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Windows 8 K.J Version 120929 Activator
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How to create a legend for a range in MS Excel
I have MS Excel files with two sets of tables (T1 and T2) and I would like to create a legend so I can refer to them easily.
If I copy the contents of the T2 table as a field in the T1 table then I have a reference but I want to visually refer to these tables.
Does anyone know how to create a legend in MS Excel so the table is visible as well as the legend?
Great question!! I finally found the answer. You need to save a copy of your table. Then insert a table in the new file and copy the table. Paste the table on the new sheet and then right click -> format. you should have a legend to your table.
I have a huge excel file with a ton of tables and this is what i used to make my diagrams.
Databases for infectious disease surveillance and epidemiology in Taiwan.
A large amount of data is produced by different types of infectious disease surveillance systems and epidemiologic studies, which involve the collection, classification, and analysis of various types of data. The purpose of this article was to introduce different types of databases that are used in Taiwan for infectious disease surveillance. The databases discussed in this article may be suitable for use in Taiwan. To find other existing databases, we checked the National Committee on Health Information Infrastructure (NCHII) National Library Information online, Taiwan Public Health Information Network, and Taiwan Public Health Information Center; some other relevant literature was also reviewed.Repeatedly sliding your paddle across the surface of a river, negotiating rapids or battling in the waves is the very basis of good whitewater kayaking. But there’s a good chance that if you took a close look at the rubber and plastic you’ve been using in the past, you’d notice that the shape of the paddle has changed little in 100 years. With a stroke of the hand, a paddle gets broken into pieces and yet we continue to make our paddles the same way. Today, we’re looking at how to make a paddle out of old bits of plastic tubing, how to shape and grind it to make a happy, fast and flexible paddle
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