I almost died in jail of appendicitis during a 10 day sentence for weed. I was victim to malpractice. I didn't think I deserved that level of pain and punishment for a misdemeanor amount of weed that was legal in Washington D.C at the time. If you don't support decriminalized weed, you support putting non violent people in jail, where they can become radicalized by our poorly run/ poorly funded jails and prisons. There shouldn't even be a debate. People don't deserve jail/ fines for weed. Period.
That's how cops and others agencies make money (destroying people's) the tax payer is the one wasting their money. In some places they are legalizing it and don't want the government to get any taxes on it as a punishment for all the people who's lives they have destroyed but want to make sure that the taxes charge for weed to go straight to schools and education only (all of the money not just a percentage)..
I wish they would legalize it, I’m in the military stationed near Canada and it’s already legal, I would like to be able to use bud when I get out for pain and other things but I can’t because it’s a common wealth state and behind the curb on everything.
i’m high asf
The police profit from prohibition.its like a business to them. Just another way for them to steal from the public instead of investigating real crimes.
I almost died in jail of appendicitis during a 10 day sentence for weed. I was victim to malpractice. I didn't think I deserved that level of pain and punishment for a misdemeanor amount of weed that was legal in Washington D.C at the time. If you don't support decriminalized weed, you support putting non violent people in jail, where they can become radicalized by our poorly run/ poorly funded jails and prisons. There shouldn't even be a debate. People don't deserve jail/ fines for weed. Period.
That's how cops and others agencies make money (destroying people's) the tax payer is the one wasting their money. In some places they are legalizing it and don't want the government to get any taxes on it as a punishment for all the people who's lives they have destroyed but want to make sure that the taxes charge for weed to go straight to schools and education only (all of the money not just a percentage)..
I wish they would legalize it, I’m in the military stationed near Canada and it’s already legal, I would like to be able to use bud when I get out for pain and other things but I can’t because it’s a common wealth state and behind the curb on everything.
i’m high asf
The police profit from prohibition.its like a business to them. Just another way for them to steal from the public instead of investigating real crimes.