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What You Need To Know About CBD Oil, The Health Craze Getting National Buzz | NBC Nightly News

CBD comes from hemp, a type of cannabis plant that doesn’t get you high. It’s cropping up in everything from lattes to baked goods, with proponents saying it can …

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  1. I think if it works for you then great. I just don't like when people promote CBD by saying it has no negative side effects. There may not be any noticible side effects for one person and have serious medical consequences for another. There just isn't enough data over a long period of time to say for sure it has no negative side effects. I have no issue woth it. If it helps ease some type of issue or some suffering and pain then that's great. We just need to be careful when we say that it can cure certain things and is completely harmless until we get a little bit more familiar with it.

  2. Trudeau's Foundations and his involvement with the Clinton Foundation have colluded to become Canadas largest drug distribution network and he has his Foundation mired in all aspects including cultivation, laboratories ( Took out Apotex founder so his Globalists partners could run medical cures for Cannabinoid oils Huge McGill Trudeau Foundation involvement) and now Tax licensing for government coffers and massive Tax rebates for infrastructure almost larger than 80 Billion Petro Canada rip off.

    Trudeau's Non-Liberal party
    and his cronies need to be rounded up and charged for their various criminal
    behaviors including colluding with globalists interests to destroy Canadas
    Parliament and Judiciary with subversive and treasonous actions. The obvious
    evidence is paid activists in the Energy Industry from Globalist backers and
    the payola to Clinton Foundation with reciprocity to the Trudeau Foundation and
    McGill alumni Cabal and Various Soros backed entities circumventing our
    immigration act and policies regarding legal versus illegal asylum by strangely
    enough mostly Muslim based people groups.

    The very worst is pandering to Marathon Oil
    Interests when He knows they are owned by Arabia Oil interests actually way
    worse than Pierre Trudeau's selling out Canada with the destruction of Canada's
    refinery industry and the selling out of Canadian Energy trust with Petro
    Canada. Trillion's lost revenue in refining and an 80 billion Bill to Canadian
    Taxpayers with the profitable selloff of Petro Canada and Suncor to
    foreign-based refineries and distribution interests in Quebec and the

    Trudeau also backed and supported open Immigration
    and business grants to professed Sharia backed Islamic organizations here in
    Canada while paying out staggering amounts of Taxpayers money to known
    murderers and terrorist combatants such as Omar Khadr who's extended family is
    literally royalty in the Jihadist fight against Democracy. (Send Khadr back to
    face military justice in states where Obama cut him loose for exactly the same
    reasons Trudeau paid him out with big Saudi oil money and globalist backed

    Trudeau has obviously drunk the Kool-Aid and is now
    treading very dangerous water with very treasonous acts with his open support
    of a Non-Accountable Islamic state and Sharia Law here in Canada. (Party
    Central at the Aga Khan Party villas ring a bell)

  3. The relief I’ve experienced from chronic low back pain and shoulder tendinitis, is invaluable!
    Liberated from the ibuprofen!! Here is where I get it. They have CBD products for pets as well. Also, an exclusive 10X CBD oil! And the best pricing of any comparable products! All organic and US sourced. Purest oil, and lab results available. 60 day money back guarantee! This is the Amazon of CBD oil products!

  4. It was wonderful seeing our CBD company, get a cameo in this segment! (see 1:47). To celebrate and as a thank you, we would like to give all of NBC's viewers a special discount code good for 20% off all our products store wide! The coupon code is NBC20xyz just enter it at checkout. It has been amazing seeing and being a part this industries growth, we are ecstatic that more and more people are becoming educated about the benefits of CBD and news segments like this help so many people. Thank you NBC!

  5. For those of you saying you have tried it and it doesn't work, that it's a scam, be sure to check the ingredients of the oils you have tried. A lot of stores and online companies are selling products with a lot of fillers. You may think you are taking pure cbd oil, but in fact it may have olive oil, coconut oil, sunflower seed oil, and sometimes water added to it, not to mention other things. It's purity level is very low, thus being less effective. Check out Our products are 100% pure. And we have the lab results to prove it.

  6. Well with the Farm bill passing yesterday, Hemp is now permanently removed from the Control Substance Act…

    What does that mean exactly?

    By redefining 🌱 hemp to include its “extracts, cannabinoids and derivatives, 🌿”‼️ 👉Congress explicitly has removed 💥 popular hemp products — such as hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) — from the purview of the CSA. Accordingly, the Drug Enforcement Administration 👈👉‼️no longer has any possible claim to interfere with the interstate commerce 💰🌿of hemp products.‼️💥

    Not all oils are the same. Do your research. Read the back labels. Less ingredents the better in my opinion…There are some good oils and companies out there and there is some crap out there. "I can go to Whole Foods and buy hemp seed oil drops, they are the same" 🤦🏻‍♀️

    FALSE‼️ This was an actual convo I had a with a (now) customer at a past event !

    🗣Hemp SEED oil can be found in grocery stores, health food stores and Amazon but it doesn't contain CBD or any other cannabinoids ‼️

    🗣CBD Hemp Oil (aka liquid gold💛) is extracted via CO2 method from the stalks, stems roots of the plant. Our full spectrum oil contains 8 other cannabinoids that work together (like a team) to benefit YOU!

  7. Just for the record, no form of CBD has done anything for my inflammation, pain, sleep or mood to date. Oh well. You'd think to hear a lot of people talk that everyone is suffering from a cannabis deficiency.

  8. BEWARE! There are people making this stuff in their basement. Please research before your buy. If the company selling it cannot produce their license to grow/process nor their certificate of analysis, buy from someone else. offers great products and controls their processes from seed to shipment.

  9. “Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man."
    ― Francis Young -DEA Administrative Law Judge – 1988

    "The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."
    – Dr. Carl Sagan (American Cosmologist, Astrobilologist, author & science communicator)

     "Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against possession of marijuana in private for personal use…”
    – Jimmy Carter (U.S.President)

    “Congress should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana…We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and burglars who are a menace to society.”
    -Dan Quayle (U.S. Representative & Vice President)

    _"Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more
    harm to far more people than marijuana ever could."_
    “The anti-marijuana campaign is a cancerous tissue of lies, undermining law enforcement, aggravating the drug problem, depriving the sick of needed help and suckering well intentioned conservatives and countless frightened parents.”
    – William F. Buckley Jr. (American conservative author and commentator)

    “You bet I did -— and I enjoyed it.” ….when asked if he had ever smoked marijuana.
    – Michael Bloomberg (New York City Mayor)

    "Studies have consistently failed to establish the existence of a link between the harshness of a country’s drug laws and its levels of drug use."
    -Kofi Annan (U.N. Secretary General)

    "Pot is a better drug than alcohol. I'll prove it to you. You're at a ball game or a concert, and someone's really violent and aggressive and obnoxious, are they drunk or are they smoking pot?"
    “Why is pot against the law? It wouldn't be because anyone can grow it, and therefore you can't make a profit off it, would it?”
    “…It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit…unnatural?”
    -Bill Hicks (Satirist, Social Critic, Stand-Up Comedian)

    – – And last, but certainly not least (my personal favorite) – –

    "If the words "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."
    – Terence McKenna (American ethnobotanist, author, advocate for responsible use of natural psychedelic plants)

  10. I recently quit drinking and have used CBD and to a lesser extent, THC to help me overcome the cravings I had at first. I am feeling a million times better now that my liver is getting a chance to recover, and I find I'm using the CBD less and less. I can't believe it was ever outlawed.

  11. It's phenomenal for joint pain. Use a good topical like Sacred Herb makes and omg be blissfully pain free for a while. It doesn't numb, it just makes the pain not be there. So far I'm finding that taking oils or tinctures orally isn't very effective.

  12. If you aren't sure if what you are taking is CBD, there are some reliable brands out there.
    "Apothecary" is in a blue bottle with a dropper, orange label, 30ml, "CALYX" in a clear amber 30 ml bottle, "Baked Goods" in a green 30 ml bottle,
    and "Optimal Health" is in a clear 30 ml bottle with a white label, these are some of the trusted brands.

    Let's be honest shall we?
    You go to a Doctor for a prescription, right?
    That's what Doctors are for.
    If people start using CBD and THC oils, we won't need Doctors as much.
    You think THEY will advocate anything that may lose them "customers", sorry, patients?
    CBD can't hurt you, you can't overdose on it, what your body doesn't use, gets flushed out.
    Do some research, learn what Cannabinoids are, and their relationship to the Cannabinoids in the Brain.
    YES. There ARE cannabinoid RECEPTORS in your BRAIN.
    Your brain produces Endocannabinoids naturally, Cannabis has Cannabinoids.
    Your brain is helped in maintaining and maybe even replacing damaged Endocannabinoids in the Brain.
    Damaged Endocannabinoids are what CAUSES Alzheimer's.
    Repairing them would be a CURE, wouldn't it?
    Get it now?

  14. Just goes to show you there’s two types of people. Book knowledge people and street smart people. Just because there’s no “books” written up about it yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. I know! I know a woman who was house bound to a wheel chair and at times a bed. She started CBD oil and is now able to walk on her own and travel. My mother in law suffered from horrific migraines and had been using Cambia for YEARS, I bought her a bottle while she was suffering from one and gave it to her, within 20 minutes she was pain free. My father had had surgery and was tired of taking the pain meds during his recovery. I gave him some and he didn’t need his meds at all that day. My brother has Tourette’s and ADHD, most ADHD meds make his Tourette’s worse, but not CBD it calms BOTH. and me…. anxiety was creeping up badly to the point I had days I didn’t want to leave the house. But it wasn’t bad enough I felt like I needed to go to a doctor. I know my triggers. So…. CBD oil!!!! Like the video said. Just be careful what you buy. Go to a store that’s a certified retailer. A dispensary is your best bet. And you don’t need a medical marijuana card to purchase it. And obviously it’s not a cure all, keep your doctor in the loop with all supplements you take and do your own extensive research. Make an informed decision.

  15. CBD with a touch of THC saved my life.
    CBD IS an anti-inflammatory.
    CBD IS a relaxant.
    CBD seems to be able to treat anything and everything.
    It is NOW LEGAL in Canada, but some people cannot take it because the do random drug testing at some work places, and THC leaves the same trace as CBD in the blood.
    It's sad because there are many people who still have to work who have Arthritis and CBD would work wonders, but any drug testing would show THC in the blood,
    because the test cannot differentiate.
    Police and Firefighters, (I believe) cannot use THC or CBD in a certain time frame before showing up for work, so Labs really need to make a better test,
    that shows if you have only used CBD and NOT THC. Then everyone could benefit from this.
    I will tell you…it has changed everything for me.
    By the way, I heard that CBD is already LEGAL in all 50 States.
    If that's true, why are people still begging for it to be legalized?
    I know, they want THC legalized, but you're already halfway there, and the data that should have been collected by now, ought to prove to the naysayers that CBC and THC
    are truly a medical miracle.
    Want some proof?
    I am currently OUT of my pain medication, have been for a couple days.
    Any other time I would be freaking out, in pain and desperate for a refill, for PAIN, NOT because I am addicted.
    My appointment with my Doctor for a new prescription is later this week, and I don't even care.
    There's your proof, and all I am taking is 30 mg of CBD and about .75 mg THC three times a day.
    And there is NO pain.
    Come on America…legalize it!!!
    You would even be able to help addicts with this, isn't that what you want?

  16. To the "experts" who say "No, we don't know any of that", time to put your learning hats on. Chiropractors are going to school for the endocannabinoid system, its role in health and disease is being taught by PhD. instructors in med schools. Chiropractors are not beholden to big pharma, perhaps class action suits don't suit them so well.

    Medical Cannabis, The Herb and Its Applications This talk will be presented by Judy Mikovitz PhD
    The Re-Discovery of the Benefits of Medicinal Cannabis – Dr. John Hicks
    Understanding the Endocannabinoid System, National Institutes of Health
    Clinical Application of Cannabinoids and Terpenes | M. Gordon, Cannafest 2015  

    The Endocannabinoid System, Patients out of Time:  Mary Lynne Mathre, Part 1 of 5.   

    CBDTV Reel 1 Doctors and Diabetes Testimonies

    The Inside Story of Cannabidiol – What Are the Benefits of CBD?
    Dr. Stuart Titus, CBD and medical research
    Dr. Blair on CBD for PTSD
    Dr. Donald Abrams on anxiety, depression and PTSD
    David Bearman M.D.
    Cannabis, cannabinoids, ADHD/ADD, Tourette's Syndrome, Migraine Headaches, Bi-Polar disorder
    CBD is great for anxiety – Dr. Hicks
    No more anxiety meds with CBD
    Dr. John Hicks, cannabidiol from hemp
    Dr. David Allen the discovery of the endocannabinoid system
    Dr. Ralph Mechoulam on the endocannabinoid system
    The Endocannabinoid system in health and disease, Dr. Ethan Russo Part 1
    The Endocannabinoid system in health and disease, Dr. Ethan Russo Part 2
    Dr. Michelle Weiner How your endocannabinoid system works to treat patients Canna Ed Day 2017
    The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) Treatment Implications in ASD – Tracy Fritz, MD  

    Cannabis and Gut Health:  Medical Marijuana Science
    Endocannabinoid System Part 1
    Does medical marijuana relieve back pain Dr. Rachna Patel
    Benefits of CBD Cannabidiol : Delivery systems, usage and mechanism in neuroinflammatory disorders.
    Dr. Lumir Hanus  – Why is Cannabis Such a Successful Medicine
    Cannabis Against Cancer Dr. Christina Sanchez PhD.,  Mara Gordon, Dr. Dennis Landaverde, Andrea Cartin MD


    Dr. Blair on inflammation and CBD

    Cannabasics The Endocannabinoid System, Nyishar

    Cannabidiol Science : For Doctors : For Patients Americans for Safe Access

    Answers to FAQ about Medical Marijuana  Dr. Scott Schwartzwelder

  17. I take CBD isolate twice a day everyday for my generalized anxiety disorder. It's a miracle drug and has far less side effects than anxiety drugs.

  18. In England it is legal
    But only on controlled prescription…
    Also they sell it at the health shops …
    It does not cure but helps with the pain …
    But this is exaggerated in America ……

  19. Finally!!! The news finally did a correct report that clearly shows hemp and marijuana are not the same plant, stated to always seek out a certificate of analysis, and do your research!!!! Kudos to you NBC News!!!!
    Every other news segment I have saw has countless errors or undesired terms used.
    You guys did great!

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