Why Colombia's Cocaine Industry Is Thriving | VICE on HBO (Bonus)
In Colombia, cultivation of coca, the main ingredient of cocaine, has nearly tripled over the past five years. As part of the 2016 peace agreement between the …
VICE's Charlet Duboc travels to the remote towns where coca farming is a way of life to examine the struggle for a cocaine-free Colombia. WATCH NEXT: How Mexican Drug Cartels Get Meth Into The U.S. – http://bit.ly/2rwVDkl
I will sell a lot of things for crack, but never my ps4
Hmmm, because people want to and are taking the disgusting shit.
It should be legalised
They never stopped producing Cocaine! $$$
Because the United States is full of crackheads and I used to party like crazy to the point I thought my heart was gonna give out. But it's sad seeing the people I used to party with in their 40s and 50s now still doing blow
You got media internet and celebrities and rappers constantly glorifying drug consumption, millions of people desperate for attention, an unstable future economically speaking, a poor Colombian country with a corrupt government that needs to create jobs but doesn't have the infrastructures or requirements to do so, an increase of drug consumption by the US which prompts Colombia to produce more, social anxiety and lack of self esteem due to a sick social media which is proven to induce drug consumption on unstable people, countries who need to create markets in order to survive, being that their climate is perfect to produce drugs, what do you think it's going to happen. In the US alone last year there were more drug overdoses than their ENTIRE history. Recipe for tragedy
Ok Chapo is arrested. Who is the Chapo of the white house?
But alcohol and tobacco kills more people than any other substance and you can by it out the sto
This show would be better off with a plank of wood for a host
America runs on coke (not Dunkin)
When goverments are corrupt…meaning all goverments…the sky is the limit..why not make everyone rich..not just the politicians..cartels..dirty cops etc…
The demand is money…
When do Casino's and drug dealers make the most during the month in USA. Around the 1st of every month because that's when Social Security and welfare goes out and they got money to blow. That's the facts folks.
If USA did mandatory random drug testing on recipients, half the problems would stop over night.
Cartels can risk losing 80% of their supply and STILL make a Profit!
Hey I can tell the Colombians what will help them. Grow Kratom trees import them from Thailand and from Indonesia and introduce them to Columbia they will grow great and it produces a great medicine off the plant and it kills pain it Boost energy helps anxiety depression. Over there the sugarcane farmers and the banana farmers and the rubber tree farmers they keep one or two leaves in their pocket. They pull a leaf out it's about 6 inches long. It tastes bitter they strip half the leaf down to the middle vein for 20 seconds spit it end of the other half of the leaf and put it back in their pocket. Within one minute your mouth goes numb within five minutes there is no pain and it'll fix all kinds of other ailments. The addiction rate is only about 10 to 15% compared to fucking nasty heroin. Your in the prime place to grow Kratom trees.
Ha "I'm not killing anyone "he says
Because your sister & her friends like to 'party'.
Use satellites to find illegal drugs and bomb them.
Who do we owe money to I think we should just stop paying for everything and take over the world leaders
if you can figure out a way to grow those coca plants locally, you're basically capable of changing the whole game.
Government, you live in a jungle, food is abundant, you need money to pay your corrupt government, it's only the biggest exported good, because of the profit margin.
In conclusion? It's because of us lol
Only vice have the access to underworld outlaws activities
So first we see this Lady in a Police Helicopter and in the next split of a second, she is with the Drug producers and telling every little detail to the Camera???? I smell snitching…!!!!
Srbija cerak ziveli
The US needs to just de criminalize cocaine to solve the problem of demand
Vice ceos need there fix That’s why
It’s wild how weed is a plant hat grows cut it down dry an smoke this plant cut the leafs off an add acid battery acid cement gasoline an other shit
VICE's Charlet Duboc travels to the remote towns where coca farming is a way of life to examine the struggle for a cocaine-free Colombia.
WATCH NEXT: How Mexican Drug Cartels Get Meth Into The U.S. – http://bit.ly/2rwVDkl
I will sell a lot of things for crack, but never my ps4
Hmmm, because people want to and are taking the disgusting shit.
It should be legalised
They never stopped producing Cocaine! $$$
Because the United States is full of crackheads and I used to party like crazy to the point I thought my heart was gonna give out. But it's sad seeing the people I used to party with in their 40s and 50s now still doing blow
You got media internet and celebrities and rappers constantly glorifying drug consumption, millions of people desperate for attention, an unstable future economically speaking, a poor Colombian country with a corrupt government that needs to create jobs but doesn't have the infrastructures or requirements to do so, an increase of drug consumption by the US which prompts Colombia to produce more, social anxiety and lack of self esteem due to a sick social media which is proven to induce drug consumption on unstable people, countries who need to create markets in order to survive, being that their climate is perfect to produce drugs, what do you think it's going to happen. In the US alone last year there were more drug overdoses than their ENTIRE history. Recipe for tragedy
Ok Chapo is arrested. Who is the Chapo of the white house?
But alcohol and tobacco kills more people than any other substance and you can by it out the sto
This show would be better off with a plank of wood for a host
America runs on coke (not Dunkin)
When goverments are corrupt…meaning all goverments…the sky is the limit..why not make everyone rich..not just the politicians..cartels..dirty cops etc…
The demand is money…
When do Casino's and drug dealers make the most during the month in USA. Around the 1st of every month because that's when Social Security and welfare goes out and they got money to blow. That's the facts folks.
If USA did mandatory random drug testing on recipients, half the problems would stop over night.
Cartels can risk losing 80% of their supply and STILL make a Profit!
Hey I can tell the Colombians what will help them. Grow Kratom trees import them from Thailand and from Indonesia and introduce them to Columbia they will grow great and it produces a great medicine off the plant and it kills pain it Boost energy helps anxiety depression. Over there the sugarcane farmers and the banana farmers and the rubber tree farmers they keep one or two leaves in their pocket. They pull a leaf out it's about 6 inches long. It tastes bitter they strip half the leaf down to the middle vein for 20 seconds spit it end of the other half of the leaf and put it back in their pocket. Within one minute your mouth goes numb within five minutes there is no pain and it'll fix all kinds of other ailments. The addiction rate is only about 10 to 15% compared to fucking nasty heroin. Your in the prime place to grow Kratom trees.
Ha "I'm not killing anyone "he says
Because your sister & her friends like to 'party'.
Use satellites to find illegal drugs and bomb them.
Who do we owe money to I think we should just stop paying for everything and take over the world leaders
if you can figure out a way to grow those coca plants locally, you're basically capable of changing the whole game.
Government, you live in a jungle, food is abundant, you need money to pay your corrupt government, it's only the biggest exported good, because of the profit margin.
In conclusion? It's because of us lol
Only vice have the access to underworld outlaws activities
So first we see this Lady in a Police Helicopter and in the next split of a second, she is with the Drug producers and telling every little detail to the Camera????
I smell snitching…!!!!
Srbija cerak ziveli
The US needs to just de criminalize cocaine to solve the problem of demand
Vice ceos need there fix
That’s why
It’s wild how weed is a plant hat grows cut it down dry an smoke this plant cut the leafs off an add acid battery acid cement gasoline an other shit

Cuz we all need a bump once in awhile