WINE WEDNESDAY: Morphe 39L, Infertility, Military Experience, Weed Legalization, Human Trafficking
Hi guys!! We’re having another Wine Wednesday and today we’re discussing some very interesting topics from human trafficking, weed legalization, and my …
I knowww it's late!! 😩 I had so much going on so I didn't get a chance to start editing until like 7pm so I'm sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy this 50 minute video!!
P.S What are topics you'd like to discuss next week!?
I like your look . The eyes top this look off. Much love
I feel you sis. Boomers are hindering us so much.
I loved this Wine Wednesday. Your looks always come out flawless. I would to hear about what music you’ve been listening to lately and what shows if any you and watch together.
I'm glad everything worked for you too in terms of your military service. This is a beautiful holiday look you did in video. It's perfect for a holiday party or get together. Great Wine Wednesday!!
I hope it happen for you soon and this look so pretty thank you
Hey Lonn, I most definitely enjoyed the video and the chat. Your makeup always comes out flawless and you know I luv a neutral soft glam look 🤎💋 Always praying for you and your family 🙏🏾
Don't put too much pressure on your self it will happen
I feel your pain. You have to relax. I know it's not what u wanna hear but it's the truth. Do not delete your apps they're there to help. Be positive and keep trying. I was in your shoes four years ago and i drove myself crazy. It will happen. If you really think something Is wrong with either of you, go to the doctor. I'm hopeful you'll be pregnant soon. Pregnancy is no joke! Blessings to you.
Hi, It's gonna come when you least expect it. Give it to God because he knows our hearts.
When you’re meant to be, you’re meant to be. You are such a beautiful person,inside and out, don’t worry about a thing; it’s a waist of energy….
I know how wanting to be a mummy feels .. continue with your folic acid like you’ve been doing, Keep the legs and or butt elevated and lay there afterward for at least an hour .. it helps. Loved this video.
Damn this is going to be interesting…these topics though
You just said it…. ITS NOT YOUR PLAN hun. God will let you know when it's time. Delete the apps. Let go of all the calendars and stuff, enjoy your new life, your husband, the house and the minute you stop "trying" it will happen ♡ It's not like you're 40 or something lmao
Wow. IVF is failure?? Do you understand how hurtful that can sound to some of us watching this video?
Don’t be too upset about the pregnancy. Trust me, a few months off of BC and not getting pregnant is very common. Talk to your OBGYN and read articles. You will be fine. Also, stressing about it won’t help.
Lots of great topics in this video! My boyfriend & I have been together almost 10 years officially too and almost 12 unofficially. In the next video could you maybe talk about how you felt waiting for him to pop the question? Like he's my person and he says the same about me but we are both 28 and I don't see what the hold up is. Was it hard for you to wait, like did you find yourself questioning waiting? & I totally get why you are upset about not being pregnant yet, it's not stupid to feel that way. & I am sure that people telling you to relax if put in the same predicament would not be relaxed. But I pray that it happens for you two! Also, YES YES YES about the topic of cannabis! I live in MD so I have my license because of mental health and endometriosis and it is the BEST medicine I have ever used. Before it, I was on so many medications and they all made me feel worse. The best part about having dispensaries is that it promotes safe use. You have people that know their shit so if a person like you needs it but doesn't like to feel altered they have strains for that and can recommend them. I use ones in the daytime that don't make me feel altered but it puts me in a better mood and puts a pep in my step lol.
Boring where Lonn. Girl behave eh we love u. As well as Jack and Adrian. And bby Lonn is coming soon. 😘😘😘
I understand, I tried for five years with my husband to have a baby. It happened when I wasn't trying. Just relax and enjoy you husband and new marriage. Doctors even told me I would never have a baby ; now I have two girls . Keep the faith.🙏🙏🙏
I understand all to well how you feel. I went through the same thing when my husband and I decided we wanted kids. My doctor did surgery to run dye through my tubes and discovered I only had one tube opened and the other was closed. The only way to open it would be to have a c-section. He informed me I could still get pregnant with one tube but it never happened. He even suggested we go to a fertility doctor but by then I was over all the disappointments. If it didn't happen naturally I didn't want to force it when it could have been another disappointment. People with kids always say it'll happen, just give it time. What they don't realize is the emotional rollercoaster you are on each month your cycle come. All my siblings have kids except me. That was hurtful within itself; feeling like what's wrong with me. My husband and I have been married for 18yrs now and even though I made peace with not being a mother, each month I'm still hopeful. We're human and you can't help having those feelings. I encourage you to not give up and stay positive. Everyone's situation is different. Keep the faith; I pray it happens for you guys very soon!!! Tfs 💕
I feel the same way about birth control. I wish I never took it. Ft Jackson is Nice. They have a waterpark now! This a beautiful lip color!
Your makeup is gorgeous as always
Best wishes with your pregnancy. Don't worry so much or stress yourself out. What's meant to be will happen
Hey girl! Love this look. 😍
Honestly, you haven't been trying that long. Patience grasshopper. Your beautiful baby will come. I know it 🤗
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and it will happen.
You are not boring girl! I have been watching you for years and I always enjoy your videos♥️♥️♥️ aww Jack, I love the support!! It does make you feel good when you see someone you love supporting you.
These wine Wednesday bout to be my wake up Thursday’s lol cuz I can’t hang lol but anyway I’m still watching still laughing and always enjoy sing ur content 😘
I enjoyed your Wine Wednesday..I will definitely tune in next week..I agree with your feel on canibus..I'm 49 and live in California where it's legal for recreational use.. Some of our older generation are with us too, out here…trust…Delete those apps, your time is coming.. Just believe it and own it! Thank you for your service..❤️❤️
I kno u ar worried i hope it happens soon for u guys.
Happy Veterans day to you Queen also pray hard and Thank God everyday until your pregnant have faith you will get pregnant watch God work God bless you and your family
Once again I enjoy Wine Wednesday and the conversation was prefect yet again! The look came our beautiful as well! I definitely think we need to hear more about weed legalization 😩 I don’t smoke but your view on it was so true. When you brought up that it could help your brother I was like yesss it could I’ve seen and I’ve heard it has help. As for topics I would definitely say where would you like to be in 5 years and then 10 years? What YouTubers do you want and find entertaining not just in the beauty community either? If you weren’t doing YouTube what would you think you’d be doing? What type of friend are you? (I just recently had a so called friend do me dirty for the second time and now I’m done done)
Just keep trying for pregnancy sometimes it can take a little longer if you've been on birthcontrol
Thank you Boo for the shoutout!! I been rocking with you since I saw your very first eyebrow tutorial! But I can’t wait until next Wednesday, and the video on color schemes!! Girl I am with you in the weed thang… I think it helps sooooo many people with pain, seizures etc etc! We have so many dispensaries here in Las Vegas it’s not even funny. But I don’t smoke I’m like you I don’t like the way it makes me feel in my head!! But anywho keep doing you and you will have a Lil one before you know it! When your not even trying for it…that’s when it’s gonna happen!!! 😉💕💕
The makeup came out nicely. I always appreciate your views and opinions on trending or any topic sis. It’s always honest. Hoping for your special blessing to arrive soon 🤞🏾
I feel like she might be pregnant now because her mood is all over the place😂😂😂
You're so dang fabulous. I'm one of the many women who are unable to become pregnant. I can understand your frustration. It's been something I've had to grieve several times.
I knowww it's late!! 😩 I had so much going on so I didn't get a chance to start editing until like 7pm so I'm sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy this 50 minute video!!
P.S What are topics you'd like to discuss next week!?
I like your look . The eyes top this look off. Much love
I feel you sis. Boomers are hindering us so much.
I loved this Wine Wednesday. Your looks always come out flawless. I would to hear about what music you’ve been listening to lately and what shows if any you and watch together.
I'm glad everything worked for you too in terms of your military service. This is a beautiful holiday look you did in video. It's perfect for a holiday party or get together. Great Wine Wednesday!!
I hope it happen for you soon and this look so pretty thank you
Hey Lonn, I most definitely enjoyed the video and the chat. Your makeup always comes out flawless and you know I luv a neutral soft glam look 🤎💋 Always praying for you and your family 🙏🏾
Don't put too much pressure on your self it will happen
I feel your pain. You have to relax. I know it's not what u wanna hear but it's the truth. Do not delete your apps they're there to help. Be positive and keep trying. I was in your shoes four years ago and i drove myself crazy. It will happen. If you really think something Is wrong with either of you, go to the doctor. I'm hopeful you'll be pregnant soon. Pregnancy is no joke! Blessings to you.
It's gonna come when you least expect it. Give it to God because he knows our hearts.
When you’re meant to be, you’re meant to be. You are such a beautiful person,inside and out, don’t worry about a thing; it’s a waist of energy….
I know how wanting to be a mummy feels .. continue with your folic acid like you’ve been doing, Keep the legs and or butt elevated and lay there afterward for at least an hour .. it helps. Loved this video.
Damn this is going to be interesting…these topics though
You just said it…. ITS NOT YOUR PLAN hun. God will let you know when it's time. Delete the apps. Let go of all the calendars and stuff, enjoy your new life, your husband, the house and the minute you stop "trying" it will happen ♡ It's not like you're 40 or something lmao
Wow. IVF is failure?? Do you understand how hurtful that can sound to some of us watching this video?
Don’t be too upset about the pregnancy. Trust me, a few months off of BC and not getting pregnant is very common. Talk to your OBGYN and read articles. You will be fine. Also, stressing about it won’t help.
Lots of great topics in this video! My boyfriend & I have been together almost 10 years officially too and almost 12 unofficially. In the next video could you maybe talk about how you felt waiting for him to pop the question? Like he's my person and he says the same about me but we are both 28 and I don't see what the hold up is. Was it hard for you to wait, like did you find yourself questioning waiting?
& I totally get why you are upset about not being pregnant yet, it's not stupid to feel that way. & I am sure that people telling you to relax if put in the same predicament would not be relaxed. But I pray that it happens for you two!
Also, YES YES YES about the topic of cannabis! I live in MD so I have my license because of mental health and endometriosis and it is the BEST medicine I have ever used. Before it, I was on so many medications and they all made me feel worse. The best part about having dispensaries is that it promotes safe use. You have people that know their shit so if a person like you needs it but doesn't like to feel altered they have strains for that and can recommend them. I use ones in the daytime that don't make me feel altered but it puts me in a better mood and puts a pep in my step lol.
Boring where Lonn. Girl behave eh we love u. As well as Jack and Adrian. And bby Lonn is coming soon. 😘😘😘
I understand, I tried for five years with my husband to have a baby. It happened when I wasn't trying. Just relax and enjoy you husband and new marriage. Doctors even told me I would never have a baby ; now I have two girls . Keep the faith.🙏🙏🙏
I understand all to well how you feel. I went through the same thing when my husband and I decided we wanted kids. My doctor did surgery to run dye through my tubes and discovered I only had one tube opened and the other was closed. The only way to open it would be to have a c-section. He informed me I could still get pregnant with one tube but it never happened. He even suggested we go to a fertility doctor but by then I was over all the disappointments. If it didn't happen naturally I didn't want to force it when it could have been another disappointment. People with kids always say it'll happen, just give it time. What they don't realize is the emotional rollercoaster you are on each month your cycle come. All my siblings have kids except me. That was hurtful within itself; feeling like what's wrong with me. My husband and I have been married for 18yrs now and even though I made peace with not being a mother, each month I'm still hopeful. We're human and you can't help having those feelings. I encourage you to not give up and stay positive. Everyone's situation is different. Keep the faith; I pray it happens for you guys very soon!!! Tfs 💕
I feel the same way about birth control. I wish I never took it. Ft Jackson is Nice. They have a waterpark now! This a beautiful lip color!
Your makeup is gorgeous as always
Best wishes with your pregnancy. Don't worry so much or stress yourself out. What's meant to be will happen
Hey girl! Love this look. 😍
Honestly, you haven't been trying that long. Patience grasshopper. Your beautiful baby will come. I know it 🤗
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and it will happen.
You are not boring girl! I have been watching you for years and I always enjoy your videos♥️♥️♥️ aww Jack, I love the support!! It does make you feel good when you see someone you love supporting you.
These wine Wednesday bout to be my wake up Thursday’s lol cuz I can’t hang lol but anyway I’m still watching still laughing and always enjoy sing ur content 😘
I enjoyed your Wine Wednesday..I will definitely tune in next week..I agree with your feel on canibus..I'm 49 and live in California where it's legal for recreational use.. Some of our older generation are with us too, out here…trust…Delete those apps, your time is coming.. Just believe it and own it! Thank you for your service..❤️❤️
I kno u ar worried i hope it happens soon for u guys.
Happy Veterans day to you Queen also pray hard and Thank God everyday until your pregnant have faith you will get pregnant watch God work God bless you and your family
Once again I enjoy Wine Wednesday and the conversation was prefect yet again! The look came our beautiful as well! I definitely think we need to hear more about weed legalization 😩 I don’t smoke but your view on it was so true. When you brought up that it could help your brother I was like yesss it could I’ve seen and I’ve heard it has help.
As for topics I would definitely say where would you like to be in 5 years and then 10 years? What YouTubers do you want and find entertaining not just in the beauty community either? If you weren’t doing YouTube what would you think you’d be doing? What type of friend are you? (I just recently had a so called friend do me dirty for the second time and now I’m done done)
Just keep trying for pregnancy sometimes it can take a little longer if you've been on birthcontrol
Thank you Boo for the shoutout!! I been rocking with you since I saw your very first eyebrow tutorial! But I can’t wait until next Wednesday, and the video on color schemes!! Girl I am with you in the weed thang… I think it helps sooooo many people with pain, seizures etc etc! We have so many dispensaries here in Las Vegas it’s not even funny. But I don’t smoke I’m like you I don’t like the way it makes me feel in my head!! But anywho keep doing you and you will have a Lil one before you know it! When your not even trying for it…that’s when it’s gonna happen!!! 😉💕💕
The makeup came out nicely. I always appreciate your views and opinions on trending or any topic sis. It’s always honest. Hoping for your special blessing to arrive soon 🤞🏾
I feel like she might be pregnant now because her mood is all over the place😂😂😂
You're so dang fabulous.
I'm one of the many women who are unable to become pregnant. I can understand your frustration. It's been something I've had to grieve several times.
Take Metformin to help with fertility
hey girl.