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What It's Like To Have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

“I was just convinced that I was bipolar or really depressed.” As/Is Boldly has changed its name to As/Is–don’t worry, it’s the same content you know and love!

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  1. Jesus i can relate to this so much I WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS! you’re not crazy you’re not bipolar. I’m showing my boyfriend this

  2. My friend was suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome it includes number of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle such as Severe abdominal pain or cramps, Abdominal bloating, Indigestion, Tender and swollen breasts, Increased appetite and food craving, and Mood swings, etc. It was very painful for her. She tried Female health Support by "Planet Ayurveda" for this and got relief.

  3. About 4 days before my period (and sometimes during) I am extremely sad and nothing cheers me up. Sometimess it's anger, sometimes it's sadness.

  4. I have PMDD and I used to cut and everything was just not good mood swings were bad i feel so bad for you and that you can’t take medicine to help you with it I feel so lucky that I can take it I hope you feel better

  5. I don't know if I have PMDD, but my symptoms are horrible.. They start 14 days before period, and just keep getting worse until like 4th day of period (mine lasts 7 days).. 2 weeks before period, I start feeling extreme loneliness, sadness, depression, I get irritated easily, i start getting bruises all over my legs for no reason and I get eczema on my face..
    One week before period, I start feeling extreme anxiety and depression to the point where I'm shaking from it..
    Other symptoms include:
    – breast tenderness
    – acne
    – heart palpitations and fatigue
    – being very bloated
    – migraines (gets worse if the weather is rainy)
    – very hard time concentrating
    – Extreme insomnia
    – Hot flashes at night

    I never tried birth control, but I would just to see if it will help me…

  6. Following Autoimmune Paleo Diet (check Sarah Balentyne) helped a number of women beat this horrible disease. White rice, red meat, cucumber lettuce and drinking water. When stable they starting reintroducing other vegetables and fruits in order to see what causes their reactions.

  7. I'm going through a very tough time right now. For almost 5 years I had been suffering from PMDD but wasn't aware. I was recently diagnosed and I was doing so well on meds, then 1 month later, it's like beginning from square one. In Kenya and Africa at large, PMDD awareness is so low and every person you explain to about your suffering, they end up dismissing you as just a lazy person, who doesn't wanna work 2 weeks a month. I'm really worried about my career. I'm an Actuarial Officer and that comes with pressure during end months, which is where my period falls most of the times. I just need to figure out how to go about my life. I'm glad I have a supportive boyfriend, but it's not been easy really.

  8. I’ve researched pmdd and at this point I’m pretty confident I have it. I always thought that everyone had pms as badly as me but I’m a normally chill, rational person with a pretty high self esteem and especially recently in the week leading up to my period I get extremely sensitive and short tempered and I talk down on myself so much and I don’t even feel like it’s me talking 90% of that time. I’m actually gonna go to the doctor and get birth control so hopefully the symptoms will die down.

  9. I've noticed that the past few months my mood swings have become stronger and darker. I get horribly tired, my appetite is all over the place. I have an extremely short fuse, and get overly emotional for no reason. The last 3 cycles I've felt suicidal. I'm currently feeling that way. I'm 2 days away from my period. I feel like I have this fog in my head and this super heavy vest on my chest, that I can't get rid of. I hide to cry so my kids and husband don't see me. I feel like a failure, like I can't be a mom and a wife. I feel like my life is a joke and there's not a single person that truly cares about me, and it hurts. I just stay in this space no matter what I do. I hate it because it's not true! Day one of my period I'm happy but just tired, and feel like a total idiot for feeling that way a few days before. Today I decided to Google "suicidal thoughts before period" because it just couldn't be normal. I'm glad I have come across a possible answer to this horrible thing that takes over me.

  10. This was the video that first introduced me to PMDD. I knew that my PMS wasn’t normal, but everyone kept saying that it was fine and that I was fine and I was just being a drama queen.
    It’s been about 4 years since my first symptoms, 1 year from my first introduction, and 1 month since my diagnosis and beginning of my treatment.
    So far it’s only gotten worse. I’ve gone through an episode nearly every day since starting birth control, but I know I just need to get into a routine and push through to get some results.
    Thanks for this video (a year later). You put the bug in my head that I needed to get a better dr (she was okay, but never listened to my mental symptoms and complaints, and would constantly berate my for my weight and A1C levels, despite being within completely normal)and get better treatment as well as advocate for myself!❤️

  11. Just yesterday I was very close to suicide. This is the worst internal feeling on earth, and having to deal with it monthly is just too much! I literally feel like dying. On top of all the physical aches I’m going through, I get a fricking cold sore! Omg. I’m so tired of this. It’s really affecting my life horribly. I can’t even get the energy to go to work or to the gym! Ok, bye I’m going to go cry now. Ugh!

  12. My fiance and I have known for a while my PMS gets really bad, but after I learned there was a disorder for PMS x10 I felt some relief. Like, it has a name? In the last week before my period it usually spikes, and I can tell when an outburst is on the way. It's just like a constant rush of anxious cortisol, and then if the people around me say even the slightest thing wrong, I'll freak out. It'll shift between sad, to so angry I could cut ties with everybody, to so depressed I'm borderline suicidal. Few hours later, the emotion spikes drop enough for me to calm a little. Luckily the worst only lasts one or two days, and then it pretty much goes back to normal once I start to bleed. I'm glad to see someone talk about it, because I feel like people don't take PMS symptoms seriously. So this disorder isn't talked about much because of that. PMDD sucks.

  13. I have always had PMS from the beginning, but in the past few years I get suicidal thoughts!
    It is ruining my life and I think it's about time I started taking treatment for this (I'm a doctor myself so I thought I could help myself with self care but I truly can't manage anymore, my life is terrible)

  14. 1 or 2 days before my menstruation I feel so lonely. I feel like I have nobody, especially when I'm alone at the moment. I feel so disconnected, and, I don't know, just very sad and lonely

  15. My girlfriend has pmdd it's really challenging one minute she's nice and then I can see by her face that's turning into this pmdd monster and she says lots of horrible things then I gtf out of there few silent days then wait for her to contact me…its not easy on us men dealing with it..this is why women live longer lol

  16. It is truly horrifying where ones mind goes during that pmdd time. Not to mention the physical pain as well. It's such a helpless and hopeless feeling all around. Wishing all the pmdd ladies well 💖

  17. I have been noticing extreme behavior in my girlfriend 2or3 days before her period actually begins for the past couple of months. And now I am pretty sure that she has PMDD. Just had a huge fight with her where she was very very very angry on me for a very silly mistake of mine. I have been searching a solution for her extreme behavior . Looks like I've cracked the code !! The fights have been very very demoralizing for me because she said some things to me that were not acceptable. But now I know its not her mistake. Just some hormonal stuff going inside 🙂 Thanks for such information.

  18. I didn't know this was a real thing. I have been dealing with this now in my late 20s. After my second child I noticed that my "PMS" has gotten so bad. I have been ignoring it. But its getting so bad that am making my partner so miserable. I feel so crazy. I cant even stand myself. I feel so desperate for relief. Thank u for the video. I am going to seek professional help.

  19. Stopping me from dating no guy has understood me im more emotional and sensitive x100. Litrally driving is a task even no one dare overtake me or the world seems like its about to end

  20. I’ve experienced all this since I’ve been on most forms of birth control. :/ I’m currently on depo provera for my fibroid tumors and I feel like a complete wreck. I’ve been on it for 6 months and I have my ups and downs with it. I’m currently on that down period where I’ve been spotting for 2 weeks straight post period. I’m depressed, hopeless and constantly feel lonely. I’m nervous about switching because it’s keeping my fibroids from growing and I haven’t had migraines since I’ve been on it. Switching to something else might reverse all that. I’ve been crying a lot lately because of it and I don’t know what to do… 😓

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