Top 10 Pot Stocks | Best Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Stocks | Long Term Weed Stocks | US & Canada
There’s little denying the potential that lies ahead for the cannabis industry. Depending on your preferred source, worldwide weed sales could grow between …
You're great! So many people, even those who give good advice, are arrogant. They mock people who invested in stock that dropped. Your approach is very logical, without judgement. Thank you! Without the arrogant emotional investment, I'm more likely to listen to you, because the arrogant ones will change their minds a week later as if they never said anything the week before. I'm too old to need a safe space, but I don't want to listen to an ass who pretends they weren't wrong 7 days ago. Their arrogance is a cover for their weak egos.
Right or wrong… Thank you for simply being straight forward.
Nasdaq may also be a good place to invest in marijuana. They recently gave the green light for FSD Pharma to share their stocks. It's a Canadian pharmaceutical that manufactures cannabis.
Why is the share structure for Curaleaf so problematic?
Alright dude!! Let's get FIRED UP!!! TY Mr. FIRED Up ! Keep up the Good works!
Do you have any update on the Cresco merger? I want to jump in on the stock but I'm not sure if this is the right time?
I’m new to this.. how do you buy these stocks? Is there an App? Can we find this in ROBBIN hood? M1, or Charles Schwab?
Thanks for your hard work. Great video very informative. I own 6 of your picks so nice to have confirmation. I am loosing faith in ACB however and sold what was left of my holdings off today for a large loss. If I have priced myself out so be it. It should cover my taxes for this year in losses, so I'm ok with it. Thanks again great job with the video.
Thoughts on Auxly group ?
Great video. You've done a lot of solid due diligence. Would you consider a video re: this space's substantial fall in 2019 and your expectations moving forward? I think an "are we at the bottom?" video would be well-received. Thank you!
Thanks for your research.I know it's time consuming and I wish you the best on your plan. 👍
Loved the video and I appreciate the time you took to make it.
Hello, I'm kind of new to investing in the marijuana industry. I've come across a few problems trying to find some of these stocks such as GTI on robinhood or finviz and I can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for. What trading platform must I use to buy some of these?
Excellent video. (bag) holding most of your picks. lol
you did good homie, best of luck
TGIF is very underrated for a US stock as well. They’re definitely working!
Great video well done new subscriber I’ll be watching every day thank you
Thanks Bud! Subscribed, and looking forward to binge watching your channel! Great DD, and genuine polish on your presentation! An extended thank you to your family for sharing you with everyone who appreciates you here on YouTube! Cheers!
Yoo i just found out about your channel!! I fucki g love it man your like the best guy that i have found so far!! Pleasee keep educating as with your precious knowledge ahaha 🙂
What’s your opinion on aphria?
what about MEDMEN ? they still have huge footptint in US
I subscribed, liked & know you did a great job on this .. The one I invest in wasn't mentioned till the end but at least it was in there lol — I watched the whole thing & loved it. Cover this more if ya can – I'll watch more on weed & other topics for investing really .. Namaste
I think MEDMEN is better then Planet 13
X – L – NT! 👍 here's some N R G!💥💥 4 ya!
Can u check out “MJNA” they made $20 million in revenue last Quarter with over 50 professional athletes endorsing them and the Only CBD company in the industry that’s in the “ PDR “ physicians digital reference where doctors can look up and recommend holistic medications. and nobody’s talking about them..
Great video.
Should have gave more love for your number 2 pick by throwing more information out there like you did the others. Like the fact they have 1.6 Million sqft of Cultivation and likely 2.3 Million by early 2020, just in Florida.
Nobody seems to put out Trulieves income potential, profitability, or share structure out on the good ol YouTube lol at least accurately.
Keep up the good stuff though, good to see your channel has grown.
ACB is King
Good video man very informative
I'm only 18 minutes in and I just want to say Thank you for compiling all this great research into nice digestible portions.
i started a dividend fund that is doing well. not a lot of cash invested yet but i look forward to listening to your advice on this topic.
there is a risk for popcorn long with vaping.
I would have thought Organigram would have made it at least for a mention, but thanks for your work.
what about production companies that grow to sell to the market players?
Hey Eric I ment to hit you up sooner. I wanted to give you some big info that is HUGE for the cannabis sector. This is gona have long lasting impacts. If you wounder why your MJ stocks are Sky rocketing Check out the Safe Banking Bill that passed today. Don't forget you buddy Chris who told you about it 😎
How do you own Cresco for a year when it hasn't been publicly traded for that long? Decent video, thx
Thank you for the time you put into this extremely valuable video! Excellent, very informative and encouraging to stick to this Green Rush 2.0. Hold long and strong, the payoff will be worth all the blood I am currently bleeding. Keep your eye on the prize and don't let shorter's tempt you to sell at a loss, plenty of patience is needed in this sector. When others are selling you buy, buy, buy as at these prices of today consider them a gift. Forget the noise, actually great buying opportunity. I think it's time to head out to the gym, go for a walk, keep busy and time to invest in yourself, stay healthy and wait to be wealthy.
Thanks for the video. Be careful with J@hn L@gend. He and his wife are deepstate.
Great video, great explanations and displaying the facts and what to expect. As I have said, Marijuana stocks are where its at right now. If you have the disposable income, go get it folks!
Awesome video. Watched the whole thing! Thanks for taking the time to make this, really appreciate your take on this industry. 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you for all the time you put into very informed videos. Whats your take on auxly cannabis group?
What are your thoughts on Pura ? I also own some shares in this company and I believe it’s another sleeper !!
You're great! So many people, even those who give good advice, are arrogant. They mock people who invested in stock that dropped. Your approach is very logical, without judgement. Thank you! Without the arrogant emotional investment, I'm more likely to listen to you, because the arrogant ones will change their minds a week later as if they never said anything the week before. I'm too old to need a safe space, but I don't want to listen to an ass who pretends they weren't wrong 7 days ago. Their arrogance is a cover for their weak egos.
Right or wrong… Thank you for simply being straight forward.
Nasdaq may also be a good place to invest in marijuana. They recently gave the green light for FSD Pharma to share their stocks. It's a Canadian pharmaceutical that manufactures cannabis.
Why is the share structure for Curaleaf so problematic?
Alright dude!! Let's get FIRED UP!!! TY Mr. FIRED Up ! Keep up the Good works!
Do you have any update on the Cresco merger? I want to jump in on the stock but I'm not sure if this is the right time?
I’m new to this.. how do you buy these stocks? Is there an App? Can we find this in ROBBIN hood? M1, or Charles Schwab?
Thanks for your hard work. Great video very informative. I own 6 of your picks so nice to have confirmation. I am loosing faith in ACB however and sold what was left of my holdings off today for a large loss. If I have priced myself out so be it. It should cover my taxes for this year in losses, so I'm ok with it. Thanks again great job with the video.
Thoughts on Auxly group ?
Great video. You've done a lot of solid due diligence. Would you consider a video re: this space's substantial fall in 2019 and your expectations moving forward? I think an "are we at the bottom?" video would be well-received. Thank you!
Thanks for your research.I know it's time consuming and I wish you the best on your plan. 👍
Loved the video and I appreciate the time you took to make it.
Hello, I'm kind of new to investing in the marijuana industry. I've come across a few problems trying to find some of these stocks such as GTI on robinhood or finviz and I can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for. What trading platform must I use to buy some of these?
Excellent video. (bag) holding most of your picks. lol
you did good homie, best of luck
TGIF is very underrated for a US stock as well. They’re definitely working!
Great video well done new subscriber I’ll be watching every day thank you
Thanks Bud! Subscribed, and looking forward to binge watching your channel! Great DD, and genuine polish on your presentation! An extended thank you to your family for sharing you with everyone who appreciates you here on YouTube! Cheers!
Yoo i just found out about your channel!! I fucki g love it man your like the best guy that i have found so far!! Pleasee keep educating as with your precious knowledge ahaha 🙂
What’s your opinion on aphria?
what about MEDMEN ? they still have huge footptint in US
I subscribed, liked & know you did a great job on this .. The one I invest in wasn't mentioned till the end but at least it was in there lol — I watched the whole thing & loved it. Cover this more if ya can – I'll watch more on weed & other topics for investing really .. Namaste
I think MEDMEN is better then Planet 13
X – L – NT! 👍
here's some N R G!💥💥
4 ya!
Can u check out
“MJNA” they made $20 million in revenue last Quarter with over 50 professional athletes endorsing them and the Only CBD company in the industry
that’s in the “ PDR “ physicians digital reference where doctors can look up and recommend holistic medications.
and nobody’s talking about them..
Great video.
Should have gave more love for your number 2 pick by throwing more information out there like you did the others. Like the fact they have 1.6 Million sqft of Cultivation and likely 2.3 Million by early 2020, just in Florida.
Nobody seems to put out Trulieves income potential, profitability, or share structure out on the good ol YouTube lol at least accurately.
Keep up the good stuff though, good to see your channel has grown.
ACB is King
Good video man very informative
I'm only 18 minutes in and I just want to say Thank you for compiling all this great research into nice digestible portions.
i started a dividend fund that is doing well. not a lot of cash invested yet but i look forward to listening to your advice on this topic.
there is a risk for popcorn long with vaping.
I would have thought Organigram would have made it at least for a mention, but thanks for your work.
what about production companies that grow to sell to the market players?
Hey Eric I ment to hit you up sooner. I wanted to give you some big info that is HUGE for the cannabis sector. This is gona have long lasting impacts. If you wounder why your MJ stocks are Sky rocketing Check out the Safe Banking Bill that passed today. Don't forget you buddy Chris who told you about it 😎
How do you own Cresco for a year when it hasn't been publicly traded for that long? Decent video, thx
Thank you for the time you put into this extremely valuable video! Excellent, very informative and encouraging to stick to this Green Rush 2.0. Hold long and strong, the payoff will be worth all the blood I am currently bleeding. Keep your eye on the prize and don't let shorter's tempt you to sell at a loss, plenty of patience is needed in this sector. When others are selling you buy, buy, buy as at these prices of today consider them a gift. Forget the noise, actually great buying opportunity. I think it's time to head out to the gym, go for a walk, keep busy and time to invest in yourself, stay healthy and wait to be wealthy.
Thanks for the video. Be careful with J@hn L@gend. He and his wife are deepstate.
Great video, great explanations and displaying the facts and what to expect. As I have said, Marijuana stocks are where its at right now. If you have the disposable income, go get it folks!
Awesome video. Watched the whole thing! Thanks for taking the time to make this, really appreciate your take on this industry. 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you for all the time you put into very informed videos. Whats your take on auxly cannabis group?
What are your thoughts on Pura ? I also own some shares in this company and I believe it’s another sleeper !!
Why does no one talk about Australis ?
great information on your top 10 picks
Thanks for your time.