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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Why Medical Bills In The US Are So Expensive

The American health-care system is in a tug of war between physicians, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceuticals and shareholders. At the center of it …

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  1. I’m in the USA at the moment. I went to an NFL game, and New York/Presbyterian hospital was advertising.

    My questions:
    *Why would a hospital need to advertise??
    *How can they afford to advertise when all money should be going into caring for the people??
    *Why do they charge so much for simple procedures??

  2. Free government health care sounds nice but with the gigantic size of the US, itd be to expensive on the taxpayer.
    With how parents work in the US, these drug companies get away with immensely over charging their consumers.
    I believe what the US needs is to reform how patents work with these drug companies or just have the drug market unable to make patents.
    Of course there’s other ways but those two are what I came up with on the fly but with how unpopular free healthcare is in the US, changing how drug companies work is a simpler solution in comparison. Though, you’d still need to get through Congress :/

  3. Health is always a costly MAINTAINANCE if you wish special Care with authentic medicines.
    AUTHENTIC MEDICAL CARE means an Experienced & well Educated Doctor is needed for Treatment.
    CAN you under-go HEALTH TREATMENT from a DOCTOR who is not
    well-educated ??????
    Or has little knowledge or has just passed EXAMINATIONS and do not have much Experience in Variety of PATIENTS AILMENTS HANDLING ???????
    Each medicine inspite of been Original acts differently on every Human Being who consumes the Medicine.
    [[[[[[Reason is simple=your body metabolism & other reactions(alergic symptoms) reduce the effectiveness of medicines.
    ♒🔯🔯 ♏♐♒♑♈♐ ♋♋♋♋
    So same medicine work differently on each patients. Otherwise all RICH MAN in the world would have never DIED DEATH . They would had been Enjoying Life Luxuries even in the ICU of HOSPITALS.

    MEDICAL CARE means well-educated DOCTORS TEAM.

  4. If you or someone you know has medical bills they cannot pay or surgeries they need, email, we will teach you how to outsource your major bills in the US(Outsourcing is what the best companies do, and YOU can do it too)

  5. I got joint problems that limited myself from walking and tooth decay, in American easy cost for treatment of both 100,000 $
    I came to Thailand, stay in a nice hotel near the hospital, got check and good food in my room, barely moved, for 3,000usd, now i can walk and my teeth like new.

  6. I agree the prices/consistency of insurance and drugs is a severe problem. Then again, you have to look at the big picture. Baby Luca probably wouldn’t have survived half a century ago. Better healthcare requires more money

  7. You should look into becoming breatharian or to live without food or water. Once your in that state, there’s really no such thing as the body becoming ill.

  8. Wow this family case study is a bit on the extreme. This kid needed millions there has to be statistics on the different percentages of how few cost so much as percentages. The only thing I had growing up was a little bit of asthma

  9. Don't get B. S.'d the doctor and the insurance are the same people, truckers insure truckers, plumbers insure plumbers and Doctors insure Doctors. Doctors own the hospitals and Doctors are grabbing everything they can get. When you complain to your Doctor about insurance you might as well be complaining to the Pope about Catholicism. It ain't going nowhere.

  10. Pharmacies and medical insurance companies are to be regulated . And this whole idea that for any small condition you need drugs is ridiculous. Sometimes it is better not to use drugs and just make nature take it's course.

  11. This is why Britain is soon much better than america. The U.S is too money oriented, hardly something to be proud of. Britain on the other hand, actually cares for their sick. We put people first.

  12. Luke is actually an example of why healthcare costs are high. Previously, babies born with defects would simply die. Infant moralities were high, and the strongest people survived. Here, $4 million was spent in the first few months of Luke's life – something which wouldn't have happened in the past, since Luke would have simply died. Sometimes, I wonder whether it's worth spending so much saving a newborn with defects when you can simply have another child and spend way less.

  13. Below the america dream lies a catch! As a shareholder this is amazing and cant get any better, as a patient it's better to travel to a third world country before getting bankrupt. A tough life for a middle class earner. Poor has no place in society!

  14. I know my job field may not be as in demand as others in different countries. But if our country can’t get its self going in the right direction. I hope I can get a work visa elsewhere. It’s sad… under tricare I paid $19.02 for a surgery that usually a regular civilian had to pay $33,000 on avg for. And why do I pay 25 to see and outside provider while people have to pay 50 to see an inside provider. The way the system is is so unfair. And in a few weeks I’ll be thrown into the regular healthcare system where I too will have to worry about when I should and should not go to the hospital because the forever increasing costs of healthcare. Smh

  15. As what I know the bill is not real coz insurance company won't pay that much (e.g. if the bill says $3M, insurance company may only need to pay $150,000 to hospital). If you have no insurance, you have to pay as much as the bill says ($3M). And that's how the whole system gives citizens "incentive" to join it.

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