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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Lt. Gov. Patrick shuts down marijuana bill in Texas

Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick tweeted a bill that passed the house, that would let people off the hook for having an ounce or less, will never make it out of the …

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  1. And now he wants to lift all the government rules about social distancing (against medical & scientific advice) to save the economy so 45 gets re-elected. This guy is delusional.

  2. Everyone look at the facts because they don’t lie!
    • Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day. On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.

    • According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 23,000 deaths related to alcohol each year that are not traffic fatalities or homicides, and 14,406 of those are caused by alcoholic liver disease.

    • How many people overdose and die from Cannabis use each year in America? ZERO!!! How many people have ever consumed a lethal amount of Cannabis and died in the entire world? ZERO!!!!!! It’s not lethal but alcohol is!!

  3. God….. I pray for you to please allow some sort of any basic human intellect to crawl it’s way into that thing that Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick calls his brain and allow it to start a healing process! Allow a true nourishment to wash over his COMPLETELY CORRUPTED UNETHICAL BIASED mind so he can think of not what he wants to happen in this state but to rather listen to the people of Texas and do what they want! It is his duty to be listening and fighting for what the citizens of Texas want done and not what he wants!

    He is supposed to represent the people of Texas! When the overwhelming majority vote on things they want to be done in this state then he is supposed to do what the people of Texas want! Not deem legislation that he won’t even actually read, discuss, and then do what he so loves to do with legislation like that which is literally mark it “Dead On Arrival” just because he doesn’t like something! He has an evil ignorance towards what the overwhelming VAST majority of the Texan citizens want! Even though he has no facts to back up his reasoning on his reasons of why to block certain things. He has NO problem with saying he doesn’t care what the majority of Texan’s want and vows to never listen to the overwhelming majority of Texan’s on issues he doesn’t like, care about, or disagrees with!

    Instead of him playing the little Texas Dictator that couldn’t care less about the people’s needs if he disagrees with them we need to make sure he never gets reelected again!!!

    PLEASE LOOK INTO WHAT KIND OF A MAN HE REALLY IS! PLEASE IF YOU BELIEVE THE PEOPLE’S VOICES SHOULD ALWAYS BE HEARD AND SHOULD ALWAYS MATTER MORE THAN ONE PERSON’S POINT OF VIEW THEN MAKE SURE YOU VOTE TO NEVER ALLOW A PIECE OF GARBAGE LIKE HIM TO BE RE-ELECTED!! God….. I pray for you to please allow some sort of any basic human intellect to crawl it’s way into that thing that Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick calls his brain and allow it to start a healing process! Allow a true nourishment to wash over his COMPLETELY CORRUPTED UNETHICAL BIASED mind so he can think of not what he wants to happen in this state but to rather listen to the people of Texas and do what they want! It is his duty to be listening and fighting for what the citizens of Texas want done and not what he wants!

    He is supposed to represent the people of Texas! When the overwhelming majority vote on things they want to be done in this state then he is supposed to do what the people of Texas want! Not deem legislation that he won’t even actually read, discuss, and then do what he so loves to do with legislation like that which is literally mark it “Dead On Arrival” just because he doesn’t like something! He has an evil ignorance towards what the overwhelming VAST majority of the Texan citizens want! Even though he has no facts to back up his reasoning on his reasons of why to block certain things. He has NO problem with saying he doesn’t care what the majority of Texan’s want and vows to never listen to the overwhelming majority of Texan’s on issues he doesn’t like, care about, or disagrees with!

    Instead of him playing the little Texas Dictator that couldn’t care less about the people’s needs if he disagrees with them we need to make sure he never gets reelected again!!!


  4. My guesses:
    -blue-pilled to marijuana
    -personal experience

    Idk, dudes. It has been criminalized since the 1930s but A OK before. What's his deal?

  5. you can keep trying but it'll happen. we won't be made to feel like criminals anymore. I've never hurt anyone, I have it at the end of the day the same way this guys lush of a wife has a glass of wine. keep trying, but we'll make it happen.

  6. I swear to Jesus you & all Tx Repubs just lost my Tx. vote because of this one issue. I've never voted Dem since the 80's…. But I and many Texans need medical & recreational Cannabis. I will still vote Repub on federal… but Tx state legislature , Senate and Gov I will vote Dems… and you brought it on yourselves by not giving Tx. citizens Cannabis, Medical and Recreational….

  7. This is wrong and falls into dictator like mentality. We are a state in a country that is for the people by the people. All laws should be allowed to be voted on by the peoples representatives and allow that to decide if a law passes. This guy needs out of office as he does not understand what a democracy is.

  8. how about being part of the solution Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. Get big pharma out of the pocket of Texas government. We may need a new Lieutenant Governor who represents the people of Texas. Father in heaven continue to clean the swamp in Texas government. We are making some progress. Many sealed indictments are coming for many in Texas government who are part of satanic pedofile worship, hope dan patrick isn't one of them. WWG1WGA sheep no more. Great job Govenor Abbott, please thump patrick up side the head for the people of Texas. We may have to get rid of patrick. Yahweh or your way patrick.

  9. He is paid off by big pharma. Obviously he cares more about his pockets than of the great people of this state. He will meet his maker one day

  10. It's extremely sad that someone who swore under oath to do the best for Texas and Texans does not want to help our state and our people Dan Patrick is literally public enemy number 1 in Texas

  11. The House passed it by 84% in favor; that's a huge margin people!!! That shows it's what the people want!
    Lt. Gov. Patrick is an antiquated pathetic political dinosaur dictating what he wants instead of what the people want; making all Texans his slaves and servants bowing to the will of King Patrick! He's making Texas a joke on this issue that the majority of the US is profiting from to build roads, schools and all the things politicians promise but don't deliver. If you want your rights back vote this tyrant out of office!

  12. Put it on the ballot!! I'm tired of POLITICIANS deciding AGAINST THE will of the PEOPLE that they are supposed to represent, alot of people want marijuana decriminalized in Texas. LET US VOTE!!!

  13. Dan Patrick.. I promise you, you definitely not going to get re-elected. They should put kids, not adults in Jail for marijuana. 21+ should get ticket and a fine and people under that should go to Jail and pay a fine.

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