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Marijuana Health Benefits

Tulsi Gabbard: The Full Interview

Stossel’s full interview with Tulsi Gabbard about war, drugs, free healthcare, free college, and the minimum wage. ——– Don’t miss a single video from Stossel …

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  1. I was with her on many of her earlier points… she lost me when she started talking about health care and minimum wage. She will be one of the first ones to complain when her $1 taco turns into a $6 taco.

  2. I don't like her wording. You don't "spend lives", lives aren't a currency for "our leaders" to "spend". I think that says a lot about the way she thinks.

  3. $300 for a vial of insulin? Where? I get human insulin for my cat, no prescription, at Walmart for about $25. Yet another lying politician who has lots of non-specific "we can do this" garbage without any specifics. When she does get into specifics she's full of crap. Working for your parent's restaurant gives her zero experience running a business. She didn't pay the bills, taxes, payroll, comply with the insane regulations and so much more. That she thinks it does only proves how clueless and terrible she is. I would vote for Ren & Stimpy before I'd vote for this twit.

  4. Voters rejected Tulsi for President because her communication style is to deflect questions instead of answering them. Examples include 13:08 in this video, where she does not believe that a strong response to Iranian aggression would yield good results. In fact, there are many examples throughout history where the strong response was successful. However, she is suggesting that it could never be successful. She is wrong about that, so she answers a question with a question. One example is with Qaddafi after the April 1986 bombing in Libya. The bombing shut him up for a long time. More recently, she was deliberately evasive with Sean Hannity about her plan to legalize heroin. As is typical of all Democrats, their first instinct is to tell you what they think you want to hear instead of what they believe.

  5. Tulsi was and is too good for the Dems. She should have been the nominee. She could have gone toe-to-toe with Trump. Biden looks like he doesn't know where he is.

  6. Five months after this interview and she is still running. The only sane Dem. but wrong on most everything. Too bad the DNC and crooked media ran her campaign into the ground, leaving creepy Joe and crazy Bernie as front runners, go figure. Nice to see a civil interview for once. Good job to John Stossel as well. Trump 2020!!

  7. This video explained in so many ways why the Democrat elite keep changing the rules to keep Tulsi off the debate stage. She sounds like a real person who has thought about real world causes and consequences.

    Not just "We need to elect an otherly able, minority, gender queer, (but not Male), who will promise the world for free knowing full well that there is NO WAY IN HELL any of their pipe dreams will make it out of committee in Congress.

  8. We need to end these regime-change wars. And not spend lives unnecessarily in foreign lands. Except in the city of idlib yeah if you don't throw everything we got there. You re a total traitor. She is too much of a coward to stand up for those with no voice. If the life of The unborn are not sacred to you nothing is sacred you. Major you do not speak for me.

  9. Soldiers are expected to die, that's why they're soldiers and not security guards. Hopefully we never have a major war, but as a soldier you have to be ready to die, you volunteered for the job. Being ready, willing, and able to stand up for your country no matter the consequences, makes soldiers heros. She ain't no soldier or leader, she's a weak double talking libtard waste of space

  10. She's the only Dem I'd consider voting for, the only one with any real integrity, the only one that is not incapable of learning and such. I don't agree with a solid 50% of her positions and I really wish she was not a Fudd. That's a no go for me.

  11. Why do muricans hate so much healthcare?? 😂 we got this here in Spain and is by far one of the best in the world also university is almost free and there is no problem with that, same in germany, why is the us not capable of something similar? I don’t get it… wasting trillions on war machines to kill innocents . Really sad. Today young Americans are hopeless, nobody cares about them anymore, cmon guys wake up it is your future and it doesn’t need to be miserable, the “ work your ass to get rich thing” is stupid, of course you have to work to get your stuff and be someone in life but cmon how can you have to pay 100.000 dollars a year for health insurance!! That is insaaaane! College also super expensive how can you live in a country that does not guarantee you are going to have free education??? While sending billions of dollars to israel who drags you into wars every time. You already pay so much taxes, your college should be free and free healthcare and payed sick leave !!! Wtf how can you not get payed while sick, that is INSANEE!!! Transportation in the us is also trash, how is it possible you need to have a car to do your stuff that is ludicrous. Seriously guys think about stuff it’s not like you are going to become communists but you’ll be become happier.

  12. I don't agree with all of her policies and I would consider myself conservative. That being said, I think she would be willing to discuss the issues and come to a rational agreement. I don't think that being fully conservative or fully liberal will solve our issues. There is a sweet spot somewhere in the middle and it will take a rational person to get us there. Sadly, she will not make it because she is not radical enough. Personally, I would choose her over any of the other Democrats. It would be really cool if Trump hired her In some capacity to oversee military policy. He did say that he wanted to bring the troops home.

  13. I gave up on my country when I realized that not only do we put up with treason with respect to a medicinal plant, we demanded it. That's how stupid and AUTHORITARIAN, people really are. If critical thinking truly existed in the minds of the people the War on Drugs would have never happened and cannabis would never have been illegal. Failed species, no question.

  14. I've watched a ton of Tulsi interviews. She's just like all the others. She has a few real big solid points that just about anyone can get behind. The rest is half truths, and false narratives. She's just really good and sneaking in the bullshit.

  15. Well, she was wrong. We took out Solemani, and that's what Iran understands.

    Drug people cause all other cromes, so they should be jailed. Dumb argument. Drug offenders are dangerous.

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