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Does the Novel Corona Virus have an effect on vaping? What are they not telling you? SUBSCRIBE TO THE VAPING INSIDER YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW …

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  1. Maatja Benassie is the American military officer was spreading the virus in Wuhan during the military sports Oct.2019,  Now she is spreading and it was spreading the coronavirus from The fort Detrick in USA and worldwide. Search the video with her name and Nathan Rich in Youtube you will find the trues.

  2. I'm having chest pains from my juul I'm addict'd frfr I'm been vaping vuse since 2018 & just switch'd to juul in December & my chest pain started in January I when to da Er dey gave me e sum medicine named Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg when I googled it I seen dat dey also prescribed it for Anthrax anybody else been having chest pains who use juul bxua I didn't believe da shit dey was sayn about vaping but da way my muthafuckn chest feels got me 2nd guess'n & sum how even thru da shortness of breath & chest pain I stihl take rips smh its scaring when u hurt & nobody can't explain to ya what u are experiencing so dey jus guess upper respiratory infection & send u home make me wonder did the virus orginate 4rm Juul or Vuse smh this shit I'm dealn with is cray & my anxiety is eatn away at my data why I can't stop vaping bcus of this virus shit I'm shaking now while I'm typin this shit now

  3. I buy things from China, it takes 2 weeks to get through customs, under normal circumstances. It's taking a month now. In terms of cross contamination is concerned you should be wearing gloves.

  4. The PG is very effective for killing influenza viruses (see below). I can not say if this also works with the Corona virus, but i have no reason to believe it doesnt, so im gonna keep adding some PG to my juice, and i would think that would keep me as safe as i can be. I still think cleaning the mods is a good idea. Especially the outside. The inside of the atomizers will most likely be sterilized by the PG itself.

    "Concentrations of 1 gm. of propylene glycol vapor in two to four million cc. of air produced IMMEDIATE AND COMPLETE STERILIZATION of air into which pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, H. influenzae, and other microorganisms as well as influenza virus had been sprayed. With lesser concentrations of propylene glycol, rapid and marked reduction in the number of air-borne bacteria occurred, but complete sterilization of the air required a certain interval of time."

    2-4 million cubic centimeters of air is 2-4000 liters. Average lung capacity of an adult is 6 liters, which means that you need to inhale 1g (im guessing around 1ml) of PG per 333 to 666 puffs, to achieve that "immediate and complete sterilization". A 50/50 PG/VG mix should have you covered even with relatively weak mods (MAYBE not pods???)…

  5. how about addressing the fact that vaping causes lung damage and CV attacks the lungs FIRST plus the fact there is no treatment for CV and u can easily die from it if u have damaged lungs even before u get the virus…

  6. If the virus hates heat (dies in any heat) and they attack lungs, would hot vaping (like at high watts) not kill the virus from your lungs?

  7. I have a question about this. I usually let my friends use my vape when we're chilling and shit. I have 2 drip tips. Should I make them use the 2nd tip or should I just not let them use it all together? Ngl, I'm kinda worried about this virus.

  8. China has a population where 50% smoke tobacco (cigarettes). However of all those infected 1% are smokers. Wouldn’t we expect a 50/50% smokers vs nonsmokers unless smoking somehow aided in the prevention of acquiring coronavirus?

  9. No more nicotine smoking please my lungs are very bad from passive smoke so if i get corona im more likely to die than any of you thus ban smoking everywhere now.

  10. Im more worried about the virus causing less product being produced/shipped.. this combined with more possible govt restrictions on vaping still looming, could result in price gouging and having limited options eventually.

  11. They keep announcing it to scary people because trump is scared of our huge population in the world and he doesn’t know how to control it so the government could be behind it

  12. I messaged at least 6 retailers from China that I use and all have sent me information on how they are going about things to minimise any risk their end and any virus would die in transit anyway tbh

  13. Deuces , I was watching Jai H’s channel before I saw this video. In your opinion is there really going to be a shortage on products from China ? Then what’s this talk about the FDA agenda ? Great informative channel, keep up the good work. Be blessed and stay safe.

  14. Uhm, this guy is completely wrong about the Corona virus. It can stay alive for up to 94 hrs on a surface, it is contagious even though the infected person shows no signs. In addition it may take up to 24 days for symptoms to begin. Just saying, this is man-made as a weapon so all information won't be found out until after damage has been done.

  15. I’m still of the opinion that it’s a weaponised virus and it’s a long long way from being over so if your vaping stock coils in a tank your in trouble, we’ll always be able to buy wire and cotton so get into rebuilds

  16. I want to know if it's going to effect our supply chain. Will it stop us from getting our stuff from over seas? I'm hearing we are going to run out of hardware available until at least April but then may 12th is coming quick so it's going to be hard to get anything soon. All vape stuff after 2006 will be illegal. Y'all know about this?

  17. If you are not in a rush you can get an ultrasonic cleaning for under $10 with shipping on Amazon. They work though I cant tell you how long they will work and be careful of the size though honestly if it can fit a denture itll fit your tanks 🙂 Of course these also come from China 🙂

  18. It seems the virus has mutated again. Normally on surfaces virus of this type have a 24 -48 hr ( I think on paper money it lives longer so the 48 hrs) life span so you are correct. Unfortunately with this latest mutation I understand that that from recent testing the surface life span is currently 9 Days or so! Which seems implausible. And scary if true.

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