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Using CBD For PTSD From Narcissistic Abuse. But…

Can CBD Cannabis Help Your Symptoms Of PTSD After Narcissistic Abuse? The Royal we explores and tries CBD to help with symptoms of ptsd from toxic …

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  1. Narcissists are always on the hunt for something they are never going to find. They pretend to be someone else to ensnare the victim with deception, lies, pretending to feel one way, when they feel the complete opposite. A Narcissist should not be trusted and are often toxic with an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others feelings, an inability to handle any criticism and a sense of entitlement. They also uses future faking and gaslighting as some of their control tactics. Narcissists are also trying to explore the coronavirus as a means of getting back to their victims so it is also important to observe the “NO CONTACT RULE”. I used to think that love could cure anything but it only fed my narc's enormous ego. It is important to be wise when dealing with a narcissist and I’m glad that cyberhackinggenius helped cloned my wife’s phone. I got access to all her dealings both on phone and social media without touching her phone. I’m here in Nevada USA and able to access my wife’s phone with a cloned app even while she was away in the UK and cheating on me. All I did was share my wife’s phone number with Cyberhackinggenius and I was able to read both her new and deleted messages from my phone through a remote link to a programmed app containing cloned cell information without having to touch her phone. My wife was a cheating Narcissist and I’m glad to find out all her secrets and infidelity with the help of cyberhackinggenius. My wife also tried to use this coronavirus outbreak as a means to get back to me but I’m not stupid enough to allow someone so toxic back into my life. I’m finally going through divorce with lots of evidence against her. I read all her deleted and recent chats on Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and the GPS location of her phone at all times. You can contact this great hacker “Gavin” via Gmail  (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and thank me later!

  2. Hey .. can you clarify something to me
    My Q is how to break the bond with elder covert weak narcissistic father ..

    Its complicated but not impossible
    He was narc but not that bad .. now hes is bad .. so defensive after my older father death

    Im new to this narcissism youtube world
    I watched your video that you got narcissist mother too

    Also . Do identify the narcissist your refering to in every video

    Some got parents and some got lovers or children

  3. I am 12 btw and have been diagnosed with ptsd and the reason why was because I made a friend from Newcastle uk but his parents told him to not talk to me and i felt heart broken and the night I’m writing this was the night I was crying for 3 hours so please lev a comment that could inspire me or at lest make me happy it’s complex ptsd btw

  4. I have been using CBD oil for 5 months now. I am Canadian so I was able to get a prescription – nothing has helped me in my entire life as much as this product. Better than any medication I ever tried with zero side effects for me anyway. I am getting stronger and more peaceful every single day.

  5. My ARNP recommended L-Theanine for the symptoms I have as a result of being in a toxic relationship. Its the ingredient in Green Tea. It gives you a calming feeling, no sleepiness and it really slows down the panic and ruminating. I tried CBD oil also, its just pricey. THe L Theanine isnt. Hope this can help anyone.

  6. Ive used full spectrum cbd oil that comes from hemp not marijuana…no high, no thc. It gets into the brain and does its work throughout the body. First thing immediately sleep is so much better. 5 drops under the tongue 2x daily. Years now…i take it 2x daily 30 drops of 1500 mgs. So many benefits with health mental…all of it. I give to my dogs too. So many benefits i see. Full spectrum, organic, co2 processed, 3rd party testing. Hemp grown in usa. I am 65yrs old. Never thought of the narc abuse trauma being a benefit. No wonder im not doing as badly considering the hell i live in, because his evil is still here. 19 years of it. I take zero pharmaceuticals for 2 yrs now. I was on zanax, lorazepam and wellbutrin. I weened off them all. I wanted my mind back!

  7. I know CBD will HELP me to HEAL for PTSD after been narc ABUSED most of my life, anti depressiva (SSRI) DONT HELP – its a POISON..
    But CBD is may not legal here in Norway.., but I STOP taking SSRI Nov last year. I wonder where I can buy this here in Norway?

  8. I tried it for anxiety from narc abuse. I tried half the recommended dose. It did help with the anxiety, but it made me too sleepy to be useful. Then I realized I needed to research any potential reactions with prescription medication that I take. When I did that research, unfortunately I found that it’s not recommended due to one of my medications.

  9. I wondered abt that, Thx Kevin!! I know of a place where I can apply for it. I've taken a few drops of my friends, so It should be easy enough: Just one drop, so more would be awesome!!

  10. I bought some CBD oil in a pharmacy in Amsterdam. I was in Europe several months after my narco pathetic discard to heal and get away from the abuser. The oil helped me sleep and relax and also alleviated the pain in my knee. I only take the oil when I need it. We have access to these products in Canada and they are available online. Thanks for your great videos. 🙏

  11. It .ay be the coconut as the carrier. I have but only take it when i get anxious. It has never done anything to me except calm me. Maybe looking at a different manufacturer will help. That is another thing that you have to do. All CBD is not alike.

  12. Had A Traumatic Experience? Like a global lockdown is not more trauma???? That's what they are banking on. Create trauma. Cubs. Weed beer whatever you can add is not helping this psychopath rollout of the NWO. I'll go hit my cbd pen now. While I can afford it. IDK I'm triggered as f#%: these days

  13. Coconut oil,but maybe its telling u u need to do something. Try the Chinese or whoever with the warm water with a touch of sea salt and tilt head in one side of nose then goes out the other side then close the other nostril and put in the water in other side of nose. It really clears up congestion what I have read cbd shouldnt be mixed with anything but everyone is different I was a manager of a health food store for many years didnt have cbd then but iam still up on health.i hope it works for u u deserve to be able to relax helping us all!!!!

  14. I started cbd to help with chronic pain I had been taking opiates for almost 12 years I got to where I didn't need the medication and went through a narc break up so I was already taking it cant imagine what it would have been like without it , I would suggest a different supplier I went through 5 before I found one I could take without chasing it to lose the taste good info great video 😁👍❤

  15. Mind you, I think that CBD is a great medicine for people who have extreme anxiety issues especially people having panic attacks etc now that there's a way to separate it from the toxic chemical in marijuana THC…

    but what he is describing is actually emotional flashbacking caused by C-PTSD. The inner critic or super-ego is inflamed and is causing a lot of the symptoms that he is describing. I would suggest that he takes Richard Grannon free course: healing the super-ego. It will do great wonders 😌

    I'd love to see you and Richard collab together sometime! @The Royal We

  16. It's great that you bring this topic to light. My experience with cbd has been similar to what you mentioned minus the sinus issue. When I first began capsules (mct, coconut) grogginess and mild headache occurred. Tincture can cause similar but milder side effects for me. Everyone is different. With chronic physical pain (complex regional pain syndrome) and cptsd it's my go-to. I find it a much better alternative to the synthetic drugs. It's very important to do your research and take a trusted brand. Thank you for your work.

  17. There are videos on how to make your own cbd. Save $$$$ I bought beautiful hemp with all kinds of paperwork (testing etc) from Horn creek in OR. Plus, while searching different ways of making it (cbd) found other sources on youtube.
    I've made tincture with 50% alcohol and 50% food grade non gmo glycerin. Then cooked up some cbd with the rest of the glycerin……

    Be blessed

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