Durham City Council Virtual Meeting April 6, 2020 (with closed captions)
Call to Order 0:33 (audio difficulties / no audio) (audio corrected 6:29) Pledge of Allegiance 7:44 Roll Call 8:30 National Community Development Week 8:58 …
Thanks again, guys! Great meeting (aside from early on auditory technicalities) and productive, for the most part. There are a lot of citizens very concerned at the moment and really looking forward to being apart of another virtual city council meeting! Be Well and Stay Safe! As always #DurmStrong 🤍💙💛❤️
Thanks again, guys! Great meeting (aside from early on auditory technicalities) and productive, for the most part. There are a lot of citizens very concerned at the moment and really looking forward to being apart of another virtual city council meeting! Be Well and Stay Safe! As always #DurmStrong 🤍💙💛❤️