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In this report we propose a new,
reliable method for improving the performance of the Manta R2
cluster controller, which makes it possible to build more
efficient clusters. We base our argument on the following
proposition: to overcome performance bottlenecks, it is necessary
to split the work load among more than one controller. To
provide effective management of the cluster, each controller
operates a separate subsystem (or “cluster plane”), which can
be implemented in different ways, according to the existing
architecture of the cluster. We argue that, by grouping
controllers using one or more cluster planes, a larger
number of work units can be handled by a single controller
(providing it has sufficient capacity), thus improving the
availability of the cluster at the same time. On the basis of
these assumptions, we propose a number of physical
architectures for clusters, each of which includes one or more
multiple controllers and a number of cluster planes, and we
analyze their efficiency in terms of cost and complexity
performance and their impact on the cluster and its
operating system. Our analysis is grounded in experience
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cluster, which we deployed using our proprietary
embedded software.Rihanna
Rihanna is back with a hauntingly powerful new song. The seven-minute “Needed Me” is a mournful piano ballad that features Rihanna gripping the song’s narrator by the hand as she relates her story of pain and desire.
The cut, produced by Norwegian DJ and deejay Sam Tsui, is Rihanna’s first official song since 2015’s “Kiss It Better.” The record follows 2012’s Rihanna classic “Take a Bow,” and comes before her forthcoming Anti album.
Rihanna is back with a hauntingly powerful new song. The seven-minute “Needed Me” is a mournful piano ballad that features Rihanna gripping the song’s narrator by the hand as she relates her story of pain and desire.
The cut, produced by Norwegian DJ