you have to pee 2 timers before the actual test or hold it for the test
I'm 5'3, 120 lbs. I've smoked 1-2 times a day for about 3 weeks. I have not smoked for 3 days. I'm being tested tomorrow. I bought Detoxify Mega Clean, I have been drinking water and taking no flush niacin, also will be taking B12 pills 2 hours before my test tomorrow. Wish me luck!
I’m here cause I got 12 months probation…
This will literally start my entire life. Pray for me lol I’ll update after
It doesn't work!
I’m getting drug tested in 2 hours and I’m doing this shit,,,pray for me
I have 2 weeks before my test should I start drinking certo now? Or wait? And I’m currently working out and drinking a lot of water it’s been 24 hours since I smoked when should I start taking the vitamins and certo
So let's say I have a drug test tomorrow and I take a certo today and I chug the Gatorade with it will i still pass for tomorrow?
How long does it block that there’s weed in yo system or is it all the way out to system
How you get a medical card
Gotta drug test tmr
hope this works

im from philippines no certo available in any supermarket.what should i do?
I went to walmart in got this asap lmaooo

Ugh my stupid ass job decided to select a “random” employee to be drug tested and I’m that lucky employee
I literally smoked a blunt and bowl the night before I’m so damn nervous I’ll actually come back and let you know how it goes if I fail I loose the only job I actually liked 
What if you are a hard smoker? Like wax. How long do you have to stop smoking before?
Stay littt fuck a drug teshhht man

How about lab?passing?or….
I stopped smoking since Tuesday this week I have my drug test tomorrow will this work for me?
How bout if i take the two pachages in two bottles of gaterate tree hour beford a take the test so i make sure drain my urion out
I got a drug test on Wednesday for a bomb ass job!! I'm about to try this for the first time. Wish me luck peeps.
Got us stressed out because we like to smoke the occasional joint
Does it matter how much weed I was blowing? I was hitting dabs and blunts but I haven’t smoked for 5 days and I’m not getting drug tested until 4 more days. Will I be okay? Please respond because I need help.
How much do you weight? How tall are you? And how much do you smoke?
If u a heavy smoker and they take ur piss to a lab this method will not help u… trust me..
How’d you get a medical card bro ??
This is the most ghetto video ever
i have to do UAs for 6 months so THANK GOD
Bullshit. Didn’t work at all
God bless you .
Just tested myself. It's positive for thc… Got my Certo and Gatorade. I have a multivitamin with b12 in it so I'ma take that as well…. I'll update if I pass. Test is in 3 hours exactly.
So take it how long before my test exactly?
Doesn't work…..followed all instructions
smoked 2 days ago and got a test tmr. i got piss pills took about 20 of em. drunk about 30 water bottles and even apple cider vinegar and got certi for tmr think i will pass?
Certo sure jell at Walmart in the food section use cranberry juice obviously any liquid works but cran is best I do one pack night before last 2hours prior. No weed 24hours prior. Body weight height age gender and amount of intake matters. But drink a gallon of water, 2packs certo mix in lots of cranberry juice I used 32oz (2) of them. I smoke a lot and semi big dude it worked so this method should work for most. I recommend b12 or niacin but I didn't and it worked. I did drink a red bull right before my test like 30 mins and my urine was semi yellow not sure if it's cuz drink but maybe. But certo cranberry water and 24 hr clean your good
If I do it the week before like 3 to 4 days will it clear out my system for good till any test
Does it work for all drug?