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Marijuana Health Benefits

FDA | What’s Gottlieb Thinking?

Would Dr. Scott Gottlieb save vaping? This was the question on the minds of many in the vaping industry upon hearing the news President Trump would appoint …

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  1. This "child appealing flavors" thing that targets "youth" is outrageous imho. They currently have regulations that prevent youth from using combustible tobacco cigarettes, but yet they still, and will continue to access these products if they are determined. Using this argument is completely ridiculous. Especially since it has already been proven that vaping is safer than tobacco. They say its 95% safer, I believe its more. Cigarettes dont instantly kill humans, it happens over a period of 30-40-50-60 years. So if vaping is "95%" safer, than in all reality that means they would kill you in around 100 years. Which is basically as long, if not more than a normal and average human life. How they can not see this as an amazing benefit to the world, is dumbfounding. The FDA, who is supposed to look out for the health of americans, is ignoring the facts, and concentrating on things that they havent even been able to control with normal combustible cigarettes. Somehow, they have diluted the real arguments, and are spewing distractions to mainstream media, instead of concentrating on actual science. If someone already vapes, they will continue to be able to find ways to vape in the future. It is the current combustible tobacco users, that will lose in this scenario, because they wont have the opportunity to discover and use vaping as a healthy alternative. That in my opinion, is the real crime.

  2. I bought me a vape 8 days ago and have not touched a cigarette since. I smoked over a pack a day for 10 years and am surprised to say that I do not want that horrible taste of smoke. It has been a rough ride, but this is the only thing that has ever worked for me. It is far more safer and I am feeling much more energized and healthier in this short amount of time. I've already saved close to $90 in a week from not smoking.

    It has always baffled me that safer alternatives have been more regulated than cigarettes which have over 4,000 different chemicals in them. When you read the lengthy list of what we have been inhaling for years: it is a shame there is even a battle over this. It is our right to have choices of alternative methods in order to quit smoking if we choose to do so.

  3. After decades of heavy smoking, I easily switched to vaping by means of the so-called "kid appealing" e-liquid flavors.  Tobacco and cocktail flavors repel me, whereas donuts and sweetened cereals and candies continue to attract me with all success.

  4. There's already a generation addicted to cigarette's now if you reduce the nicotine there just going to smoke more to try and get there nicotine . Any smoker's if you're reading this please try and make the switch to use a vaporizer. I made the switch 2yrs ago and I've never looked back! 🇬🇧

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