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The health risks and policy problems of cannabis legalization | LIVE STREAM

In his recent book, “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence” (Simon and Schuster, 2019), Alex Berenson examines the …

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  1. There is absolutely no evidence that marijuana causes psychosis and in fact, the very studies that he cites have come out against his book stating "You grossly misrepresented our findings." This is propaganda nonsense. Correlation does not equal causation.

  2. that may have been true during the crack/cocaine era when those two drugs brought in the most money but today marijuana brings in the most money out of all the illegal drugs so it is at the center of the violence in the black market

  3. Excellent! From the people that brought us the Iraq War, we now have a defense of the Drug War. If we just throw in another two or three or 10 trillion in taxpayer dollars, surely victory is near at hand. Don't give up now, America!

  4. My friend (a doctor) had a close family member who killed himself from psychosis. He was already predisposed for psychosis, but everyone blames marihuana for his death. Anyone with a predisposition for this mental health issue should be careful of the increased risk with marihuana use. However, for a balanced approach to public health, arguing against legalisation seems disingenuous and unfair against the overwhelming benefits marihuana has on treating pain and opioid addiction which the federal government seems perfectly happy to promote as the preferred drug (not medicine) for chronic pain sufferers.

  5. Lets just flip that whole "just because 75 academics signed my book to say its wrong" thing around. 75 Academics including 2 psychiatrists, well versed in cannabis say i'm wrong. But i'm not. You're a fucking idiot.

  6. Lol, "a disconnection from reality" this guy is hilarious… obviously has never used Cannabis in his life. If he tried LSD once, he would throw his own book in the garbage. 🤣

  7. Looks and sounds like a relevant, smart discussion on a emotionally charged issue. I would agree with the featured author but I know several people who would not. If THC has been causing psychosis AND violent outbursts of users these are facts, not opinions. Perhaps some of the gun violence is caused by pot, but people seem to blame guns.

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