Держите все свои инвестиции только в биткойн! В этом году все альткоины отступят от своих позиций! Будут только Биткоин, Эфириум и токен телеграммы newtokens.org/telegram
Hm. A gadget/toy that's funny to look and chat about at a garden party, but of limited use. I'm guessing… maybe 1/3000 Americans could buy this thing. So, let's just say 100k units over the next 4 years, so 25k per year, at $250 each. Profit per unit sold (after marketing) $30? 25k * $30 = $750k of profit per year. iRobot has a market cap of 1.7B >>> an extra $750k/year profit is not going to make a dent longterm.
Many say that Telegram token will set up a new record for the biggest growth among all cryptocurrencies http://www.cryptovilla.info/telegramnetwork
Держите все свои инвестиции только в биткойн! В этом году все альткоины отступят от своих позиций! Будут только Биткоин, Эфириум и токен телеграммы newtokens.org/telegram
Hm. A gadget/toy that's funny to look and chat about at a garden party, but of limited use.
I'm guessing… maybe 1/3000 Americans could buy this thing. So, let's just say 100k units over the next 4 years, so 25k per year, at $250 each. Profit per unit sold (after marketing) $30? 25k * $30 = $750k of profit per year.
iRobot has a market cap of 1.7B >>> an extra $750k/year profit is not going to make a dent longterm.