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Recreational Marijuana Becomes Legal in Illinois [January 1, 2020]

Chicago, June 25, 2019 — Surrounded by supporters, including at least one Republican House member, Gov Pritzker today signed another landmark piece of …

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  1. I would not want anyone to smoke pot near my kids or grandkids, I do not want pot passed to where anywhere they could smoke it. it should not be around children or anyone under age. they want to abandon vaping but they are going to pass a law to allow smoking pot????? like I said below if it is coming from a Democrat in the government it is NOT GOOD!! SOMETHING PURE EVIL IS COMING FROM THAT BUNCH OF EVIL DOERS!!

  2. Horrendous legislation with bias and restrictions that should never have been in the bill. Some of worst legislation to become law in state.

  3. A bunch of back-slapping by self-serving politicians. All these new taxes are going to cause the collapse of the Illinois economy. The state is losing 4000 taxpayers per month and the exodus is just going to accelerate. Within a few years, the revenues collected by the State are going to peak and then begin an un-reversible decline.

  4. PETITION FOR RECALL , Get this turd out of office !!! IMPEACH HIM …. He says Illinois is moving forward with empathy and hope . Nothing will fix this unless us Illinoisans Unite. This is Our State and our Country ! This is not Governments State or Governments Country ! Law Enforcement doesnt Run Us or Rule and Dictate our Freedoms and happiness ! BUT You people let it happen , "Dont make a wake" , because you are afraid of being on radar to the Gov'T . Take a Stand ! Call your Senator , Revolt , Wake the Fuck up people ..

  5. The bill looks a little shifty, and I hate Democrats. But well done, I haven't looked forward to a New Year in a while. Listening to these people talk is giving me a headache with their poor black people this, poor black people that, bitch everyone I've ever known to get arrested for weed was WHITE, crimes involving CRACK that's BLACKS.

  6. Like the legalization. But throwing pot and money at poor communities isn't going to fix anything. Pots been there and we have been throwing money for 60 years. When will they notice those policies dont work.

  7. Sounds like they are going to flood the minority community with reefer like never before. They prob think they will stop shooting each other up in Chicago if they are all stoned… Disgusting

  8. Pot has always been in Illinois, legal or not. What they are really celebrating is that now they're gonna be the one's profiting off it. Self absorbed scums

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