Seduction of Smoking – Are E Cigarettes Less Harmful? | E-Cigs Documentary | Documental
Award winning journalist Peter Taylor gets exclusive access to tobacco company British American Tobacco to investigate the development of e-cigarettes.
5 years after starting vaping I started to feel very sick. panic attacks racing heart rate. I had 2 quit. Don't expect to be able to vape for the rest of your life with no consequences. It will eventually catch up too you like cigs.
5 years after starting vaping I started to feel very sick. panic attacks racing heart rate. I had 2 quit. Don't expect to be able to vape for the rest of your life with no consequences. It will eventually catch up too you like cigs.
is this dude on drugs
ofc e-cigs are LESS HARMFUL. ur not inhaling smoke ur inhaling vapour
I stop vaping since I lost my mod almost 2 years with my e juice 6 to 12 mg nic. Haven't touch and smoke a cigarette, vaping is really not that addictive and worse than cigarettes. Its much like quiting coffee or cola in my opinion. so far: nicotine is literally same as caffeine
yes my daughter had this argument with me today. We both smoke, I almost gave up with a vape before. I got a new vape and plan to give up. She watched a netflix docco saying in USA, kids are getting addicted to vaping..
Don't believe the hype. The e cigs will damage your lungs.
He was lots of fun at the club
Vaping allowed me to quit a pack and a half a day habit. No more coughing, being out of breath, chest pain, clearing my throat every 10 minutes, etc etc. I'm sure it's the case for countless others…
Asking for a non- smokers opinion on vaping is like asking a VEGAN about hamburgers !!!!!
Proof its not about quitting smoking to these Nay-Sayers.. Its not about public health.. Anti-Smoking is about Anti-Smoking People. Control freaks.
This documentary is wrongly titled. It's about cigarettes not E cig and definitely not vape.
24:48 I smoke 3 packs a day but I'm not addicted 😂
Vape is not big tobacco it is a consumer built and driving industry in the USA… EXCEPT for JUUL!!!!!!!!!!!. They are no friend to the mom and pop businesses that are the vaping industry please understand that! oHH yeah i have been smoke free since 2015 because of custard, donuts, apple pie, strawberry, milk, pastry, fruit…. i can go on!
This has little to do with vaping and more of LOOK HOW BAD CIGARETTES ARE!? and im so sick of being told what i can and cant enjoy because children might try it.
So nicotine is addictive. That doesn’t make it physiologically harmful.
Bias much?
I vape through a sock.
Well Sweden has e cig shops in cancer wards in hospitals but Ontario is so against e cig s
It was a BIG mistake to call them "e-cigarettes" back at the beginning. Vaping is NOT smoking. Yet we remain social pariahs. This doc was made before the Brits released their 95% safer than smoking studies, yet the Canadian public media (CBC) ignores the newest evidence – especially when it exonerated "e-cigarettes" as the cause for recent "vaping" illnesses.
Takes a hit gets addicted
50 People die from tobacco EVERY HOUR. That's 1300 EVERY DAY [CDC STATISTIC] Recent Vaping and E-Cigarettes Popularity started in about 2010. If the 21 Deaths actually were from Vaping in 10 Years, that's about TWO PER YEAR. This proves vaping is at least Hundreds of times safer than using Tobacco. They cannot compete with Vape Shops. Refillable Vape Pens and Mod Boxes are what most Vapers do, because it is cheaper, and you can choose more flavors. Kroger, Walgreens, AND TOBACCO LOBBYISTS are not concerned about Customer Health, or they would all stop selling Tobacco Products. Millions have died and millions more have terrible Lung Diseases from Tobacco Use. 1000 cases of Lung Disease and 21 Deaths Pales by comparison. How many of them are former tobacco users???
Vaping keeps people away from Tobacco and Phillip Morris IS LOSING MONEY. Big Pharma is losing money on Cancer Drugs and Treatments. THINK MONEY.
Who cares if they are smoking in Argentina inside…I think they have bigger fish to try in many Latin American countries. Grumpy old man.
i dont get why people are freaking out about teens using e-cigs. dont the morons understand that these same teen would be smoking cigarettes if vaping wasnt around?. i started smoking when i was a teen and heard all the bad stuff, but teens just want to make adult decisions. Thier going to drink ,smoke, and do drugs. Vapeing is the lesser of 2 evils. at least they arent smokeing…
Vaping is helping me quit I'm thankful N I'm starting to feel sooooo much better I'm thankful for vaping 🙏💯
I quit, this is day 2 without cigarettes for me. I have 1 full pack and 1 cigarette in my safe. I haven't even thought about lighting 1 up. This is the longest I've been without a cigarette in nearly 20 years. I feel very confident that I will never smoke another cigarette and eventually lay down the vape too.
One legislation I would welcome is you can`t own stock in e-cigarettes if you in any way are involved with tobacco companies. That would keep the industry in the hands of small business, like it was in the beginning.
What a bunch of BS. The tobacco companies want to sell flavored nicotine ejuice to help people quit smoking, why? Its far easier to stop vaping than to stop smoking combustible cigarettes. The proof is everywhere smokers have quit with vaping. The problem is that tobacco has to compete with the millions of vape juice sellers and competition is sin. Tobacco wants ecigs gone because too many smokers are quitting and if the USA says vaping is unhealthy the rest of the world follows suit, like the 70% of males in China and India that smoke cigarettes because they have lost the battle in the uSA as vaping is taking over and if smokers realize how much cheaper and easier it is to switch and their empire is OVER. When Public Health England says its 95% safer and sells ecigs in hospitals its not about big tobacco.
I'm a 16 yrs smoker, i'm happy that i'm already 2 years smoke free, i just quit cigarette without switching to vape, if you really want to quit smoking you don't need to switch from cigarette to vape, just quit, it's all about willpower dude, trust me
I guess it depends on what's in your e-juice- if someone has laced your e-juice with arsenic or some other poison, you're probably better off having one cigarette, instead of vaping- but if you're just vaping regular e-juice, you're better off not inhaling smoke into your lungs, since smoke inhalation is what generally kills people, before a fire burns them- a Chinese cardiologist perfected the design of an e-cigarette and started manufacturing it to help his patients who were smokers get off the tobacco cigarettes, so in the beginning the tobacco companies were not behind the promotion of vaping, but I think now they are being very dark and sneaky, and starting to promote certain brands of e-cigarettes and e-juices, in order to recoup some of their lost revenue…
I switched to vape to try to STOP ALL TOGETHER. I know it's gonna be tough,but I don't smoke traditional anymore ..SMOKING IS TERRIBLE….DON'T START ANY METHOD YOU WILL REGRET IT
Many tobacco farmers do NOT smoke as they know what goes into the plant while growing it….
Nicotine is a narcotic. Now what’s the problem
40 years. Went cold turkey with my vape. Free a year and a half. No looking back !!
Why are non smokers here?
"They're all based on liquid nicotine" NOT TRUE! It's a tiny percentage. You learned nothing!
If you're going to try and ban cigarettes, then, you also have to do the same with Caffeine, Sugar, and Alcohol.
This documentary is about tobacco and tobacco company products, not vaping.
My father died from that
Allan Car: Easy way to quit smoking… My 3th day 🤟
Everyone does whatever they want everyone does his choice of smoke or not smoke just make it a healthy like coffee is
Nothing new here…
5 years after starting vaping I started to feel very sick. panic
attacks racing heart rate. I had 2 quit. Don't expect to be able to
vape for the rest of your life with no consequences. It will eventually
catch up too you like cigs.
5 years after starting vaping I started to feel very sick. panic
attacks racing heart rate. I had 2 quit. Don't expect to be able to
vape for the rest of your life with no consequences. It will eventually
catch up too you like cigs.
is this dude on drugs
ofc e-cigs are LESS HARMFUL. ur not inhaling smoke ur inhaling vapour
I stop vaping since I lost my mod almost 2 years with my e juice 6 to 12 mg nic. Haven't touch and smoke a cigarette, vaping is really not that addictive and worse than cigarettes. Its much like quiting coffee or cola in my opinion.
so far: nicotine is literally same as caffeine
yes my daughter had this argument with me today. We both smoke, I almost gave up with a vape before. I got a new vape and plan to give up. She watched a netflix docco saying in USA, kids are getting addicted to vaping..
Don't believe the hype. The e cigs will damage your lungs.
He was lots of fun at the club
Vaping allowed me to quit a pack and a half a day habit. No more coughing, being out of breath, chest pain, clearing my throat every 10 minutes, etc etc. I'm sure it's the case for countless others…
Asking for a non- smokers opinion on vaping is like asking a VEGAN about hamburgers !!!!!
Proof its not about quitting smoking to these Nay-Sayers.. Its not about public health.. Anti-Smoking is about Anti-Smoking People. Control freaks.
This documentary is wrongly titled. It's about cigarettes not E cig and definitely not vape.
24:48 I smoke 3 packs a day but I'm not addicted 😂
Vape is not big tobacco it is a consumer built and driving industry in the USA… EXCEPT for JUUL!!!!!!!!!!!. They are no friend to the mom and pop businesses that are the vaping industry please understand that! oHH yeah i have been smoke free since 2015 because of custard, donuts, apple pie, strawberry, milk, pastry, fruit…. i can go on!
This has little to do with vaping and more of LOOK HOW BAD CIGARETTES ARE!? and im so sick of being told what i can and cant enjoy because children might try it.
So nicotine is addictive. That doesn’t make it physiologically harmful.
Bias much?
I vape through a sock.
Well Sweden has e cig shops in cancer wards in hospitals but Ontario is so against e cig s
It was a BIG mistake to call them "e-cigarettes" back at the beginning. Vaping is NOT smoking. Yet we remain social pariahs. This doc was made before the Brits released their 95% safer than smoking studies, yet the Canadian public media (CBC) ignores the newest evidence – especially when it exonerated "e-cigarettes" as the cause for recent "vaping" illnesses.
Takes a hit gets addicted
50 People die from tobacco EVERY HOUR. That's 1300 EVERY DAY [CDC STATISTIC] Recent Vaping and E-Cigarettes Popularity started in about 2010. If the 21 Deaths actually were from Vaping in 10 Years, that's about TWO PER YEAR. This proves vaping is at least Hundreds of times safer than using Tobacco.
They cannot compete with Vape Shops. Refillable Vape Pens and Mod Boxes are what most Vapers do, because it is cheaper, and you can choose more flavors. Kroger, Walgreens, AND TOBACCO LOBBYISTS are not concerned about Customer Health, or they would all stop selling Tobacco Products. Millions have died and millions more have terrible Lung Diseases from Tobacco Use. 1000 cases of Lung Disease and 21 Deaths Pales by comparison. How many of them are former tobacco users???
Vaping keeps people away from Tobacco and Phillip Morris IS LOSING MONEY. Big Pharma is losing money on Cancer Drugs and Treatments. THINK MONEY.
Who cares if they are smoking in Argentina inside…I think they have bigger fish to try in many Latin American countries. Grumpy old man.
i dont get why people are freaking out about teens using e-cigs. dont the morons understand that these same teen would be smoking cigarettes if vaping wasnt around?. i started smoking when i was a teen and heard all the bad stuff, but teens just want to make adult decisions. Thier going to drink ,smoke, and do drugs. Vapeing is the lesser of 2 evils. at least they arent smokeing…
Vaping is helping me quit I'm thankful N I'm starting to feel sooooo much better I'm thankful for vaping 🙏💯
I quit, this is day 2 without cigarettes for me. I have 1 full pack and 1 cigarette in my safe. I haven't even thought about lighting 1 up. This is the longest I've been without a cigarette in nearly 20 years. I feel very confident that I will never smoke another cigarette and eventually lay down the vape too.
One legislation I would welcome is you can`t own stock in e-cigarettes if you in any way are involved with tobacco companies. That would keep the industry in the hands of small business, like it was in the beginning.
What a bunch of BS. The tobacco companies want to sell flavored nicotine ejuice to help people quit smoking, why? Its far easier to stop vaping than to stop smoking combustible cigarettes. The proof is everywhere smokers have quit with vaping. The problem is that tobacco has to compete with the millions of vape juice sellers and competition is sin. Tobacco wants ecigs gone because too many smokers are quitting and if the USA says vaping is unhealthy the rest of the world follows suit, like the 70% of males in China and India that smoke cigarettes because they have lost the battle in the uSA as vaping is taking over and if smokers realize how much cheaper and easier it is to switch and their empire is OVER. When Public Health England says its 95% safer and sells ecigs in hospitals its not about big tobacco.
I'm a 16 yrs smoker, i'm happy that i'm already 2 years smoke free, i just quit cigarette without switching to vape, if you really want to quit smoking you don't need to switch from cigarette to vape, just quit, it's all about willpower dude, trust me
I guess it depends on what's in your e-juice- if someone has laced your e-juice with arsenic or some other poison, you're probably better off having one cigarette, instead of vaping- but if you're just vaping regular e-juice, you're better off not inhaling smoke into your lungs, since smoke inhalation is what generally kills people, before a fire burns them-
a Chinese cardiologist perfected the design of an e-cigarette and started manufacturing it to help his patients who were smokers get off the tobacco cigarettes, so in the beginning the tobacco companies were not behind the promotion of vaping, but I think now they are being very dark and sneaky, and starting to promote certain brands of e-cigarettes and e-juices, in order to recoup some of their lost revenue…
I switched to vape to try to STOP ALL TOGETHER. I know it's gonna be tough,but I don't smoke traditional anymore ..SMOKING IS TERRIBLE….DON'T START ANY METHOD YOU WILL REGRET IT
Many tobacco farmers do NOT smoke as they know what goes into the plant while growing it….
Nicotine is a narcotic. Now what’s the problem
40 years. Went cold turkey with my vape. Free a year and a half. No looking back !!
Why are non smokers here?
"They're all based on liquid nicotine" NOT TRUE! It's a tiny percentage. You learned nothing!
If you're going to try and ban cigarettes, then, you also have to do the same with Caffeine, Sugar, and Alcohol.
This documentary is about tobacco and tobacco company products, not vaping.
My father died from that
Allan Car: Easy way to quit smoking… My 3th day 🤟
Everyone does whatever they want everyone does his choice of smoke or not smoke just make it a healthy like coffee is
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