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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Why You Can't Really Sweat Out Toxins

This video is brought to you by the Child and Teen Checkups program of the Minnesota Department of Health. If you live in Minnesota, learn more at …

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  1. You absolutely can sweat out toxins, although only the same ones your kidneys remove routinely. There's a few special cases of fatal poisoning where you'd be dead before your kidneys could remove the toxin but not before your kidneys + sweat glands could. Unless you're dying in a hospital, anyone suggesting sweating out toxins is scamming you — just drink more water and you'll get the same effect much more conveniently. Or if you like saunas, go to one that isn't trying to scam you.

  2. More research required from sci-show it’s a pretty myopic view of how the body processes heavy metals. The skin does excrete heavy metal in a measurable quantity and the liver and kidneys can only bind a certain load of heavy metals, so sweating is a valid form or excreting metals aside from the work of the internal organs.

    It should also be noted that hyperthermic conditioning (heat stress) has a host of benefits; showing significant increases in human growth hormone, increases in epinephrine and norepinephrine, and most importantly the release of heat shock proteins.

    If you want more info look up my favourite scientist PhD Ronda Patrick or read scientific journal on Finnish sauna study..

    Use the sauna, it will increase your all-cause mortality (you will live longer)

  3. This video is nonsense. Seems like you're convincing yourself not to workout. Of course you sweat out junk, I guess you've never been around someone sweating out a hangover.

  4. Scishow logic: Your skin is designed to protect you from cold, therefore as long as you've got a healthy skin, putting on clothes before stepping into an arctic blizzard is just a money making scam.

  5. As a Canadian its really weird to hear an ad for regular checkups being free because, like, of course it is?? But in all seriousness I do hope that program helps people get the childhood checkups they need to grow up healthy. Also Thank you for this detox video, I'll pull it out next time someone in my office tries to push for a cleanse as a "team building exercise". Any chance you could do one on this trend of oils everyone is smearing on themselves? I don't trust them, but I wouldn't mind being wrong.

  6. @scishow I'm a little disappointed with your interpretation of "Sweat it out", I believe you've taken too literally what is really a figure of speech. I would like to see a video about how increased heart rate, metabolism, and increased cycling of fluids, sugars, and electrolytes, affects a person's kidneys and liver, and the rate at which they process "toxins".

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