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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Cannabis: A Lost History (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

This documentary explores the longstanding relationship of human beings and cannabis, from its use in ancient Asia to its ban in 20th century America. *Please …

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  1. Our magical planet and it plants that provide us with food and medicine. Nutrient rich soil plus water and a cannabis seed. It is amazing how a plant can create mind altering chemicals with just dirt and water. We are so blessed to live on this great biosphere called Earth.

  2. I really liked this documentary the first time ,but I dont think i saw anything about the influence on persay jazz ,rap, and music in general ,maybe that could be a good vid

  3. Reaching to much and twisting things to make it fit your opinion this is a load of rubbish and thats coming from some who smokes weed everyday.

  4. CBD, is a natural botanical concentrate, which is found in a class of diverse compounds called cannabinoids. These compounds are derived from both the stalk and seed of cannabis plants.

  5. It's obvious that Big Pharma demonized this wonderful plant. Why do they call natural treatments alternative treatments? How much are we brainwashed? What nature gives should be the primary medicines and Big Pharma isn't there to heal people, Big Pharma is there to keep us sick and cause more problems. Otherwise they would be out of business. It's an utterly disgrace that governments prohibit us access to nature and absolutely illegal. And mark my words. We shouldn't only legalize it, but we should be able to grow it ourselves, otherwise Big Pharma will lay their hands on it, make it expensive and worthless. I'm living in the Netherlands. Cannabis is available at some drugstores, but it's inferior quality and radiated. Thus, not helpful at all. That's their way of proving that it's a worthless plant.

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