Why does he sound like he’s constipated & straining to poop ?
Interesting if you add exercise to the mix before breakfast (actually dinner) and see what the effect on health is. I know with running I am so hungry after a run and my metabolism is much faster.
Yes, it's been shown…
I think it's unfortunate that the focus of IF's benefits are invariably on weight loss. To my own amazement, I cured stubborn chronic atopic dermatitis with IF, and I also sleep better now and have more energy. No skin doctor helped me, only IF, followed by a healthy sugar-free diet. I hope others find relief.
Isn’t it hard to sleep when you are hungry?
Thank you Dr Gregor! Off topic but like to see more variations of swag t shirts to choose from!
Stop promoting starvation diet.
I eat inside 6 hours daily. Is that healthy?
I love you
I'm glad I watched this, I've had a little weight gain and it coincides exactly with me reducing my fasting times. I've always fasted, as a result my health issues have more to do with nutrition than anything else. Food in the USA is just not very nutritious.
The Buddha, 2600 years ago : "I abstain from the night-time meal.1 As I am abstaining from the night-time meal, I sense next-to-no illness, next-to-no affliction, lightness, strength, & a comfortable abiding. Come now. You too abstain from the night-time meal. As you are abstaining from the night-time meal, you, too, will sense next-to-no illness, next-to-no affliction, lightness, strength, & a comfortable abiding."
The whole breakfast or dinner results, mean nothing, without knowing any of the times of feeding, waking, sleeping. Are they all eating right before bed? First thing in the morning? An hour later?
In my family we'd always eat the last meal at 7 PM and the first meal at 7AM, so a 12 hour fast. Now I've pushed it towards last meal at 6:30PM and first at 7:30AM. I also switched to 3-4 bigger meals less often rather than snacking on nuts/seeds/fruits all day long. Great that I can back my good habits with scientifically proven benefits now!
I thought I’d have to weight for his new book to hear anything on fasting.. but here is the sneak peek I guess
I work 12 hour rotating shifts. 7am – 7 pm one month then 7pm – 7 am the next. This makes a certain time to eat very difficult.
I REALLY hope you respond to the intermittent fasting HGH myth, because that's the main reason why many people skip breakfast because they supposedly experience an HGH increase durring their workout and after, but only after 18 hrs fasted. This wouldn't be optimal in an earlier fasting approach because you wouldn't be fasting for long enough after your workout.
This is fascinating. I always thought those who stick to stop eating after 6pm to control/lose weight were just silly and that idea was based on no real evidence. Looks like I`ve been wrong…
I also hope there will be a video in this series on shift work diets. Sometimes my "lunch" is at 1am
What about places like Spain where they eat at night their largest meal?
How do we get more people to view these jewels?
A person eating a healthy Vegan diet has no worries about weight.
Almost can't wait to the next one, as someone who are missusing 16/8-fasting. Not seeing results unless Im eating totally lean (as I should).
So I’ve always stopped eating at 5 pm and usually have breakfast at 8 ….I could never do a 20 hour fast unless I was sick. Not trying to lose just maintain
It sounds like even though I practice IF by eating between noon and 8 pm I should move that so I'm eating earlier and stopping earlier.
I try to eat once a day and I eat at night and I am loosing weight.
Good job at digging the research.
Anticipation……depending on the foods-weight gain but not necessarily .
it works for me!
I can't wait to see your video on Courtney Peterson's study. I've been eating that way for about six months. I love it. And I've lost 25# with early time restricted eating and overall calorie restriction with tracking and daily weighing.
Thank you, Dr. Gregor! : )
So the old adage Breafast like a king, lunch like a Prince and dine like a pauper is true
I wonder if this schedule is the same for those who are naturally night owls?
If you missed the last video of the day, it’s the exciting announcement that How Not to Diet is hitting shelves on December 10. Check out the book trailer (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/trailer-for-how-not-to-diet-dr-gregers-guide-to-weight-loss), and you can still pre-order the book to get it right when it comes out: https://nutritionfacts.org/how-not-to-diet/. -NF Team
Why does he sound like he’s constipated & straining to poop ?
Interesting if you add exercise to the mix before breakfast (actually dinner) and see what the effect on health is. I know with running I am so hungry after a run and my metabolism is much faster.
Yes, it's been shown…
I think it's unfortunate that the focus of IF's benefits are invariably on weight loss. To my own amazement, I cured stubborn chronic atopic dermatitis with IF, and I also sleep better now and have more energy. No skin doctor helped me, only IF, followed by a healthy sugar-free diet. I hope others find relief.
Isn’t it hard to sleep when you are hungry?
Thank you Dr Gregor! Off topic but like to see more variations of swag t shirts to choose from!
Stop promoting starvation diet.
I eat inside 6 hours daily. Is that healthy?
I love you
I'm glad I watched this, I've had a little weight gain and it coincides exactly with me reducing my fasting times.
I've always fasted, as a result my health issues have more to do with nutrition than anything else.
Food in the USA is just not very nutritious.
The Buddha, 2600 years ago : "I abstain from the night-time meal.1 As I am abstaining from the night-time meal, I sense next-to-no illness, next-to-no affliction, lightness, strength, & a comfortable abiding. Come now. You too abstain from the night-time meal. As you are abstaining from the night-time meal, you, too, will sense next-to-no illness, next-to-no affliction, lightness, strength, & a comfortable abiding."
The whole breakfast or dinner results, mean nothing, without knowing any of the times of feeding, waking, sleeping. Are they all eating right before bed? First thing in the morning? An hour later?
In my family we'd always eat the last meal at 7 PM and the first meal at 7AM, so a 12 hour fast. Now I've pushed it towards last meal at 6:30PM and first at 7:30AM. I also switched to 3-4 bigger meals less often rather than snacking on nuts/seeds/fruits all day long. Great that I can back my good habits with scientifically proven benefits now!
I thought I’d have to weight for his new book to hear anything on fasting.. but here is the sneak peek I guess
I work 12 hour rotating shifts. 7am – 7 pm one month then 7pm – 7 am the next. This makes a certain time to eat very difficult.
I REALLY hope you respond to the intermittent fasting HGH myth, because that's the main reason why many people skip breakfast because they supposedly experience an HGH increase durring their workout and after, but only after 18 hrs fasted. This wouldn't be optimal in an earlier fasting approach because you wouldn't be fasting for long enough after your workout.
This is fascinating.
I always thought those who stick to stop eating after 6pm to control/lose weight were just silly and that idea was based on no real evidence. Looks like I`ve been wrong…
I also hope there will be a video in this series on shift work diets. Sometimes my "lunch" is at 1am
What about places like Spain where they eat at night their largest meal?
How do we get more people to view these jewels?
A person eating a healthy Vegan diet has no worries about weight.
Almost can't wait to the next one, as someone who are missusing 16/8-fasting. Not seeing results unless Im eating totally lean (as I should).
So I’ve always stopped eating at 5 pm and usually have breakfast at 8 ….I could never do a 20 hour fast unless I was sick. Not trying to lose just maintain
It sounds like even though I practice IF by eating between noon and 8 pm I should move that so I'm eating earlier and stopping earlier.
I try to eat once a day and I eat at night and I am loosing weight.
Good job at digging the research.
Anticipation……depending on the foods-weight gain but not necessarily .
it works for me!
I can't wait to see your video on Courtney Peterson's study. I've been eating that way for about six months. I love it. And I've lost 25# with early time restricted eating and overall calorie restriction with tracking and daily weighing.
Thank you, Dr. Gregor! : )
So the old adage Breafast like a king, lunch like a Prince and dine like a pauper is true
I wonder if this schedule is the same for those who are naturally night owls?