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WATCH | House Judiciary Committee debates Trump impeachment articles (FULL LIVE STREAM)

The House continues markup of the Trump impeachment articles, which began Wednesday at 7 p.m. Eastern. House Democrats unveiled two articles of …

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  1. Demorats: we must impeach President Trump before Christmas!

    President Trump: ok send the impeachment articles to Senate. You have nothing on me!

    Demorats: 🤯 ahhh ohh I mean after Christmas vacation 😳

    President Trump: 😂 that's what I thought 😂

  2. You all know if this was Obama…… All Hypocrites! Remember, This mess is only hurting white folks. Black people has been able to navigate through every single President, good, bad and indifferent. I honestly believe Trump is going to change for the worse and Republicans will regret supporting him.

  3. You cannot believe ANYTHING the Washington Post prints. Proof? Look at their coverage of the black FEDEX driver that murdered the homeless man in Portland, Or Sept 16. It was GREAT, they said, because he was evil……….The HorseShxx Washington Post….

  4. I’m saying…playing on words is what this is really all about..we call a working girl a prostitute…the fact is there is no a unman alive that is not a whore for whatever they are willing to accept on a “this for that” basis…call it quid quo it a favour…two wrongs don’t make a right..they just make it status quo…Biden openly admitted his extortion…the USA openly interfering in other sovereign counties in what ever way they want has never been a problem before…the Dems are just upset that someone besides them are running the candy shop…it’s laughable

  5. The hypocrisy is astounding. The Obama administration ACTUALLY sent $350,000 thru the State Dept. In 2011 to a group in Israel to oust Netanyahu from office. Whats pigs these people are!!

  6. Amazing. So, as they preach ethnic equality they scapegoat different minorities overseas for THEIR mistakes. I wish this was uncut. I dont need the "de to the third power" commentary. Hypocrits! Decievers! Traitors!

  7. Gohmert , king and Rudy are the ones that push me away from the Republican party. I will not votes in 2020. I'm sick of them. Kick them out the party

  8. Impeaching Trump, because he wanted to investigate Joe Biden.

    Um, no. That is called lying. He called for and investigation into a company. And said company Hunter Biden happen to work at. This has nothing to do with Bidens campaign. Unless, you are inserting that Biden would be linked to Hunter, and then you are openly stating that you know something we don’t. This is the can of worms you keep opening, like starting the Russian investigation and showing it was the Dems who sought election interference, and paid for it, a sitting president spied illegally with false evidence on a private citizen. You showed the people that, not Trump. Now you are mad. Calling for obstruction of Congress, again, no, the Executive Branch can tell the Legislative Branch “NO!” And then the 3rd branch of government needs to be imposed to make a ruling. This is why our government is the best. It doesn’t give power to solely one branch of government.

    So at the end, the Dems have show abuse of power, constantly. And people are not dumb. You old folks forget how powerful the internet is now a day. We can see everything, in real time. You can’t hide anymore.

  9. What a crock, the Democrats have lost their minds (again). This is such a sham and abuse of power by the Democrats, honestly, I will NEVER vote for a Democrat again and can only pray you lose the house to STOP this insane power grab and impose your foolish and dangerous polices on Americans. Your lies will be the end of you.

  10. Each response is deflecting. No one is answering the question, did Trump violate the United States constitution? Yes or No? Yes, there is evidence supporting those allegations.

  11. So when the impeachment is voted on, are you tellin me that the Congress is gonna vote when clearly there are more dems sitting there? Am I ignorant to how this works?? Am I missing somethin? I hope i am because this is insane if so.

  12. Anyways, they wasted a lot of police power on us. Mr. Collins should just marry Jordan and I at First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana. E (P.S. Our daughter, Ilyena is 2 years old, now).

  13. All Democrats everywhere should threaten to begin to do exactly as Drumpf and openly invite foreign countries, corporations and people to help them win their elections and to use their positions and power over others to pay for it and/or bribe/extort it from them until American Republicans think it's not acceptable (even for their cult leader), unconstitutional and maybe even treasonous.

  14. Within a very short time, the left is being severely damaged by everything that is currently happening, from Trump's victory with the USMCA, to the state of the China trade talks now that China is showing signs of buckling, realizing Trump is likely to be reelected, to the polls switching in Trump's favor after the failed Shiff and Nadler hearings coming up with two laughable articles of impeachment, to the devastating IG report exposing the democrats' fraudulent methods with the FISA court which lead to this entire 40 billion tax payer dollar Russia/Ukraine hoax. In all my 45 years, through voting both on the left and right at different stages in life, I have never seen a party sink so low as this democratic party has in the last 3+ years. It's astounding.

  15. bribery means i'll give you this…if you give me that…Really?…that explains a bullies way of thinking…"be my friend or i'll beat you up!"…Really?….to me it is more clearly in the bullies case a fact of extortion…no?

  16. in my opinion, The Washington Post does nothing other than belittle President Trump's business acquisitions based off the fact that he's a very successful businessman. the owner of The Washington Post seems to have an issue, which kind of adds to others saying that President Trump is using the presidency to make more money, since he lost out on a bid for a military defense contract. at first,they didn't print that it was a military defense contract. they simply said it was a contract that Bezos lost. think about it… what does a shipping company know about military defense when their main focal point has been trying to launch others into outer space, alongside Elon Musk. at first they said it would simply be zero gravity flights that lasted longer than normal & would go higher than a regular zero gravity flight. at $52M a pop in order to visit the space station, that should raise questions in itself. I just find it kind of odd that someone such as Jeff Bezos would be seeking to obtain any sort of defense contract for anything. 

    regardless of that. it appears to me as if they're giving President Trump an ultimatum; either step down from being President or step down from being CEO of his business(es). what if an argument was made to say if someone owned one business they couldn't own another one or work anywhere else since they already have their own business? wouldn't like that would you? President Trump doesn't wish to disclose his finances & doesn't have to. that's why they want him impeached. they get on the internet so much & manipulate words & numbers that if you were to Google something one day it'd say something else the very next day. so someone has obviously drawn up fake numbers of how his businesses have so called benefited from him being President & think they're going to sucker that man into releasing information that he does not have to. they tapped President Trump's phone calls to other countries & luckily they weren't discussing things that others could say were a risk to national security. I bet you if he weren't President, his alleged joke about the Bidens being looked into would not be blown out of proportion as it's being right now.

  17. Mr. Jordon, of Ohio you lied right in the American public's face on camera. Your claim, you know, "what the American Public likes about this President". Then you proceeded to list the talking points, the President is using for his Reelection Campaign, as if they are achievements he's already obtained.

    Truth to you, Mr. Jordon, more the 50 percent of the public do not want the president to stay in office.

    We, of the American public, resent your speaking out for us on camera or/in public, claiming to speak for the American Public as a whole.

    Your in an Impeachment, Sir, speak the truth, not your presumptions of what American Constants like or want about this President!

    To other Right Wing Representitives on the Judicial Impeachment Committee, "We The People" don't need more lies, drama, lecturing, wineing, picking out words and minute details in the Impeachment Document, with which to take issue. Talk about wasting time and tax payer money. Save us of your time spending and expensive loud, yelling drama. Your not Perry Mason and this is not a for TV criminal trial, drama.

    To apologise for holding an Impeachment is particularly wrong because it shows how weak we are if our Nation does not hold our President accoutable for his wrongful behavior. Our president's conduct and spoken "vitreal" ( to use a often repeated word on the Right Wing Side)" is shameful and needs we need to hold him accountable. He is not above the law.

  18. The Democrats record of bill sending forward to the Senate. It's the master stratagy ofthe president and his staff to use McConnel as the passed house bills, that McConnel "knows" the president won't sign. So, McConnel is the clog of the bills coming from the House of Representitives. Which includes a majority of the Democratic sponsored bills.
    They are sitting in McConnel's office waiting for action. These Bill's would help people in need, our environment heal, help those who are jobless, the problems at the Southern Border and immagration and on and on.

    Our Dems have worked hard and even attempt to hold the out of control president.

  19. Mr. Collins is either in the president's loop or he is as corrupt as the president. Maybe he is up for reelection and is afraid the president will not support Collin's reelection. Is that how he can sit there arguing false evidence or narratives to cover up for the president's actions and the Right Wing's un- "facts"?

    Mr. Collins charges the left wing as being petulent when he is practicing the same behavior to protect the president from being Impeachment.

  20. This is not a judicial issue. If we take this to court this impeachment will take years. Not to mention is not a judicial matter. It is congressional over site. Johnson is feeding the public false information with blaitent intent.

    The president is 7sing the right wing to cover up his offences to the American Public. It is shocking and sicking to listen by right wing representatives with dirty hands, falsely argue for the president and his circles and right wing elected representitives.

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