The Arc has my attention but how can a new vape be set above the Mighty in comparison? The Mighty has been the vape industries top unit since its release and has yet to be surpassed….so claiming as better than the Mighty has me really baffled…….The Arc looks great , but also very limited in temp selection, can not be used with a wpa , conduction heater vs the best hybrid heating unit on the market , makes it hard for me to believe your claim of surpassing the Mighty in vapour quality???
Do they can vaporize hash?
I see they now have a utillian 722, can you make a video comparing the 721 vs the 722, what are the differences.
Are these good for asthmatics? I have horrible asthma flare ups after smoking flower will this be good
Hi. Love what your doing and these type of content really help learn about this new industry, Im also really interest in it but more on the medical side and I discover another device that should make any list. Brand new on the market this year and attacking the medical side with patient and clinical studies. I think its the smarter device on the market and it' call RYAH from Ryah Medtech group. This one not only is perfect vape experience but it' DOSE CONTROL so same experience every time, they let you know what is the best temperature to release different molecule and capture privately data so it learn more every time… They use capsule so no smell and no waste and safe for kids. They already produce report that are base on real fact ! I think its the future of vaporizing ! Learning and controlling :))) hope you have the chance to look at it also .. I recommend :))) Continue great work !
What is the best Vaporizer for Hand ? Is it the Mighty ?
Healthy rips Edge anyone??
What about all those recent deads from vaping? What's your oponion on it?
Hey man, just bought a SeshGear Vega, but I can’t find much info on it. I’m worried it won’t actually be convection. Any idea on the quality of it? Haven’t opened or tried it yet
Little confused on your parameters for this list since it seems like there is a preference here only for convection vaporizers Vs. conduction vaporizers like the Pax 3. Both have pros and cons with convection vapes typically being more expensive, less pocket-friendly and more power-hungry. I think you should have two separate lists for both types of vaporizers. If this list was for conduction vapes then the Pax 3 and the Da Vinci IQ would be at the top of the list.
yo, can you cover price too? quality is important but price means alot to pretty much every consumer. please include price in your evaluation. legit this video would be great if you just put anything on screen or with your voice that says the exact price of each item. since it doesn't cover price at all though, this is sub par =/ you even put other info up on the video! like why not include the price? you do know people have price ranges right? you even mention budget! its like you know this is a thing but refuse to give the actual info. is this on purpose? what are you trying to accomplish by doing this? i really dont get it.
Really appreciate you taking the time to break this down for us! I know which one I want! GT GT!
Do you also get stoned/high with Vaporizer ?
No ghost mv1???
I live in Australia & have just been approved medicinally for cannabis, have never vaped before & need a unit. I mostly just want to get the most out of the herb, longevity wise, as the price here for the herb legally is astronomical!! So don't want it to keep heating the herb when I'm done or wasting it in some other way.. There are no certified units for Australia yet so info is limited from the doctor & pharmacy… and I'm so confused! I don't want to spend $500 but don't want cheap & nasty that'll die in a couple months or that wastes the herb (only get 30gram in a prescription and it's over $600 so the longer & more quality I can get, the better!) Lol any suggestions from this list or others? Thanks! 🙂
Any advice on which one I should get I never had one before but I wanna buy one just dont know where to start and look for really
Ghost MV1 is the bees fucking knees. And if you just want a cheap, get ripped quick, vape then def check out the dynavap M!!
I'm over the pax and the shitty cleaning/charger
e been using the apx version2 for almost a year now and i want to change or upgrade to a better vaporizer. Any suggestions? Currently torn between pax 3, boundless cfc 2.0 and solo 2. Thank you in advance!
The mighty is crap in my experience. I'd choose the arizer every time for flavour, vapor production and for how efficiently it toasts your herb. In 3 years using arizer vapes I only broke one glass stem. Don't even bother with Davinci vapes they are over priced pieces of badly made shit.
My favorite is the pax 3 best purchase!
the fenix 2.0 is the best in my opinion. he costs only 179,- and is as good as the mighty.
Thanks a lot. Now i know what to look at bro 🤙
Zeus arc needs better temp control
Great list
Xmax starry v3?
Im looking for a Vaporizers for weed and eliquide. mix vaporizer
Great review, thanks! maybe u can help me out: portable for dry herbs only, with thickest clouds and easy drag, what would u get these days? thanks!
Anyone has any opinions on the gpen elite? I want to get a decent vaporizer but don't really what to look for
And to think I just brought the Atmos Jump for 50 bucks and it is barely any vapor.
I’ve found the Mighty to be the best tasting portable vaporizer that I have tested at this point. .The Crafty overall has disappointed me . Pax 3 is my first choice for everyday use, good stealth, easy and fast cleaning.In addition, the Pax3 is very sturdy and can withstand a few strokes.
I gotta say, grasshopper vape hits harder than all these.
AirVape X ?
TVAPE….if I understand you, basically the arc gets a higher rating than the mighty because it is a little more compact/pprtable? So if I wasn't too concerned w price or how portable would you recommend getting the mighty? Thanks.
What do you think of airistech line of vaporizers? I'm new to vaping and personally think there great
The Argo by arizer should be on this list and number 1
How does it compare to the DaVinciIQ ?
Pax 3?
How did one of the Dynavap Vapcaps not make the list? Was this list for battery powered only?
may i ask why the Boundless Tera did not make it to the list? I really really enjoying it
So you put the Mighty second? I don't think so! From the reviews I read and watched about the Arc, the Mighty is still the winner! The Mighty should still be #1.
I have the Utillian 721 and I love it. Large herb chamber and great flavor because it is covection heating. Only complaint is the battery could last longer.
Does the zues arc gt match the flavour quality of the crafty ??
Did the Boundless Tera v3 make the shortlist at least?
The Arc has my attention but how can a new vape be set above the Mighty in comparison? The Mighty has been the vape industries top unit since its release and has yet to be surpassed….so claiming as better than the Mighty has me really baffled…….The Arc looks great , but also very limited in temp selection, can not be used with a wpa , conduction heater vs the best hybrid heating unit on the market , makes it hard for me to believe your claim of surpassing the Mighty in vapour quality???
Do they can vaporize hash?
I see they now have a utillian 722, can you make a video comparing the 721 vs the 722, what are the differences.
Are these good for asthmatics? I have horrible asthma flare ups after smoking flower will this be good
Hi. Love what your doing and these type of content really help learn about this new industry, Im also really interest in it but more on the medical side and I discover another device that should make any list. Brand new on the market this year and attacking the medical side with patient and clinical studies. I think its the smarter device on the market and it' call RYAH from Ryah Medtech group. This one not only is perfect vape experience but it' DOSE CONTROL so same experience every time, they let you know what is the best temperature to release different molecule and capture privately data so it learn more every time… They use capsule so no smell and no waste and safe for kids. They already produce report that are base on real fact ! I think its the future of vaporizing ! Learning and controlling :))) hope you have the chance to look at it also .. I recommend :))) Continue great work !
What is the best Vaporizer for Hand ? Is it the Mighty ?
Healthy rips Edge anyone??
What about all those recent deads from vaping? What's your oponion on it?
Hey man, just bought a SeshGear Vega, but I can’t find much info on it. I’m worried it won’t actually be convection. Any idea on the quality of it? Haven’t opened or tried it yet
Little confused on your parameters for this list since it seems like there is a preference here only for convection vaporizers Vs. conduction vaporizers like the Pax 3. Both have pros and cons with convection vapes typically being more expensive, less pocket-friendly and more power-hungry. I think you should have two separate lists for both types of vaporizers. If this list was for conduction vapes then the Pax 3 and the Da Vinci IQ would be at the top of the list.
yo, can you cover price too? quality is important but price means alot to pretty much every consumer. please include price in your evaluation. legit this video would be great if you just put anything on screen or with your voice that says the exact price of each item. since it doesn't cover price at all though, this is sub par =/ you even put other info up on the video! like why not include the price? you do know people have price ranges right? you even mention budget! its like you know this is a thing but refuse to give the actual info. is this on purpose? what are you trying to accomplish by doing this? i really dont get it.
Really appreciate you taking the time to break this down for us! I know which one I want! GT GT!
Do you also get stoned/high with Vaporizer ?
No ghost mv1???
I live in Australia & have just been approved medicinally for cannabis, have never vaped before & need a unit. I mostly just want to get the most out of the herb, longevity wise, as the price here for the herb legally is astronomical!! So don't want it to keep heating the herb when I'm done or wasting it in some other way.. There are no certified units for Australia yet so info is limited from the doctor & pharmacy… and I'm so confused! I don't want to spend $500 but don't want cheap & nasty that'll die in a couple months or that wastes the herb (only get 30gram in a prescription and it's over $600 so the longer & more quality I can get, the better!) Lol any suggestions from this list or others? Thanks! 🙂
Any advice on which one I should get I never had one before but I wanna buy one just dont know where to start and look for really
Ghost MV1 is the bees fucking knees. And if you just want a cheap, get ripped quick, vape then def check out the dynavap M!!
I'm over the pax and the shitty cleaning/charger
e been using the apx version2 for almost a year now and i want to change or upgrade to a better vaporizer. Any suggestions? Currently torn between pax 3, boundless cfc 2.0 and solo 2. Thank you in advance!
The mighty is crap in my experience. I'd choose the arizer every time for flavour, vapor production and for how efficiently it toasts your herb. In 3 years using arizer vapes I only broke one glass stem. Don't even bother with Davinci vapes they are over priced pieces of badly made shit.
My favorite is the pax 3 best purchase!
the fenix 2.0 is the best in my opinion. he costs only 179,- and is as good as the mighty.
Thanks a lot. Now i know what to look at bro 🤙
Zeus arc needs better temp control
Great list
Xmax starry v3?
Im looking for a Vaporizers for weed and eliquide.
mix vaporizer
Great review, thanks! maybe u can help me out: portable for dry herbs only, with thickest clouds and easy drag, what would u get these days? thanks!
Anyone has any opinions on the gpen elite? I want to get a decent vaporizer but don't really what to look for
And to think I just brought the Atmos Jump for 50 bucks and it is barely any vapor.
I’ve found the Mighty to be the best tasting portable vaporizer that I have tested at this point. .The Crafty overall has disappointed me . Pax 3 is my first choice for everyday use, good stealth, easy and fast cleaning.In addition, the Pax3 is very sturdy and can withstand a few strokes.
I gotta say, grasshopper vape hits harder than all these.
AirVape X ?
TVAPE….if I understand you, basically the arc gets a higher rating than the mighty because it is a little more compact/pprtable?
So if I wasn't too concerned w price or how portable would you recommend getting the mighty? Thanks.
What do you think of airistech line of vaporizers? I'm new to vaping and personally think there great
The Argo by arizer should be on this list and number 1
How does it compare to the DaVinciIQ ?
Pax 3?
How did one of the Dynavap Vapcaps not make the list? Was this list for battery powered only?
may i ask why the Boundless Tera did not make it to the list? I really really enjoying it
So you put the Mighty second? I don't think so! From the reviews I read and watched about the Arc, the Mighty is still the winner! The Mighty should still be #1.
I have the Utillian 721 and I love it. Large herb chamber and great flavor because it is covection heating. Only complaint is the battery could last longer.
Does the zues arc gt match the flavour quality of the crafty ??
Did the Boundless Tera v3 make the shortlist at least?
What about the ghost mv1 ?