Study Says Cannabis-Related Hospital Visits Are On the Rise In Colorado
Researchers at the UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital say that there have been 9973 cannabis-related emergency room visits at their hospital between …
How many of the idiots that went to the ER died? When a population grows so does the number of dumb people. You drink to much alcohol you will die. Over 2,000 people die every year from alcohol poisoning alone. Not a single marijuana poisoning death reported. If their was the government would dangle that shit for all to see. Where I live it’s still very much illegal. They will throw you in a cage for months! And give you a fine on top of it. Needs to be done at federal level for real change.
XD I laugh at this because of course cannabis induced medical visits are on the rise… BECAUSE IT'S ACTUALLY LEGAL TO GO TO A HOSPITAL AND SAY YOU HAVE TOO MUCH WEED IN YOUR SYSTEM!! duh. ER visits are on the rise because it's actually legal for you to get medical help for your THC induced paranoia without being charged for a crime. Mashable, do your homework.
What the shitpost Mashable? Clickbaity much? No real data, no peer review? Straight up stating IDKWTFBBQ.
The big difference is 100,000's of people aren't dead from it. The main problem is people not use to it use too much and get paranoid or worse as specially edibles and dabs people need to start slow because their body is not properly adjusted to thc. "you can always have more never less"
"We observed a higher number of visits attributed to edibles…there was no data to determine if this was true" What a biased study by a anti-cannabus doctor making up numbers and data to slam cannabis. Shame for even giving this garbage any publicity.
Cus they approved it due to the fact that adding poison.. they would get rid of the unwanted.. stupid if they think .. just going to abolished just certain types of ethnicity Cus we all know white precious women/men don’t like other ethnicity.. they stick to their own “ RACE “ everyone knows other ethnicity r from a different species not human
Hospitalizations for edibles? Like no one has every had food poisoning.
Wait… Let me smoke some pot first before I play this vid.
After a few pots…
Nahhhh… Fuck you and your vid
Seriously, Mashable? You're better than this.
You just lost a subscriber, get your head out of your ass.
this has very little information but gives a lill bit awareness but educating people to know more. it has very broad narrative and could mislead people.
how many people go to the hospital because of alcohol ? how many people successfully used cannabis in the same time period?
Dumb/ignorant people will harm themselves one way or another. It can’t be stopped. Education can lessen it.
The thing is, there are all sorts of hospitalizations associated with alcohol use as well. And it was legalized because people were going to drink with or without the approval of the government. The same thing goes for pot. People just need to take time to learn about what they are doing to make informed decisions, in the exact same way that people need to make informed decisions about alcohol consumption.
So demonize cannabis because of people making stupid decisions.
That’s because of inexperienced cannabis users not heeding the advice of the dispensaries. Visits are surely limited to the paranoia of first time users, or people wanting to reconnect with their teenage years.
Was it a visit to see IF there is something wrong because of paranoia? Or needing actual medical attention? This is barely a whole lot to go off of.
Now that it is legal over there people wont get arrested if they go in to the hospital while high so people go more often
It's amazing how people will completely not accept that some people might have a bad reaction to cannabis. I do. I am not against people who use it. I am for legalization – but with anything. ANYTHING….there can be bad reactions. Obviously as the amount of users go up, there will be more people who have bad reactions. If you're willing to accept that some people can't eat strawberries but insist EVERYONE can have cannabis, you might have a pot problem.
I love how all the potheads are commenting on this video. It's like feminists but worse.
So wait, cannabis use has gone up 5 or 6 times and who know exactly how much because of the tourism. There 3x the amount of hospital visits. Can anyone math?
Did any of those visits require any treatment other than a doctor calming them down and telling them they're fine? I'm sure they didn't even have to use as much as a saline drip on those people lol. Just have easy to use CBD drop to bring them down a bit
So he straight up admits that the study is biased and unscientific, thus negating the creditability of it's results?
People just can't handle their weed these days I guess lol.
well yeah, ER visits. Most of those are probably people who took a high dose and got paranoid, without being in any actual danger.
Are there people going to the ER because they’re freaking out (normal) or because they actually need medical attention
Stop it Cannabis has killed ZERO people in history It’s not opiates so RELAX
Dosing using cannabis, is a problem. The biggest problem is that the plant has not been studied as much as other medicines. While I am not a proponent of recreational use. I am very much for the use of cannabis for medical uses especially for pain control. If the government or other bodies that can study marijuana and better determine how to handle the dosing of the product will go a long way.
Did any of these ER visits result in serious medical problems for the people that had simple anxiety attacks? Why do I get the feeling that the answer is no? That was propaganda. By not stating what those medical conditions were and what the outcome was, that didn't tell me anything. All it was was people that used a little too much cannabis and panicked.There was absolutely nothing wrong with them and they did not have to go to the ER at all. Propaganda. I've been using cannabis for 40 years. Save your bullshit for people that don't know any better. Goodbye.
That's it. I'm unsubscribing. The last two days this channel has produce nothing but BS. If I want to feel scared in America I would watch Fox or cnn
Didn't say how people where affected.
I used to think NYS program was a joke. It is too expensive but their low dose methods work. Flower is too high in MG. People don’t realize they’re getting up to 1000mg in a gram. That’s too much.
Just like anything? Moderation is key. And I’m sure some shady dispensaries and growers in CO are still leaving fertilizer and other garbage in their stuff. Clean it up CO! You were the guiding light! Fix it!
So much about drug legalizations.
Oh god fucking damnit No
I hate this dam trendy videos if I want to read I'll buy a newspaper, just someone narrate this shit.
I can't feel my legs
hospital between 2012 and 2016.? well lets ask them all about it ….All of 9,973 .. so about 2,493 per year 6.8 per day ..
Improperly used… duh. Too much coffee will send you to the ER too
How many of the idiots that went to the ER died? When a population grows so does the number of dumb people. You drink to much alcohol you will die. Over 2,000 people die every year from alcohol poisoning alone. Not a single marijuana poisoning death reported. If their was the government would dangle that shit for all to see. Where I live it’s still very much illegal. They will throw you in a cage for months! And give you a fine on top of it. Needs to be done at federal level for real change.
XD I laugh at this because of course cannabis induced medical visits are on the rise… BECAUSE IT'S ACTUALLY LEGAL TO GO TO A HOSPITAL AND SAY YOU HAVE TOO MUCH WEED IN YOUR SYSTEM!! duh. ER visits are on the rise because it's actually legal for you to get medical help for your THC induced paranoia without being charged for a crime. Mashable, do your homework.
What the shitpost Mashable? Clickbaity much? No real data, no peer review? Straight up stating IDKWTFBBQ.
The big difference is 100,000's of people aren't dead from it. The main problem is people not use to it use too much and get paranoid or worse as specially edibles and dabs people need to start slow because their body is not properly adjusted to thc. "you can always have more never less"
"We observed a higher number of visits attributed to edibles…there was no data to determine if this was true" What a biased study by a anti-cannabus doctor making up numbers and data to slam cannabis. Shame for even giving this garbage any publicity.
Cus they approved it due to the fact that adding poison.. they would get rid of the unwanted.. stupid if they think .. just going to abolished just certain types of ethnicity

Cus we all know white precious women/men don’t like other ethnicity.. they stick to their own
“ RACE “ everyone knows other ethnicity r from a different species not human
Hospitalizations for edibles? Like no one has every had food poisoning.
Wait… Let me smoke some pot first before I play this vid.
After a few pots…
Nahhhh… Fuck you and your vid
Seriously, Mashable? You're better than this.
You just lost a subscriber, get your head out of your ass.
this has very little information but gives a lill bit awareness but educating people to know more. it has very broad narrative and could mislead people.
Dumb/ignorant people will harm themselves one way or another. It can’t be stopped. Education can lessen it.
The thing is, there are all sorts of hospitalizations associated with alcohol use as well. And it was legalized because people were going to drink with or without the approval of the government. The same thing goes for pot. People just need to take time to learn about what they are doing to make informed decisions, in the exact same way that people need to make informed decisions about alcohol consumption.
So demonize cannabis because of people making stupid decisions.
That’s because of inexperienced cannabis users not heeding the advice of the dispensaries. Visits are surely limited to the paranoia of first time users, or people wanting to reconnect with their teenage years.
Was it a visit to see IF there is something wrong because of paranoia? Or needing actual medical attention? This is barely a whole lot to go off of.
Now that it is legal over there people wont get arrested if they go in to the hospital while high so people go more often
It's amazing how people will completely not accept that some people might have a bad reaction to cannabis. I do. I am not against people who use it. I am for legalization – but with anything. ANYTHING….there can be bad reactions. Obviously as the amount of users go up, there will be more people who have bad reactions. If you're willing to accept that some people can't eat strawberries but insist EVERYONE can have cannabis, you might have a pot problem.
I love how all the potheads are commenting on this video. It's like feminists but worse.
So wait, cannabis use has gone up 5 or 6 times and who know exactly how much because of the tourism. There 3x the amount of hospital visits. Can anyone math?
Did any of those visits require any treatment other than a doctor calming them down and telling them they're fine? I'm sure they didn't even have to use as much as a saline drip on those people lol. Just have easy to use CBD drop to bring them down a bit
So he straight up admits that the study is biased and unscientific, thus negating the creditability of it's results?
People just can't handle their weed these days I guess lol.
well yeah, ER visits. Most of those are probably people who took a high dose and got paranoid, without being in any actual danger.
Are there people going to the ER because they’re freaking out (normal) or because they actually need medical attention
Stop it
Cannabis has killed ZERO people in history
It’s not opiates so RELAX
Dosing using cannabis, is a problem. The biggest problem is that the plant has not been studied as much as other medicines. While I am not a proponent of recreational use. I am very much for the use of cannabis for medical uses especially for pain control. If the government or other bodies that can study marijuana and better determine how to handle the dosing of the product will go a long way.
Did any of these ER visits result in serious medical problems for the people that had simple anxiety attacks? Why do I get the feeling that the answer is no? That was propaganda. By not stating what those medical conditions were and what the outcome was, that didn't tell me anything. All it was was people that used a little too much cannabis and panicked.There was absolutely nothing wrong with them and they did not have to go to the ER at all.
Propaganda. I've been using cannabis for 40 years. Save your bullshit for people that don't know any better. Goodbye.
That's it. I'm unsubscribing. The last two days this channel has produce nothing but BS. If I want to feel scared in America I would watch Fox or cnn
Didn't say how people where affected.
I used to think NYS program was a joke. It is too expensive but their low dose methods work. Flower is too high in MG. People don’t realize they’re getting up to 1000mg in a gram. That’s too much.
Just like anything? Moderation is key. And I’m sure some shady dispensaries and growers in CO are still leaving fertilizer and other garbage in their stuff. Clean it up CO! You were the guiding light! Fix it!
So much about drug legalizations.
Oh god fucking damnit No
I hate this dam trendy videos if I want to read I'll buy a newspaper, just someone narrate this shit.
I can't feel my legs
hospital between 2012 and 2016.? well lets ask them all about it ….All of 9,973 .. so about 2,493 per year 6.8 per day ..
Improperly used… duh. Too much coffee will send you to the ER too