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How Long Does a Vape Coil Last? How to Avoid Burnt Coils.

The question, “how long does a vape coil last?” turns into, “ how do you make it last that long?” There are two types of coils that we will talk about here, pre-made …

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  1. Hi man , for the rebuildable coils after i clean it and rewicking many times , how i know that it is time to change it not just clean it ??

  2. 8vape, 5 Pack of RGC Coils for RPM80 are $13, that's like $2.25 Each, and I'm getting 700-750 long hard pulls off the coil,.in my opinion, that's pretty fair. 5 Pack of coils last me about 2 weeks, at very heavy vaping. Used to smoke 2 packs a day.

  3. Great video. The only question I have is can juice rust a coil? I have a few different atomizers. Some I use more than others. So the ones that get used less often have juice left in the tanks. I've noticed slight discoloration in the juice over a bit of time. Can this be due to my coils degrading? I typically just re-wick and everything is fine, but it still has me wondering. Thanks.

  4. Ever since grabbing the drag 2 for 50 bucks I’ve been seeing that shit everywhere on every you tubers channel. A lot of them seem to be running it as their daily

  5. Why does my coil taste better after lets say 20ml usage then after a properly primed and a brand new, i find the new one has a very smooth flavor very distinct of what the juice is advertised as to be.
    But the after 20ml i find it has a darker sweeter flavor that i prefer.

    Is that cause of some build up /slight burning going on inside the coil? Using Nasty juice Green Apple.

    Also noticed on 80VG/20PG some have very very sweet thick flavor very tastey but i get around 20-30ml and taste is starting to get bland and harsh yet no significant burning of the cotton some blackening on the coil itself.

  6. Avoid chain vaping. I guess that’s good advice to people who vape for tricks or clouds. But ppl like me, who started vaping to stop smoking that I think is another story XD I’m on it like a pacifier

  7. I´ve been using my first vape coil for 2 months and 1 week I have no idea if I should replace it cause I still like the taste and the cotton looks white on the outside

  8. I'm a chain vapor, but to counter the chain vaping I rotate 2 to 3 different set-ups. That way ,after I hit one of my tanks 3 to 4 times, I switch up to a new set up! I've found that this is the only way to get any reasonable life out of my coils!!!

  9. I dry burn and rewick RTAs/RDAs once a day (usually when I get home from work). I recoil them once a month maybe month and a half. I’d use them longer but sometimes I get bored and it gives me something to do.

  10. I always get a funky flavor when I was my coils with water. is it just me or does anyone else have this problem?

  11. I use RDA's exclusively and change my wick and coils about every three or four days…lol. I just like that super-fresh vape and it's pennies compared to stock coils for fixed tanks.

  12. If your using a prebuilt coil in a tank and you are noticing a loss of flavor or vapor then empty your tank and fill it a quarter full of PLAIN VG. then vape that unitl you can no longer taste anything but the sweetness of the VG, then empty out your tank, refill it with the E Liquid you removed from your tank earlier and go back to your vaping. I do this all the time and I get 5-6 weeks out of my Aspire 0.7 ohm BVC coils vaping at 24 watts.

  13. P.S. You're a sucker if you're buying stock pre-made coils.
    $5+ for pre-made vs. a fraction of a penny for build your own. Hmmm….

  14. A mesh kanthal coil (ofrf) lasts me about 3 days.. i once tried to rinse it and heat it 3x etc than I just wicked new cotton but it was still not that great is that normal or is this video just about normal coils?

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