Just discovered you. Love your vibe and can see myself sharing some vids. New subscriber. ❤
LOL Lexi– "I'm all readddyyyyyy"
Ill be going to Austin in two weeks to explore. Ill def be checking out a couple of the spots you showed.
Hey, what's the reason that your channel isn't growing? I mean, I've discovered you a long time ago but haven't watched a video in a while and just saw that your still under 10k followers!?
Love your vids girl! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
You look so beautiful and happy
The vlog quality is insane Melissa! Your hard work is really showing:) Also I am so happy for you that you feel more comfortable with everything right now. As someone who has struggled with food for many years in her teens it is always getting really close to my heart if I see someone I love struggling with it. But you got it. SO PROUD 🙂 I also love that you are Talking about it as I think it is so important that people get more aware of potential dangers of bodybuilding. Okay, this was quite a rant…sorry 😉 Have the best week! Love you! 🙂
You were here on a good weekend😂Cuz the weather is so bipolar, it’s Tuesday now and it’s 55*F out now lmao
Sick vlog dude! 👍
How do you determine if you still have a last night meal at 12am after having donuts, ice cream, free meals and drinks? How do you go about that
Wait. So where you actually from? Ha
Just discovered you. Love your vibe and can see myself sharing some vids. New subscriber. ❤
LOL Lexi– "I'm all readddyyyyyy"
Ill be going to Austin in two weeks to explore. Ill def be checking out a couple of the spots you showed.
Hey, what's the reason that your channel isn't growing? I mean, I've discovered you a long time ago but haven't watched a video in a while and just saw that your still under 10k followers!?
Love your vids girl! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
You look so beautiful and happy
The vlog quality is insane Melissa! Your hard work is really showing:) Also I am so happy for you that you feel more comfortable with everything right now. As someone who has struggled with food for many years in her teens it is always getting really close to my heart if I see someone I love struggling with it. But you got it. SO PROUD 🙂 I also love that you are Talking about it as I think it is so important that people get more aware of potential dangers of bodybuilding. Okay, this was quite a rant…sorry 😉 Have the best week! Love you! 🙂
You were here on a good weekend😂Cuz the weather is so bipolar, it’s Tuesday now and it’s 55*F out now lmao
Sick vlog dude! 👍
How do you determine if you still have a last night meal at 12am after having donuts, ice cream, free meals and drinks? How do you go about that