This title isn't very accurate. Taxane induced neuropathy isn't limited to breast cancer. Many, many types of cancer are treated with Taxane drugs. I had 12 cycles of Taxol to treat my recurrent ovarian cancer and had neuropathy as a result. I also had 6 cycles of Doxorubicin, which causes similar hand and foot pain. I started Cannabis initially for "disease anxiety" and sleep. It drastically improved my aching feet! And then I started taking larger doses, and my "incurable" ovarian tumor shrank. On no other chemotherapy agents! the pre-clinical data is stunning. Compounds in Cannabis kill many types of cancer cells. After 2 debulking surgeries, 18 rounds of chemo and a year of Avastin immunotherapy it is my best hope.
This title isn't very accurate. Taxane induced neuropathy isn't limited to breast cancer. Many, many types of cancer are treated with Taxane drugs. I had 12 cycles of Taxol to treat my recurrent ovarian cancer and had neuropathy as a result. I also had 6 cycles of Doxorubicin, which causes similar hand and foot pain. I started Cannabis initially for "disease anxiety" and sleep. It drastically improved my aching feet! And then I started taking larger doses, and my "incurable" ovarian tumor shrank. On no other chemotherapy agents! the pre-clinical data is stunning. Compounds in Cannabis kill many types of cancer cells. After 2 debulking surgeries, 18 rounds of chemo and a year of Avastin immunotherapy it is my best hope.