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  1. Dan, very insightful. You seem to be an old soul and a teacher of much. I admire your love of nature and being good to the earth and others. Thank you for your dedication.

  2. I’m here for you if you ever want a road trip buddy. I wake up at the crack of dawn. All my closest friends require aggressive provocation or else they’ll sleep til high noon.

  3. i love your story man, been following you for months. hope you can bring more videos like this, i am starting to learn more than trading from you. i have never respect and admire a person like you before, and thank you for the knowledge and the story of your adventure. sorry for my bad english.

  4. Haha, Lovely story! you'r the Man Dan! The best mentor out there.
    I always learn so much from your videos, and you are a great teacher!
    One of my dreams is to hit the Ganja with you one day! 🙂

  5. Thanks for the great content as usual! Thanks for the glimpse into your past and musical tastes as well. It's very insightful.

    You should check out Brown Sabbath on youtube. I think you'll enjoy them 🙂

  6. My level of optimism is at an all time low. Lost 50% of my savings initially "investing" in weed stocks in late 2017. Ineptly, I held through both booms and busts then sold everything off in a bout of frustration last November. Tried my hand at swing and day trading, I've spent 3 months using almost every minute of every day reading, learning, watching markets all day. In those 3 months, I've managed to lose another 5% – DURING THE MOST EPIC BULL RUN OF ALL TIME. It's become a non-stop challenge to keep vicious and rude comments at bay. I have become bitter and nihilistic to the extreme. I was just thinking of that video Dan made where he compares poker psychology to stock market psychology. With online poker, I was totally the type of guy who felt like I was constantly getting the short end of the stick and just couldn't keep a good attitude. I think I've run my course with trading stocks, gave it a solid 18 months of my attention (treated it like a full time job, I worked hard in the oilpatch for like 8 years and saved a good chunk of cash, unfortunately it has gone up in smoke in the market). Now I have to figure out something to do with my life and come to terms with the fact that all that hard earned money is gone, never to return. Awesome. Just awesome. Sorry to bring negative energy, I just had to write this out and have nowhere else to put it. Knowing that there are people out there making a fortune while I'm constantly making the wrong decisions, being impatient, being impulsive, OVER AND OVER AND OVER, is driving me insane. Murderously insane.

  7. Dan, really enjoying the endings of your videos. Thank you for taking the time and sharing your experiences with us. Its inspiring ! – Everyone shoot Dan a thumbs up !

  8. beers are tasting a little better tonight with that tgod and hip run today! fuckin do I pull the trigger on a 450$ loss on namaste or just keep holdin on…. anyone feelin me?

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