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Senate votes on coronavirus stimulus package | NBC News (Live Stream Recording)

After days of negotiations, the U.S. Senate will vote on a nearly $2 trillion stimulus package to provide relief to Americans affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

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  1. Some people fail to realize two things:

    1. Boeing going under means 100,000s of people lose their jobs permanently. Either

    directly or because of the failure of those companies tied into what Boeing

    2. Boeing makes many, many of the free world's military aircraft. If
    Boeing went under The United States's and the rest of the free world's ability
    to defend itself would be severely crippled and thus embolden the enemies of
    the free world and probably result in another world war. So people please look
    at the big picture and HAVE SOME BRAINS!

  2. 1,200 is what people get biweekly are they really expecting ppl to survive under this?!? They should just focus on giving businesses a tax deductable for this time when ppl cant pay their phone bills and internet bills and mortgage that way they don't have to spend 1trillion up front but once everything stablizes and take that trillion to test everyone and disinfect areas at a time. This would allow businesses to get paid just not up front

  3. Stop talking and get to the fcking point. Starting to think Dems & Republicans has been setting us up & keeping us divided…just like what they did during the housing crash.

  4. Isaiah 26: 20-21 New King James Version (RVR1960)

    20 Go, my people, enter your rooms, close your doors behind you; hide a little, for a moment, while the outrage passes.

    21 For behold, Jehovah is going out of his place to punish the inhabitant of the earth for his wickedness against him; and the earth will discover the blood spilled on her, and will no longer cover her dead.

  5. I am a completely disabled 72yr old man with a family. Because Social Security stopped my checks in Janurary of 2018 we have had to beg for food on the streets. We have lost all of our credit, our car was repossessed, and our home foreclosed. We are currently being evicted.

  6. Wear mask, wash hands, take vaccination! Stupid medicals!!! Non of those works. The Corona virus does not decide between rich and poor but upon your frequency! Change you frequency is the cure!

  7. Adult dependents are NOT included on the stimulus bill stiffing families out of a check that take care of there adult dependents. See page 146 of the stimulus bill.

  8. To Both Poor and Struggling Middle Conservative Republications And Conservative Poor and Struggling Middle Class Democrats, Who May Also Be Laid Off From Work! Trump Advocated The Stimulus Should First Go To Bail Out Corporations and Those With High Income Levels! Joe Biden Advocated Nothing In Your Defense For Any Stimulus Package, He Was Not Involved. Joe Biden Is Also Not Involved In Passing Any Law and Going the Extra Mile On Your Behalf Concerning the Corona Virus. Keep In Mind since You Want to Keep The Status Quo, This Is The Status Quo, When You Are In Need Or In trouble! Nothing Changes! Hard to Swallow Truth For You to Except But the Reason, Why Your Getting Any Financial Help At All from the Government In Your Need is Because Of Bernie Sanders!!!!!!

  9. Wow the Senator of Texas will never be voted for again. I’m ashamed , we have a senator thinks we would be so lazy and has 0 confidence in our state.

  10. Congress; Experts on getting paid more not to work. Enjoying those massages that we've been paying for? I would LOVE to see our working Americans getting a paid break from the lousy jobs with psycho bosses and terrible working conditions. Payback for the hundreds of breaks they were entitled to & never got. LMAO.

  11. No, guys are Essential Personnel for the whole do not violate the guidelines under that description. remote votes can be hacked.

  12. 👎 Nancy Pelosi I see you’re on TV today trying to take credit for the coronavirus bill . Sorry Nancy Pelosi you get zero credit for helping out with this coronavirus pandemic. All you did was fly back-and-forth to San Francisco wasting taxpayer money and time doing nothing But adding pork and special projects to the Coronavirus bill. But happy birthday 🎂 your, 80 today and in the high risk age group contracting coronavirus. I'am very thankful for President Trump’s strong leader ship and action. God bless America and President Trump.

  13. Hey Sen Cruz, what kind of incentive do we give multinational corporations who blew their cash on stock buybacks that the gov will bail them out when they have liquidity issues? Common Durbin, you gotta step up to the plate.

  14. Well. It is weird that people in America are infecting and dying by coronavirus, but stock index keeps raising up and up due to helicopter money.. See! United States is not democracy but plutocracy at all. As long as stock market restores, no doubt about Trump re-election! The world will be more painful even rather than coronavirus catastrophe!!!

  15. It's a shame all these elderly and disabled get nothing even after having to pay more for stuff that normal ppl dont have to …such bs

  16. They don't want people getting this extra money because they may start saying this is close to what I should really be making in a paycheck. It fits with what the true cola is. But the higher ups don't want to play fair or have people coming closer to there golden bubble world and closer to getting some of The American Dream

  17. How dare u scumbuckets #cnn #nbc lie about a man taking cloraquin and dying after Trump saying it is a game changer with the virus .. For your political agendas u scumbuckets #nbc #cnn created a false story to discredit Trump by saying this man that died self medicated himself with the drug CLORAQUIN after Trump said it was a gamechanger without mentioning the most important part "THAT HE INGESTED FISH TANK CLEANER WHICH CONTAINED CLORAQUIN IN ITS INGREDIENTS "!!!!! YOU SCUM WILL PAY FOR THAT IF EVERYONE HEARD IT AND HAS A HALF A BRAIN…why are these reporter scumbuckets not in shackles for misleading and lying to the public? Why???

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