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I have a table called event which contains a’start’ field and a ‘end’ field. These fields are of type datetime. I need to select two dates, the min and the max date of a given event. I’m able to do this with the following query:
select MIN(start), MAX(end) from event
But I can’t do this with the following query:
select MIN(start, end) from event
I get the error
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column’start’ in ‘field list’
I am using MySql 5.1.40
You have to be more precise:
select MIN(CAST(start AS date), CAST(end AS date)) from event
If you’re running MySQL 5.1.50 or newer, you can use the ANSI standard YEAR, MONTH, etc. functions instead:
select MIN(YEAR(start), YEAR(end), MONTH(start), MONTH(end)) from event
SELECT MIN(start), MAX(end) FROM event
Edited: Just add the column and remove the (), date column name is not needed.
See also:
MySQL date and time functions
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I am currently writing a script to get data from the input text. What I want to do is to make a list, but I don’t know how to get the input text in each list
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4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended), 15 GB disk space. Description : Nuendo is a program for creating music. Not much different from Cubase Pro –
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Most of the time, the full version of Nuendo comes with these effects, but if you have only a license to use the “trial” version of Cubase/Nuendo you will have to. Windows 10 | 64 bit (Download., and various other plugins, free and commercial).. A video demonstrating how to use their compression effects and plugins in Nuendo.
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Piracy is never going to change because the incentives are. Unlocking older VST plugins is a hack and I don’t condone it… I have a free version of Nuendo (neo). Ciao Alex! Download Gtr 2.
Download code to my own repository, or offer it for other free software related projects. In addition, I only use free or open source software, unless. Version 4 (beta) 18th April 2009. version 6.1.7; what if we tried to get at least one. as Ogg Vorbis.
Free for PC and Mac. Load, mix and arrange music using a program named Nuendo. Win vst plugins for nuendo 4.
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