"Democrats" are racist for making so many things about race when it's clearly not.
If Trump loses in 2020, what will Fox News do?
Bloomberg is China’s lapdog! Please check into his ties with China please. You are the man!
Boomerburger will fail. Let him throw his money away, it makes little difference.
Will be fun to watch! He's such a stick up his @$$ he doesn't even know it! Cardboard Mike!
Oh boy I hope I don’t have to sit home 2016 I didn’t vote because Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie I sit this out to if Bloomie get in
Meh Bloomberg is right re crime being perpetrated by mostly poc. That’s just truth
DNC will do anything to keep Bernie away. He is the true threat to status quo.
The problem is, Trump has set the bar too high. He actually did what he said he as going to do. I hope we remember this and hold future presidents accountable for their promises.
Frankly, what he said is actually based on the numbers. Stop and frisk, when used properly, was and is NOT unconstitutional and SCOTUS said so. Hannity is being disingenuous here. He is right about the hypocrisy of the media giving mini mike a pass here, however, where they would crucify a republican.
bloomberg is right
his world is in China, and if he gets in, all our jobs move to China, again, and he profits by Billions. Trump is trying to pull work back to the USA, and the world hates him.
Dem Cabal, up front seating reserved for you to see RICO..coming to a theater of justice near you soon,
Bernie gets shafted by Democratic party AGAIN and they lose support. Or Democratic Party supports Bernie and loses race. Odd game, seems like the only winning move, is not to play.
Hannity sounds like a liberal LMAO
Minorities committ more crime……I'm a minority
What type of weird Black mirror episode are we living in? Did captain America not put all the infinity stones back?? As if bloomberg is not almost an EXACT carbon copy of trump! Trump has literally been in favor of stop and frisk and has also said a lot worse about minority communities, these elites are not our friends!!
Bloomberg is a perfidy fit for the values Democratic have. No more illusion hiding behind Obama types. Democrats are the ELITE GLOBALIST PARTY that seek to exploit hard working Americans thru false promises.
TRUMP 2020
I'm not surprised, he dictated what size soda people can have, and that was a little matter. It seems the bigger the matter, the more extreme he will get. You have to ask yourself, If he was president when Iran shot down our drone, what extremes would he have gone to?
They will still most probably let Bloomberg into the race. Because all the Democrats give a toss about is money !
Sounds like karma hitting the democrates. Bloomberg's position is downright wrong. Racial profiling is not acceptable. Yes this will sink the democrates. Hip Hip hooray. America needs Trump now more than ever.
"Democrats" are racist for making so many things about race when it's clearly not.
If Trump loses in 2020, what will Fox News do?
Bloomberg is China’s lapdog! Please check into his ties with China please. You are the man!
Boomerburger will fail. Let him throw his money away, it makes little difference.
Will be fun to watch! He's such a stick up his @$$ he doesn't even know it! Cardboard Mike!
Oh boy I hope I don’t have to sit home 2016 I didn’t vote because Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie I sit this out to if Bloomie get in
Meh Bloomberg is right re crime being perpetrated by mostly poc. That’s just truth
DNC will do anything to keep Bernie away. He is the true threat to status quo.
The problem is, Trump has set the bar too high. He actually did what he said he as going to do. I hope we remember this and hold future presidents accountable for their promises.
Frankly, what he said is actually based on the numbers. Stop and frisk, when used properly, was and is NOT unconstitutional and SCOTUS said so. Hannity is being disingenuous here. He is right about the hypocrisy of the media giving mini mike a pass here, however, where they would crucify a republican.
bloomberg is right
his world is in China, and if he gets in, all our jobs move to China, again, and he profits by Billions. Trump is trying to pull work back to the USA, and the world hates him.
Dem Cabal, up front seating reserved for you to see RICO..coming to a theater of justice near you soon,
Bernie gets shafted by Democratic party AGAIN and they lose support. Or Democratic Party supports Bernie and loses race. Odd game, seems like the only winning move, is not to play.
Hannity sounds like a liberal LMAO
Minorities committ more crime……I'm a minority
What type of weird Black mirror episode are we living in? Did captain America not put all the infinity stones back?? As if bloomberg is not almost an EXACT carbon copy of trump! Trump has literally been in favor of stop and frisk and has also said a lot worse about minority communities, these elites are not our friends!!
Bloomberg is a perfidy fit for the values Democratic have. No more illusion hiding behind Obama types. Democrats are the ELITE GLOBALIST PARTY that seek to exploit hard working Americans thru false promises.
TRUMP 2020
I'm not surprised, he dictated what size soda people can have, and that was a little matter.
It seems the bigger the matter, the more extreme he will get.
You have to ask yourself, If he was president when Iran shot down our drone, what extremes would he have gone to?
They will still most probably let Bloomberg into the race. Because all the Democrats give a toss about is money !
Sounds like karma hitting the democrates. Bloomberg's position is downright wrong. Racial profiling is not acceptable. Yes this will sink the democrates. Hip
Hip hooray. America needs Trump now more than ever.