You need to give her herbs that specifically shrinks the tumor
I commend all of your efforts but your fur baby needs specific herbs I did not hear any of them mentioned in your videos.. please look up Renee Casey pet cancer is from Canada you can Google it peace and blessings
You re the best Syyenergy ! Kitty s had a hard time, wishing the best! I saw another screw tube channel that got demonitized and he switched to alt channel, thought maybe you could switch over…..Good Luck!
BCAA great for post workout. Helps eliminate lactic acid from muscles after workout. Losts of GREAT info from Jimmy at DENAS.
FULL RANGE ALASKAN SALMON OIL from replaces OMEGAS processed out of wet catfood from high temps. Give contents of capsule to my cats in food 3x a week. Not expensive.
PRETTY LITTER…new product that changes color to indicate health problems with cat. Great way to stop illness before it roots.
COOKIE MAN–I was also wondering about her poop which indicates health status. I LIKE cleaning litter just to monitor their health.
Maybe you should open a patreon..account so that we can help.
Great work! Sweet baby. I agree cats are more important than anything else. I have 7. Maybe? the people who loves cats are somehow related to other star systems where cats are Gods! Maybe? Anyhoo, sending prayers and love. Please stay on YouTube so that we can get your wisdom.
This is satanic- took me when in hospital and put wbans in me when I was under. Total body area network. You get up to200 c hips in your body – they send me frequencies through my body. Often times it is torture – I'm being sodomized 24/7. They are trying hard to kill me. Cut brakes in car already. I'm trying to save cats up here cuz they shoot cats that don't have collars. They have killed about 20 cats/ kittens – several left dead on my door steps. They did everything to not treat me, falsify my records and tryand even kill me.Part of my story on Ramola D Reports – Report #45. They have red fl@ g laws on now taken ppl in secret for yrs. I hope your cat survives
if animal dont make poop it can mean tumors in the intestines, which means that it can't defecate, which poisons the organism and the animal may die not by cancer but by poisoning and embolism
Have you come across the term carcinoid tumors…
I always believed that the cure for cancer was well known many years ago but it will never be known by US because too many of the evil people who run the show including politicians who get kickbacks from Big Pharma get drunk as pigs off of the billions in cancer research every year. And cancer is a great way to keep the population down, right?
Add black seed oil with CBD. It will be a synergistic and very effective result.
SYNERY, You are being watched. You know WHO is hoping the cat will die. But if the cat is cured- You will be taken off YouTube I hope the Cat is cured. Sending the cat RIEKI HEALING come me and all your well wishers.
You have the BIGGEST heart!! You are doing SO good with her and you have endless commitment to heal her. I pray for both of you!!
Healthy gourmet is not healthy. Use barf. And use chlorine dioxide to kill the cancer
You need to give her herbs that specifically shrinks the tumor
I commend all of your efforts but your fur baby needs specific herbs I did not hear any of them mentioned in your videos.. please look up Renee Casey pet cancer is from Canada you can Google it peace and blessings
You re the best Syyenergy ! Kitty s had a hard time, wishing the best! I saw another screw tube channel that got demonitized and he switched to alt channel, thought maybe you could switch over…..Good Luck!
BCAA great for post workout. Helps eliminate lactic acid from muscles after workout. Losts of GREAT info from Jimmy at DENAS.
FULL RANGE ALASKAN SALMON OIL from replaces OMEGAS processed out of wet catfood from high temps. Give contents of capsule to my cats in food 3x a week. Not expensive.
PRETTY LITTER…new product that changes color to indicate health problems with cat. Great way to stop illness before it roots.
COOKIE MAN–I was also wondering about her poop which indicates health status. I LIKE cleaning litter just to monitor their health.
Maybe you should open a patreon..account so that we can help.
Great work! Sweet baby. I agree cats are more important than anything else. I have 7. Maybe? the people who loves cats are somehow related to other star systems where cats are Gods! Maybe? Anyhoo, sending prayers and love. Please stay on YouTube so that we can get your wisdom.
This is satanic- took me when in hospital and put wbans in me when I was under. Total body area network. You get up to200 c hips in your body – they send me frequencies through my body. Often times it is torture – I'm being sodomized 24/7. They are trying hard to kill me. Cut brakes in car already. I'm trying to save cats up here cuz they shoot cats that don't have collars. They have killed about 20 cats/ kittens – several left dead on my door steps. They did everything to not treat me, falsify my records and tryand even kill me.Part of my story on Ramola D Reports – Report #45. They have red fl@ g laws on now taken ppl in secret for yrs. I hope your cat survives
if animal dont make poop it can mean tumors in the intestines, which means that it can't defecate, which poisons the organism and the animal may die not by cancer but by poisoning and embolism
Have you come across the term carcinoid tumors…
I always believed that the cure for cancer was well known many years ago but it will never be known by US because too many of the evil people who run the show including politicians who get kickbacks from Big Pharma get drunk as pigs off of the billions in cancer research every year. And cancer is a great way to keep the population down, right?
Add black seed oil with CBD.
It will be a synergistic and very effective result.
You are being watched.
You know WHO is hoping the cat will die.
But if the cat is cured- You will be taken off YouTube
I hope the Cat is cured.
Sending the cat RIEKI HEALING come me and all your well wishers.
You have the BIGGEST heart!! You are doing SO good with her and you have endless commitment to heal her. I pray for both of you!!
Healthy gourmet is not healthy.
Use barf.
And use chlorine dioxide to kill the cancer
#She is looking incredible!
#love her, keep doing what you do and that music will help!
I got her the very best CBD oil there is today.