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Doctor VS Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

There are SO MANY conspiracy theories and myths surrounding COVID-19, so I had another go at them in this episode. Please do submit your questions down …

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  1. He’s debunking things that may actually be true. I don’t wholeheartedly trust such doctors. Goes by what the government says as if they don’t intentionally make man made diseases.

  2. Are people who are CARRIERS of Cystic Fibrosis considered higher risk for COVID-19? (Note: I also have asthma, but my mom, sister, niece, and I all are carriers of CF).

  3. Responding to Comments idea 🙂

    Hey Doctor Mike! I know sleep apnea is a thing, but is there such a thing as awake apnea? Ever since I was a kid (probably around 9/10), I have caught myself basically “forgetting” to breathe and have to take a deep breath. It used to happen more often when I was a competitive swimmer (6 years old through college), but I still catch it happening. Is this a thing? Could I eventually develop sleep apnea if so?

  4. Why wouldn't a government take short term losses for long term power and profits? Allow a leak at a Wuhan laboratory, kill some of your own people they are just collateral damage. Shut the factories down create desperate workers. Patent the vaccine. Allow the virus to spread all over the world. While those countries have to shut down their economy the original country of the outbreak starts mass producing ventilators, masks, etc. The other countries are scrambling and shutting down their economies. The first country gives some supplies for PR reasons then begins to sell to they other countries who sold out for short term gains. Mass employment creates a desperate citizenry. When the economy rebounds people will be so desperate for jobs they will accept anything.

  5. we need more videos debunking conspiracy theories. it is frightening how wild the delusions of the Qanon crowd are becoming during this pandemic.

  6. Can this doctoe explain us
    -why the virus was predicted in a book
    -why the CORRUPTED goverment startes caring about us?
    -why theyre hiding 5g?
    -subminial messages
    -china hoding deatha
    Oh doctor,speak to your loyal sheeps
    Conspiracy theories arent theories but facts

  7. The discrimination that comes with the corona virus is so ridiculous; and sometimes I question if humanity actually evolved from apes because well I don’t need to explain the because.

  8. As a microbiologist who would've been working at the CDC (my dream job) and who's getting her PhD in microbiology, immunology, and virology, this virus is NOT spread via fecal-oral route. Fecal oral route is things such as E.coli, Salmonella, Giardia (a parasite). This is respiratory. Fecal oral route would mean it's spread from poop particles and when you ingest said poop particles, that's when you get sick. This is NOT the case with this virus. I know you're not a microbiologist, but I thought you'd know the difference? I can provide links to if you don't believe me. I'm the expert in this. I have mad respect for you too, but I had to correct this. Fecal oral routes, the MO is in the gut, obviously, and this virus isn't found there and isn't spread via poop particles. It's spread via the respiratory tract. You can't have a respiratory MO AND fecal-oral spread as well. It's one or the other.

  9. You are a fool if you dont think this is a Biological warfare against humanity for Chinas gain on the world economy

    Go watch My secret, Terrius. A korean tv show from 2018. Where they talk about the virus in detail

  10. Wow? Just because Bill Gates donates money to clean water & charity makes it impossible for him to be a crook who is behind evil? Usually those white collar crimes are from who you'd least suspect. There is quite a lot of research/evidence on Bill Gates & the bad things he's done. You are ignorant to give him a pass!! Do your research!! All political sides agree that he shouldn't be trusted but bc he has so much money, even the government has a hard time bringing him down

  11. Obviously this guy is a AMA Drone! Only knows what the system taught him. And hes probably a democrat too.. so easily brainwashed. And what are you 25? 30? fking youngin!

  12. 😕😕😕😕
    Lucky for me I had an old deep sea diving bell helmet hanging around….so I went to get some food at the supermarket it was perfect for stopping projectile sneezed snot balls. but driving there was a nightmare. …no no I know what you're thinking …
    But I have a soft top convertible….so plenty of head room.
    It was those solid metal boots…I couldn't lift my foot back up off the gas pedal. ….💥💨😰

  13. @doctormike why are you running adds on covid19 videos? Please answer.
    That is really sad and shows exactly why you are making these videos. Money hungry shill. Please don't exploit people's fear with "click worthy" videos for money. Please save us your opinions and critiques because you are not qualified. Thanks kid.

  14. Wow, this podcaster is a sheep. Bill and Melinda Gates are the biggest most evil people in the world. They are Satanists, and he is a criminal. He is NOT a humanitarian at all and uses his money for destruction and depopulation.

  15. The ones under complete mind control expose theirselves!! You know the ppl that hang on every work a celebrity says wake up ppl they use them to deceive u!!! And definition of conspiracy doesn’t mean some made up story by a crazy person it means a group of ppl set out to do harm to another group of ppl MOST OF U PPL R SHEEP UNPLUG FROM MAIN STREAM MEDIA AND COME BK TO REALITY USE UR OWN BRAINS U KNO LOGIC AND REASON NO ONE I KNOW HAS IT SEEMS ONLY CELEBRITIES R MOST INFECTED maybe should lay off that Adrenochrome u monsters 98% don’t even know what that is dig deeper ppl AND STOP BELIEVING EVERYTHING UR TV SAYS ITS LYING TO U

  16. Funny NY Gov Cuomo on March 13th was telling everyone to go about your life as normal. Now the sky is falling. 2 weeks after Trump closed the border to China, Pelosi was telling people to come to China Town

  17. What if a think-tank determined it was necessary to introduce a controlled pandemic just bad enough to scare the world into preparing for pandemics, because there was no way to know if the next real one would be bad enough to cause a major collapse?

  18. first of Doc you should be loyal to the oath not labeling other point of view as "conspiracy theory" ..
    not sure why simpson used chinese like characters…
    and how could you not reject the idea of making pre-existing strain more potent aka gain of function via mutation (not referring to editors note) and
    also please elaborate those who are "asymptomatic but positive" that there test results are true positive not false positive for COVID 19.

  19. LOL I like how glides over the bill and melinda gates foundation just vouching on their amazing work because he believes so. how about you look M into his speeches and what other credible researchers have dug up.

  20. Why does bullshit like this get millions of views but actual people in the hospitals uploading vids those get taken down? Fear not, be wise, avoid vaccination.

  21. My partner thinks that the whole virus is fake! That the government is using the fake virus to manipulate us all. I asked him why do countries go to war when they are all in it together to kill us. Once we are dead who is going to take care of everything and especially the incredibly wealthy as they cannot even comb their own hair without 6people helping them. He thinks everything is fake, oh except the people Gaia. Lord help me.

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