Watch live: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gives coronavirus update
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is expected to give an update Thursday on the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as officials work to ramp up …
Cuomo's dailys are all about upstaging Trump, This whole thing's been totally politicized. Meanwhile this guy doesn't have a rich-boy's clue about economy. And it's time for New Yorkers to tell him so.
Please review my YouTube channel Democratactivist. Trump continues to give more examples of his incompetent mentally ill behavior. He has chosen to ignore several dozen intelligence reports over the 39 months. Why do Republican Senators continue allow this man to remain in office. Only Senator Mitt Romney voted to remove him from office. A few Republican Governor’s have voiced complaints during this Coronavirus Crisis. Trump is the most intellectually dishonest person ever elected.
Look Kentucky, if y'all can get the governor out you can Moscow Mitch out too. Vote him OUT!
How does COVID19 get in a nursing home.people that work there bring it in.
Cause they eat out Don t wash correctly .it's ur medical people and caretakers that are bringing covid19 in…
It's so simple
CUOMO for PRESIDENT 🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨✨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
Crowing about NYS economy, it’s not up to the National average.
Homelessland! give wood and zincalum to or better a shipping container) in their own westSouth great weather state Tools and knowledge to plant and harvest their own food- KICK them out of Subways!
Not good for this governor’s
Just curious how many NON-Corona deaths have occurred in NYS since January 1st of this year. Also, when I google to get this info it only shows Corona deaths. The questions being asked are not the right ones and the models need to be questions. What about all of the increase in domestic violence, suicide, etc. that is being caused by this shut down of our lives and economy…… The Governor is not even considering that. Thank God our President is recognizing this ad trying to get the economy open and the Country.
I( liked you before but your remark on President trump not help the democrat states is nonsense and ungrateful.
"New York Coronavirus Test Shows State-Wide 14% Infection Rate – New York City 21% – Data Indicates Mortality Rate 0.5%" 23 April 2020
Earlier today 23 April 2020 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released initial data from 3,000 people tested for COVID-19 antibodies throughout the state. Interestingly, though not surprisingly, the field tests were conducted on the general public who were visiting retail supermarkets and box stores (WalMart, Target, Costco, etc.). The resulting data falls directly in line with previous CTH analysis of human interface. The preliminary New York results show a state-wide infection rate of 13.9% within the sample. Which would extend to 2.7 million people state-wide. With that infection rate, the mortality rate from the infection would drop to 0.5%.
"New York Coronavirus Test Shows State-Wide 14% Infection Rate – New York City 21% – Data Indicates Mortality Rate 0.5%" 23 April 2020
Earlier today 23 April 2020 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released initial data from 3,000 people tested for COVID-19 antibodies throughout the state. Interestingly, though not surprisingly, the field tests were conducted on the general public who were visiting retail supermarkets and box stores (WalMart, Target, Costco, etc.). The resulting data falls directly in line with previous CTH analysis of human interface. The preliminary New York results show a state-wide infection rate of 13.9% within the sample. Which would extend to 2.7 million people state-wide. With that infection rate, the mortality rate from the infection would drop to 0.5%.
Why is this guy not running for president??
Nice tie…💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
How many babies have died from abortion because of you??
Are they gonna say when it’s over I wouldn’t be surprised it is longer than May 15th 🧐🧐🧐
A lot of people from public housing dont have cars,how they gonna get tested,drive throughs are just for people with cars!
McConnell is a POS💩💩💩💩
To test people because of Race is a mistake. You're testing won't protect anyone unless you make sure the dominant society is tested that's everyone. Everyone needs to be tested!
Shame this virus is being so politicized, but every election year they come out with a new virus They're going overboard with over reporting cases, anybody with so much as a snifle gets classified as Corona infection, even without a test. And the more cases a hospital has the more funding they get, and that's pretty much where all hospitals get money now since everybody is indoors not getting sick. Cuomo himself told the Navy hospital ship to go away because it wasn't needed, and the temp field hospital was barely used.
Now they even have a do not resuscitate rule …
Can't help but wonder why New York has so many more cases than other places, besides the do not resuscitate rule. Must be that time Cuomo told infected elderly patients to go back to their nursing homes infecting more people there…eventually causing 3000 deaths, or 25% of New York deaths
Cuomo is full of crap about political parties…..he’s worse than anyone else and now he’s acting like he’s above it all .
This man should be PRESIDENT
So the death rate is essentially the same as seasonal flu. Totally worth crashing the economy and losing our freedom, right?
Trump let Cuomo decide if Andy wanted to know his job description. Andy lied about the death rate before…now t turns out what Trump told him a month ago is true. Now he is up to speed. Andy wants power…now he wants to pass the buck.
Dale me out . So I can blow it again .
McConnell, the leader of the grand 'ol party of "Christian values" right there for ya. Speaking of "bail outs", Kentucky gets $2.61 of federal funding for every $1 they pay — by his logic, McConnell should have let his state go bankrupt decades ago. Just finished watching the rest of this press briefing. Glad Cuomo mentions this.
The bigger question than how MANY people are dying in nursing homes is HOW ARE those people dying in nursing homes? When we see a home where 25 people have died in less than a week, are any of them being offered critical care like intubation and ventilator support? Or are they just being written off? And are those who are, being offered comfort meds and airway maintenance? Acute respiratory syndrome is basically drowning in one's own fluids. SARS requires a lot of care, even in DNR patients. Medications, O², and frequent suctioning. Are these large numbers of people receiving the appropriate palliative care? It seems that given how many there have been, it's highly unlikely. That would require large quantities of opiates and sedatives, and the staff qualified to dispense them. One must wonder, are patients in these facilities being declared DNR by virtue of their living in long term care facilities? There can't be that many patients who are DNR of their own volition AND unsalvageable. At a time when family members cannot advocate in real time for their loved ones, who is making these life or death decisions? No one's been talking about rationing ICU beds and ventilators lately. But are long term care facility patients being automatically shut out of the process en masse? It's scary to think about what we already know goes on in some of these places. But add on the pandemic and some of the weak laws in many states- combined with so many sketchy facility owners, and it's pretty terrifying. So much for the greatest generation.
Under Cuomo New York State has a $6 billion deficit meaning here comes more taxes and fees if you live in New York State
''That's not we are – what's the time ?!?''🔵🔴 or ⚫⚪ or 🌎🌏🌍 We are all in the same situation. Let's do each other well… so everyone gets along better. Best wishes to New Yorkers ✳violett is the new colour 😉
troll activity is slow between about now for about 10 hours…it is late in Moscow.. a rhythm i have noticed over the last few years
Thank you Thank you for bringing up Mitch McConnell. He is a disgrace and does not have one sympathetic bone in his body. You are so right about him. I still cannot believe he is in the senate.
Your an evil man.
Why don't the Police wear masks and gloves? I've seen several of them and on the news. Never a mask or gloves. what up?
No alcohol and disinfectant potions in our community in New York City From March to now,fake masks and gloves are from China. New York Senators ,Governor and Mayor do not save American,but they buy fake goods from China, and save the garbage country-virus country-China.
The great depression was an economical strain that resulted in thousands of deaths. Economical hardships leads to suicides, murders, family destruction and mental unstability. You are more concerned about a virus because a virus can actually affect the elites but poverty will never touch you. You are all immoral and disgrace to your country.
Last I checked, Cuomo wasn’t a doctor. Would it be too much to ask that an actual doctor discusses this information with the public?
I really like watching Governor Cuomo. He gives the facts as best they appear, he's straight forward without sugar coating or overplaying/underplaying and supportive. He's a leader.
Cuomo's dailys are all about upstaging Trump, This whole thing's been totally politicized. Meanwhile this guy doesn't have a rich-boy's clue about economy. And it's time for New Yorkers to tell him so.
Please review my YouTube channel Democratactivist. Trump continues to give more examples of his incompetent mentally ill behavior. He has chosen to ignore several dozen intelligence reports over the 39 months.
Why do Republican Senators continue allow this man to remain in office. Only Senator Mitt Romney voted to remove him from office. A few Republican Governor’s have voiced complaints during this Coronavirus Crisis. Trump is the most intellectually dishonest person ever elected.
Hes such a joke along with Fredo
ozone therapy has been successfully tested in spain and italy…
Fraudulent testing plus fraudulent reporting equals fraudulent pandemic:
Look Kentucky, if y'all can get the governor out you can Moscow Mitch out too. Vote him OUT!
How does COVID19 get in a nursing home.people that work there bring it in.
Cause they eat out Don t wash correctly .it's ur medical people and caretakers that are bringing covid19 in…
It's so simple
CUOMO for PRESIDENT 🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨✨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
Crowing about NYS economy, it’s not up to the National average.
Homelessland! give wood and zincalum to or better a shipping container) in their own westSouth great weather state Tools and knowledge to plant and harvest their own food- KICK them out of Subways!
Not good for this governor’s
Just curious how many NON-Corona deaths have occurred in NYS since January 1st of this year. Also, when I google to get this info it only shows Corona deaths.
The questions being asked are not the right ones and the models need to be questions. What about all of the increase in domestic violence, suicide, etc. that is being caused by this shut down of our lives and economy…… The Governor is not even considering that. Thank God our President is recognizing this ad trying to get the economy open and the Country.
I( liked you before but your remark on President trump not help the democrat states is nonsense and ungrateful.
CBS is lying, no one is dying.
Medical proof shutdown was wrong
Cali liberal doctors expose shutdown wrong
"New York Coronavirus Test Shows State-Wide 14% Infection Rate – New York City 21% – Data Indicates Mortality Rate 0.5%" 23 April 2020
Earlier today 23 April 2020 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released initial data from 3,000 people tested for COVID-19 antibodies throughout the state. Interestingly, though not surprisingly, the field tests were conducted on the general public who were visiting retail supermarkets and box stores (WalMart, Target, Costco, etc.). The resulting data falls directly in line with previous CTH analysis of human interface.
The preliminary New York results show a state-wide infection rate of 13.9% within the sample. Which would extend to 2.7 million people state-wide. With that infection rate, the mortality rate from the infection would drop to 0.5%.
"New York Coronavirus Test Shows State-Wide 14% Infection Rate – New York City 21% – Data Indicates Mortality Rate 0.5%" 23 April 2020
Earlier today 23 April 2020 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released initial data from 3,000 people tested for COVID-19 antibodies throughout the state. Interestingly, though not surprisingly, the field tests were conducted on the general public who were visiting retail supermarkets and box stores (WalMart, Target, Costco, etc.). The resulting data falls directly in line with previous CTH analysis of human interface.
The preliminary New York results show a state-wide infection rate of 13.9% within the sample. Which would extend to 2.7 million people state-wide. With that infection rate, the mortality rate from the infection would drop to 0.5%.
Why is this guy not running for president??
Nice tie…💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
How many babies have died from abortion because of you??
Are they gonna say when it’s over I wouldn’t be surprised it is longer than May 15th 🧐🧐🧐
A lot of people from public housing dont have cars,how they gonna get tested,drive throughs are just for people with cars!
McConnell is a POS💩💩💩💩
To test people because of Race is a mistake. You're testing won't protect anyone unless you make sure the dominant society is tested that's everyone. Everyone needs to be tested!
Shame this virus is being so politicized, but every election year they come out with a new virus They're going overboard with over reporting cases, anybody with so much as a snifle gets classified as Corona infection, even without a test. And the more cases a hospital has the more funding they get, and that's pretty much where all hospitals get money now since everybody is indoors not getting sick. Cuomo himself told the Navy hospital ship to go away because it wasn't needed, and the temp field hospital was barely used.
Now they even have a do not resuscitate rule …
Can't help but wonder why New York has so many more cases than other places, besides the do not resuscitate rule. Must be that time Cuomo told infected elderly patients to go back to their nursing homes infecting more people there…eventually causing 3000 deaths, or 25% of New York deaths
Cuomo is full of crap about political parties…..he’s worse than anyone else and now he’s acting like he’s above it all .
This man should be PRESIDENT
So the death rate is essentially the same as seasonal flu. Totally worth crashing the economy and losing our freedom, right?
Trump let Cuomo decide if Andy wanted to know his job description. Andy lied about the death rate before…now t turns out what Trump told him a month ago is true. Now he is up to speed. Andy wants power…now he wants to pass the buck.
Dale me out . So I can blow it again .
McConnell, the leader of the grand 'ol party of "Christian values" right there for ya.
Speaking of "bail outs", Kentucky gets $2.61 of federal funding for every $1 they pay — by his logic, McConnell should have let his state go bankrupt decades ago.
Just finished watching the rest of this press briefing. Glad Cuomo mentions this.
The bigger question than how MANY people are dying in nursing homes is HOW ARE those people dying in nursing homes? When we see a home where 25 people have died in less than a week, are any of them being offered critical care like intubation and ventilator support? Or are they just being written off? And are those who are, being offered comfort meds and airway maintenance? Acute respiratory syndrome is basically drowning in one's own fluids. SARS requires a lot of care, even in DNR patients. Medications, O², and frequent suctioning. Are these large numbers of people receiving the appropriate palliative care? It seems that given how many there have been, it's highly unlikely. That would require large quantities of opiates and sedatives, and the staff qualified to dispense them. One must wonder, are patients in these facilities being declared DNR by virtue of their living in long term care facilities? There can't be that many patients who are DNR of their own volition AND unsalvageable. At a time when family members cannot advocate in real time for their loved ones, who is making these life or death decisions? No one's been talking about rationing ICU beds and ventilators lately. But are long term care facility patients being automatically shut out of the process en masse? It's scary to think about what we already know goes on in some of these places. But add on the pandemic and some of the weak laws in many states- combined with so many sketchy facility owners, and it's pretty terrifying. So much for the greatest generation.
Under Cuomo New York State has a $6 billion deficit meaning here comes more taxes and fees if you live in New York State
''That's not we are – what's the time ?!?''🔵🔴 or ⚫⚪ or 🌎🌏🌍 We are all in the same situation. Let's do each other well… so everyone gets along better.
Best wishes to New Yorkers
✳violett is the new colour 😉
troll activity is slow between about now for about 10 hours…it is late in Moscow.. a rhythm i have noticed over the last few years corona virus new york
Thank you Thank you for bringing up Mitch McConnell. He is a disgrace and does not have one sympathetic bone in his body. You are so right about him. I still cannot believe he is in the senate.
Your an evil man.
Why don't the Police wear masks and gloves? I've seen several of them and on the news. Never a mask or gloves. what up?
No alcohol and disinfectant potions in our community in New York City From March to now,fake masks and gloves are from China. New York Senators ,Governor and Mayor do not save American,but they buy fake goods from China, and save the garbage country-virus country-China.
The great depression was an economical strain that resulted in thousands of deaths. Economical hardships leads to suicides, murders, family destruction and mental unstability. You are more concerned about a virus because a virus can actually affect the elites but poverty will never touch you. You are all immoral and disgrace to your country.
Last I checked, Cuomo wasn’t a doctor. Would it be too much to ask that an actual doctor discusses this information with the public?
I really like watching Governor Cuomo. He gives the facts as best they appear, he's straight forward without sugar coating or overplaying/underplaying and supportive. He's a leader.