Oxford Dictionary 8th Edition Fixed Crack Cocaine 🔘
Oxford Dictionary 8th Edition Fixed Crack Cocaine 🔘

Oxford Dictionary 8th Edition Crack Cocaine
when a drug user ingests cocaine, most of the cocaine is absorbed through the nose or the mouth and it is then broken down in the liver by enzymes called esterases. the cocaine is then metabolized to benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester. benzoylecgonine is largely excreted in the urine; ecgonine methyl ester and ecgonine are secreted in breast milk. benzoylecgonine is sometimes detected in a urine drug screen test but only at very high levels.
a somewhat dangerous substance, cocaine is a psychostimulant that is highly addictive and can lead to heart attacks, strokes and sudden death. no treatment exists for cocaine addiction. cocaine should be kept in its original sealed package, away from children. 13
in the 1970s, the dea began to shift its focus from marijuana to more dangerous drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. this shift was prompted by the rise in popularity of cocaine and heroin use among college students. the dea began a multi-year study of drug traffic that included information about drug smuggling from south america. the dea also conducted surveillance of flights from south america, specifically colombia, ecuador and peru to the united states. this study led to the identification of international drug trafficking, which increased as a result of the bortac program. in the early 1970s, the dea established the international drug control strategy that included eight objectives, including reducing demand, interdicting and confiscating illicit drugs, and stopping illicit drug transactions. the strategy was developed in response to drug abuse in the united states.
do you like shopping in a bookstore? if so, oxford has brought an entire library with them in their handheld version of the oxford dictionary. this is a self-contained library of about two thousand encyclopedic words and definitions, along with full-text access to all the articles and definitions on the web. the dictionary is mobile and syncs to your computer for offline use. the mobile app has both a spoken and a text definition, all the major search filters (look up the meaning of a word, or find its usage), and the ability to search for words in the dictionary and in a body of text you’re writing. you can also highlight and “share” words and definitions. — gizmodo
the app includes: full-sentence pronunciation for every entry in the dictionary more than 1,300 illustrations to help explain words and expand vocabulary hundreds of example sentences to help learners practice their new words and phrases a dictionary of over 140,000 words, and a thesaurus of over 10,000 words interactive supplementary tools to help students learn and practice their new vocabulary
the oxford advanced learner’s dictionary 8th edition is designed specifically for learners studying english at school, at university, or at work. it provides clear definitions, real-world examples, and the full range of words and phrases, from basic to advanced.
this is the latest version of the oxford advanced learners dictionary, the worlds most trusted print dictionary for english learners and their teachers, and oxford university press, the publisher of the worlds most trusted dictionaries and learning materials. the 8th edition now also includes a vocabulary section, which contains over 500,000 words for advanced learners, with over 100,000 new words added to the dictionary.