Mine broke.. can someone please cash app me -Davidlopez02 much appreciated anything 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻i really need another im 20$ away
srry we dont inhale arisoles. again another mis informed information.. so sick of this
Gee. Another live healthy announcement. Thanks. For those of us who quit smoking because of vaping it’s been a wonder. Now, logically the gov wants me to smoke again
In Poland juul pods costs now like 5 dollars
Shit where I live a pack of smokes is about 6-7$ and a pack of 4 juul pods can cost anywhere from 14-18$, 4 packs of smokes will break you for about 24-28$, using a juul is way cheaper where I’m at, even if you do a pod a day
Give the kids 0 nicotine vapes if they want to feel cool.
Reply to me please, if your parents are juuling with you knowing is it ok or not?
whose watching this after the 6 vaping deaths? 😳🙈
Hehe this video needs to update itself.
1:04…im from Canada 🇨🇦 we dont have marlboros up here
I roll my own cigarettes, which I think is way better than buying a pack. I put no filter in it. So whenever I need to smoke, I have to roll it by hand so I tend to smoke less than if I buy a pack.
Juul pods here in Québec (Canada) costs 25$ with taxes which is pretty expensive. I used to smoke one Pod a day, which was way too much. Because it tastes great and it can be smoked indoor, I abused it and was always puffing on it, even though I didn't need to.
I suggest to never start smoking any form of nicotine. It just sucks in the end and gets you addicted to something you don't need in the first place. Whenever you quit you feel like there's something missing. I hope I'll be able to quit someday.
1:06 4 juul pods cost 16$ which is like 4 packs of cigarettes
Who is Juuling rn?
Smoke weed
But what if you have 0% nicotine in your vape?
Wish I grew up in Canada. No way I would've/could've started smoking cigarettes at $13 a pack.
What about juuls without nicotine?
It’s all bad you morons, grow a pair and just quit.
Don't do either of them. Here's a lollipop:🍭.
At least tooth decay is better than lung cancer.
just get a wax pen its way healthier than anything tobacco related
One pod is definitely not 16$ I’m under aged so I get em 5$ a pop, 20 for a pack
Why all of the sudden here in 2019 is Juul killing people? RJ Renolds and Phillip Morris……HMMM!!!
He gonna smoke that after the video
smoking is very harmful for you're lungs and vaping is considered just as bad for you're lungs in some cases and research if the mixed studies confuse you just stick with edibles until you hear the real facts about vaping thank you tobacco users and marijuana users and for tobacco users just use zyn pouches it's alot safer than a juul
Bet you they’re juuling😂
Marlboro cigarettes in my country cost $3 lol
Seen the news lately its nuts lol
So what exactly makes the juul way worse then any other vape,it’s the same but way weaker then other devices like smok or sourin,last year juul was popular,now kids just look at you like bruh thats soo last year,vaping among teens are different then adults,adults get off cigs and vape cuz it’s Better the cigs but teens only vape because it’s popular and everyone does it and most kids and teens are followers not leaders,therefore that means teens and kids because yes kids in 5th grade and up vape,only do it because everyone else does it and because it’s nicotine they get addicted to it,it’s not because it’s easy to get but because vapes are cool looking and are colorful or sleek in design,this is the only reason for why teens and kids vape,they wouldn’t want cigarettes because cigarettes are just disgusting,and adults use cigarettes becuase all you need it’s the cig and lighter and once your done just get another cigarette,vaping is different and in the modern days can confuse adults that only want to get somthing simple and easy which is why adults use juuls,anything more is just more complex like the smok nord where it’s more like a regular vape then a pod device,you have the coils and tanks and juice,coils have to be replaced which cost money,cigarettes are far easier to buy and use and juul makes soo much money because it’s simple but really over priced for what it is,and they know that and take advantage of it,I started vaping and like it,it got me off cigarettes and I stoped drinking and stick to weed and vaping,it’s cleaner but not healthy,the public tires to make it into soo much more of a bad thing then what it is which is sad,theirs no way to stop it without invading someone’s rights or privacy at all times,kids that let other kids hit their vapes are more prone to get caught but kids who tell no one and only do it when theirs no way to get caught are most likely to to never get caught,the thing the adults should be looking at more things like geek or synthetic cannabinoids which is found in geek and literally rots your brain making your stupid and slow and makes your behavior very different,I’ve seen it happen and I do it but don’t plan on doing it often,kids are easily able to make money in school by selling their vapes or filling up pods for money,we had two girls that passed out on what they said was laced geek with fentanyl but others say it was a nicotine buzz from 50 nic which can do that to small 5 foot 1 120 lbs girls with low tolerance to nicotine,it’s almost happened to me and once the school started cracking down on that they found and arrested drug dealers selling meth and cocaine that went to the school,teens are figuring out how to make quick cash with out labor and that’s drug dealing,thats how those kids get their nice cars or lifted trucks with rims that can cost over $12000,like I said theirs no way to stop vaping in school or from teens without taking drastic measures
Mine broke.. can someone please cash app me -Davidlopez02 much appreciated anything 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻i really need another im 20$ away
srry we dont inhale arisoles. again another mis informed information.. so sick of this
Gee. Another live healthy announcement. Thanks. For those of us who quit smoking because of vaping it’s been a wonder. Now, logically the gov wants me to smoke again
In Poland juul pods costs now like 5 dollars
Shit where I live a pack of smokes is about 6-7$ and a pack of 4 juul pods can cost anywhere from 14-18$, 4 packs of smokes will break you for about 24-28$, using a juul is way cheaper where I’m at, even if you do a pod a day
Give the kids 0 nicotine vapes if they want to feel cool.
Reply to me please, if your parents are juuling with you knowing is it ok or not?
whose watching this after the 6 vaping deaths? 😳🙈
Hehe this video needs to update itself.
1:04…im from Canada 🇨🇦 we dont have marlboros up here
I roll my own cigarettes, which I think is way better than buying a pack. I put no filter in it. So whenever I need to smoke, I have to roll it by hand so I tend to smoke less than if I buy a pack.
Juul pods here in Québec (Canada) costs 25$ with taxes which is pretty expensive. I used to smoke one Pod a day, which was way too much. Because it tastes great and it can be smoked indoor, I abused it and was always puffing on it, even though I didn't need to.
I suggest to never start smoking any form of nicotine. It just sucks in the end and gets you addicted to something you don't need in the first place. Whenever you quit you feel like there's something missing. I hope I'll be able to quit someday.
1:06 4 juul pods cost 16$ which is like 4 packs of cigarettes
Who is Juuling rn?
Smoke weed
But what if you have 0% nicotine in your vape?
Wish I grew up in Canada. No way I would've/could've started smoking cigarettes at $13 a pack.
What about juuls without nicotine?
It’s all bad you morons, grow a pair and just quit.
Don't do either of them. Here's a lollipop:🍭.
At least tooth decay is better than lung cancer.
just get a wax pen its way healthier than anything tobacco related
One pod is definitely not 16$ I’m under aged so I get em 5$ a pop, 20 for a pack
Why all of the sudden here in 2019 is Juul killing people? RJ Renolds and Phillip Morris……HMMM!!!
He gonna smoke that after the video
smoking is very harmful for you're lungs and vaping is considered just as bad for you're lungs in some cases and research
if the mixed studies confuse you just stick with edibles until you hear the real facts about vaping
thank you tobacco users and marijuana users
and for tobacco users just use zyn pouches it's alot safer than a juul
Bet you they’re juuling😂
Marlboro cigarettes in my country cost $3 lol
Seen the news lately its nuts lol
So what exactly makes the juul way worse then any other vape,it’s the same but way weaker then other devices like smok or sourin,last year juul was popular,now kids just look at you like bruh thats soo last year,vaping among teens are different then adults,adults get off cigs and vape cuz it’s Better the cigs but teens only vape because it’s popular and everyone does it and most kids and teens are followers not leaders,therefore that means teens and kids because yes kids in 5th grade and up vape,only do it because everyone else does it and because it’s nicotine they get addicted to it,it’s not because it’s easy to get but because vapes are cool looking and are colorful or sleek in design,this is the only reason for why teens and kids vape,they wouldn’t want cigarettes because cigarettes are just disgusting,and adults use cigarettes becuase all you need it’s the cig and lighter and once your done just get another cigarette,vaping is different and in the modern days can confuse adults that only want to get somthing simple and easy which is why adults use juuls,anything more is just more complex like the smok nord where it’s more like a regular vape then a pod device,you have the coils and tanks and juice,coils have to be replaced which cost money,cigarettes are far easier to buy and use and juul makes soo much money because it’s simple but really over priced for what it is,and they know that and take advantage of it,I started vaping and like it,it got me off cigarettes and I stoped drinking and stick to weed and vaping,it’s cleaner but not healthy,the public tires to make it into soo much more of a bad thing then what it is which is sad,theirs no way to stop it without invading someone’s rights or privacy at all times,kids that let other kids hit their vapes are more prone to get caught but kids who tell no one and only do it when theirs no way to get caught are most likely to to never get caught,the thing the adults should be looking at more things like geek or synthetic cannabinoids which is found in geek and literally rots your brain making your stupid and slow and makes your behavior very different,I’ve seen it happen and I do it but don’t plan on doing it often,kids are easily able to make money in school by selling their vapes or filling up pods for money,we had two girls that passed out on what they said was laced geek with fentanyl but others say it was a nicotine buzz from 50 nic which can do that to small 5 foot 1 120 lbs girls with low tolerance to nicotine,it’s almost happened to me and once the school started cracking down on that they found and arrested drug dealers selling meth and cocaine that went to the school,teens are figuring out how to make quick cash with out labor and that’s drug dealing,thats how those kids get their nice cars or lifted trucks with rims that can cost over $12000,like I said theirs no way to stop vaping in school or from teens without taking drastic measures