Trump doubles down on unproven drug; Kid illness linked to #COVID19; TX votes by mail; Teddy Riley
5.20.20 #RolandMartinUnfiltered: Donald Trump doubles down on unproven drug Hydroxychloroquine; Liar-in-chief spreads misleading info on the virus and …
55:17. Was I da ONLY notice Dr. Nichols falling asleep on air? Omg!
There's an interruption in your show. With sounds of deafening piercing so we can't hear the content.
Teddy Riley's voice is so CALMING I could listen to him all day!!!!
Great show I watch and donate. Just wondering Did I miss it? I didn't get any information on the attacker of the 12 year from the lawyer. Was she charged? Is the lawyer trying to get the attacker charged for assaulting a minor or is he the lawyer to sue?
Lauren Burke is HELLA confident about Joe Biden winning. I'm not so sure I would be that confident.
Roland how I send $
*Interesting the attorney representing the 11 year old is the same attorney who represented Kamiah Mobley.
I loved seeing Dr. Hiltons reaction to the twitter picture she forgot about. She adds a clam playful personality to the show.
Roland is just an extension of mainstream media disinformation. There are plenty of doctors that say this drug has positive results along with azithromycin and zinc.
I can listen to Dr.Hilton ALL Day!!!! Plus she’s easy on the eyes….
Ebony jade is beautiful ⚘
Rights without responsibility has been a part of the American culture for the last 10 to 15 years. The healthcare and educational fields have had to deal with that issue for at least that long, it's just now everyone else can see the effects of this mentality.
I don't know who's more beautiful, smart, intelligent, and charismatic; Ebony Jade hylton or Ebonie K Williams
@ 1:03:35 Those gals thought they heard someone say : "U.S. Male", instead of "U.S. Mail". So, the 38 year old woman said she had dibbs, since she was an ugly old maid and still did not have hers – and the young gal still had plenty of time!
@ 07:04 I suddenly feel like I have to go see the Doctor!
Am wearing my mask for everything. When the DT dumb tug, his visit to Ford, he should be required to wear a mask to enter the facility. But we know Ford's ceo and stuppervision have no b*** 's.
Man, Riely full of it. Kobe's service was everywhere. If it had just been on Instagram it would have had more numbers.
What a joke of a show Had to leave after 5 mins. Roland your the reason why Byeeee
55:17. Was I da ONLY notice Dr. Nichols falling asleep on air? Omg!

There's an interruption in your show. With sounds of deafening piercing so we can't hear the content.
Teddy Riley's voice is so CALMING I could listen to him all day!!!!
Great show I watch and donate. Just wondering Did I miss it? I didn't get any information on the attacker of the 12 year from the lawyer. Was she charged? Is the lawyer trying to get the attacker charged for assaulting a minor or is he the lawyer to sue?
Lauren Burke is HELLA confident about Joe Biden winning. I'm not so sure I would be that confident.
Roland how I send $
*Interesting the attorney representing the 11 year old is the same attorney who represented Kamiah Mobley.
Roland is just an extension of mainstream media disinformation. There are plenty of doctors that say this drug has positive results along with azithromycin and zinc.
I can listen to Dr.Hilton ALL Day!!!! Plus she’s easy on the eyes….
Ebony jade is beautiful ⚘
Rights without responsibility has been a part of the American culture for the last 10 to 15 years. The healthcare and educational fields have had to deal with that issue for at least that long, it's just now everyone else can see the effects of this mentality.
I don't know who's more beautiful, smart, intelligent, and charismatic; Ebony Jade hylton or Ebonie K Williams
@ 1:03:35 Those gals thought they heard someone say : "U.S. Male", instead of "U.S. Mail". So, the 38 year old woman said she had dibbs, since she was an ugly old maid and still did not have hers – and the young gal still had plenty of time!
@ 07:04 I suddenly feel like I have to go see the Doctor!
Am wearing my mask for everything. When the DT dumb tug, his visit to Ford, he should be required to wear a mask to enter the facility. But we know Ford's ceo and stuppervision have no b*** 's.
Man, Riely full of it. Kobe's service was everywhere. If it had just been on Instagram it would have had more numbers.
What a joke of a show

Had to leave after 5 mins. 

Roland your the reason why Byeeee