I test 2 homemade weed killer recipes in this video. DIY weed killers do work and it is clear which one works better after our testing is done. I use dish soap, …
Hey Jason, will grass grow in the area thats been treated with the salt solution after the weeds have died off? I have a large patch of mature crab grass in the middle of my st Augustin lawn I might treat with that.
I know one item that really works, it’s Boric Acid with vinegar and dawn.
Great little experiment! I tried it once just to see but I don't think I have nearly enough ingredients in my mix to be effective. I hope I can include more weed control in my videos as I learn. Thanks for all your content, it is my go to for products reviews and suggestions
How about using Ammonia and water or Bleach and water ?
Hey man, you are putting out some good content. Keep grinding and we will keep supporting.
Epson salt vinegar dish soap, can you do a video on hot sauce to see if it works for weed killer thanks
But Jason, you need the industrial vinegar, not the store bought kind, it's not strong enough.
What about adding some dish soap to the lemon juice and do a comparison?
You forgot to remember proper mixing procedure-
Wettable powders Adjuvant Liquids EC's
You added the adjuvant last to the solution.
Growing up we used a 50 50 mix of used motor oil and diesel fuel if you did that today the EPA would have you under the jail cell lol
Hey Jason, will grass grow in the area thats been treated with the salt solution after the weeds have died off? I have a large patch of mature crab
grass in the middle of my st Augustin lawn I might treat with that.
I know one item that really works, it’s Boric Acid with vinegar and dawn.
Great little experiment! I tried it once just to see but I don't think I have nearly enough ingredients in my mix to be effective. I hope I can include more weed control in my videos as I learn. Thanks for all your content, it is my go to for products reviews and suggestions
How about using Ammonia and water or Bleach and water ?
Hey man, you are putting out some good content. Keep grinding and we will keep supporting.
Epson salt vinegar dish soap, can you do a video on hot sauce to see if it works for weed killer thanks
But Jason, you need the industrial vinegar, not the store bought kind, it's not strong enough.
What about adding some dish soap to the lemon juice and do a comparison?
You forgot to remember proper mixing procedure-
Wettable powders
You added the adjuvant last to the solution.
Growing up we used a 50 50 mix of used motor oil and diesel fuel if you did that today the EPA would have you under the jail cell lol