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How Marijuana Works

What Happens to Your Body When You Vape?

What Happens to Your Body When You Vape? Bob and Brad with guest speaker, Chris the Pharmacist, discuss what happens to your body when you vape.

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  1. POPCORN LUNG? Really? Diacetates have not been present in US e-liquids for over 5 years. Buy a clue! YOU ARE BEING LIED TO!
    Vaping saves lives. When you remove the flavored vodka, I'll listen. Legit companies list ingredients and are responsible. And you said "Go out and vape, kid" but the legit shops are not saying it! You are drawing the attention to it. And propylene glycol? How many medical applications does that have? Your hypocritical approach to this is painful. Please! Message me and let's chat. You are being lied to!

  2. I've followed you guys for awhile but this is just WRONG! We've been open for nearly 6 years. We DO NOT sell to kids. Not one of our customers has gotten ill. But we don't sell too kids. Adults like flavors. Just like they do in their alcohol. PLEASE speak to the difference in KIDS vaping and the vaping. Who is selling to the kids? Parents buy them or they get them online. There are 4 or 5 ingredients in vaping. 2 of those you use in breathing treatments, asthma meds. The only thing that is addictive is nicotine which is readily available in ALL night shade vegetables. Leave out the CBD and THC and you have a much better product to get people OFF of cigarettes. This isn't about kids. This is about helping adults stop smoking. Look at parents and online sellers marketing to kids. Vape shops and legit marketers Do not market to kids. There is NO oil in e-liquids. If there is, it will cause harm. When you want to get the truth, shoot me an email. Your guest is clueless. And probably backed by Big tobacco. The crap that is FDA approved does more harm than good. And Vaping DOES help adults quit smoking. Speak the truth. And keep in mind, kids do what adults say is bad. Vape shops are not out there screaming it. YOU ARE! Stop it and it will not be cool any more. #telltheTruth!
    Vaping is NOT THC.

  3. I’ll probably Stop watching you guys if you continue to have this Asshat spewing unfounded, made up information about different subjects. He is NOT a “specialist” in Anyway. He makes DRUGS that KILL people!
    Get a grip you Two!

  4. Bob and Brad we know you mean well but the reality is, no one on tgeir right mind is going to listen to advice from a Pharmacist! He's a legal drug pusher. This is the reality! It's like good cop bad cop, both same coin. There's reality aside from this coin!

    One word- ABORT! The ship in in danger of sinking guys.

  5. vaping use pg vg with flavor as far as nicotine goes you can use anywhere from 0 to 24 i started smoking when i was 13 i quit by vaping when i was 38 now i am 43 and i use only a 3ml of nicotine witch is low but nic salts goes up to 50 that is what kids are using witch they ban that in the uk and i think the us should to and crack down on the places that sales to kids

  6. What happens to your body? If you are a former smoker it gets much better. Who is paying you to do this pharma or big tobacco?

  7. I'm not a supporter of vaping, but at least the smell is not as obnoxious and offensive as cigarettes.
    I think it's hypocritical that this crusade and outrage over vaping is happening while the real problem is that cigarettes are still legal. My guess there's big lobbying money floating around to create a mass histeria over vaping as it is a threat to tobacco.
    Having said that, I appreciate these guy's having a conversation about this subject, which I think is a natural evolution to their content which is to promote wellness.
    And for those complaining about the pharmacist, remember that the guy spent many years learning chemistry and interactions between compounds and ingredients, so I think it's worth listening to this perspective.
    If the real concern was the health and we'll being of the population, many products wouldn't be sold or would be legal.
    Let's remember that businesses are targeting children because if you can hook them early on, they'll be consumers of your products for life. This can be said for any capitalist venture or product, so it's quite the slippery slope.
    So this is a classical example where vaping is the scapegoat while we turn our blind eye to other more pressing problems.

  8. Shop owners if you are being told to shut down absolutely do not abide. Stay open and make sure they write the fines in the name of the business not you as a person. Until they force your doors shut or they arrest you(if they do it'll be

    Nolle prosequi) you'll be out within a few hours to go home get rest and do it again. Do not allow them to impede on your ability to feed your families and keep your own lights on. It's not about Vaping anymore, it's beyond that. If we can disrupt an industry, we can disrupt the one's protecting them under false pretenses.

    CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE until other means are necessary. If you force them to see how much damage they're doing to citizens and fill up the dockets with bs fines their judges will start to question how productive the bans are.

    A lot of people don't realize how much they can move as a whole by all doing the same thing.

    Get mad, stay tactful, and rely heavily on the fact you are a person and your business is your way to stay alive and to be productive.

    Closing the door does more harm to your community than the ban actually does.


    This is for everyone. Some say ban vaping some say don't ban vaping. Here are hard fun facts for you all.

    The constitution reads that we as American citizens have a right to choice.

    A right to stand as one against tyranny and the government.

    A right to bare arms.

    There are more, but I'm going to cover these three.

    The right of choice= if there is a secondary option, you can choose what you want. In ex. A Dr.prescribed you a laxitive. You have the right to use it or not.

    If you smoke cigarettes you have the right to do that. The government can not tell you that you can't. It's freedom of choice. Got it? Ok moving on then.

    Right to stand as one = we have the right to stand as a whole in protests against our government without clause. In ex. We are able to protest the government if they try to tell you that your child can't play in the playground. Or you have to only buy health food no more can you buy chips etc. That is tyranny or as some know it as dictatorship.

    Now the big one right to bare arms = you have the right to own and carry a weapon for others or your own protection against wring doing of others. Not excluding the government. Think about all these for a minute.

    Now that you did that. The government wants to ban all vaping/e-cigarettes from flavors to devices. If this is done that is the right of choice taken away, and the right of standing as one will follow in a dominoe effect. Guess what that does to your right to bare arms. You guessed it. That right will be taken away without you being able to fight against it. Now do you still say ban vaping and take our right of choice away?

    Think about it hard people because this ban doesn't just effect vapers and smokers. It effects our bill of rights and the constitutional rights of America.

  9. Wait… The big pharma guy is against vaping? Whaaaaa? Lololol. Shocker.

    What is currently going on in the media is truly disturbing. The amount of lies and deception is remarkable. The CDC has even said verbatim "Most patients report a history of using THC-containing products. The latest national and regional findings suggest products containing THC play a role in the outbreak."


    Furthermore, studies show that the culprit of the lung disease is vitamin E acetate.




    The black market dealers are thinning out THC oil to save money and adding vitamin e acetate as a filler to these cartridges so that the oil in the cartridge appears to be thick like THC oil is at its original state. Vitamin E Acetate is used in skin lotions and creams. Vitamin E Acetate is not intended to be ingested and is considered toxic if consumed.


    Legitimate vape shops don't sell illegal products and especially don't sell to minors. We play by the rules. I can verify that through the FDA's inspection data.


    Our products are made to help people quit smoking combustible tobacco. The problem that plagues our industry are all of the gas stations, convenience stores, and retail stores such as Walgreens, Walmart, and Dollar General.


    Vaping using electronic nicotine delivery systems (E.N.D.S.) has been found to be 95% safer than smoking combustible cigarettes.


    For a list of studies that have been done in the past several years:

    Lastly, Here is the reality of our situation. States are losing tobacco revenue due to decreasing cigarette sales. States took out tobacco bonds after the Master Settlement Agreement was made between the attorney generals of 46 states, the District of Columbia, 5 United States territories, and the tobacco industry. If you take a look at the states with the most debt and reference those states that have issued executive orders to ban either flavors or vaping products altogether, it all ties together.


    Ultimately, we are dealing with MSA Blood Money. Our government is so far invested into the Big Tobacco industry, states Tobacco Bonds are set to default on these loans.

  10. I'm just going to say for a so called expert. He should have no problem answering g the question about the amount of vapor that is exhaled. Not to mention he said its lit. When it's heated up. Should have found some1 more educated on the subject. Now the flavors hook the kids. It has nothing to do with flavors, it's the high nic amount

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