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Rotten | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Local farming is fading as profit margins decide what food makes it to our plates. The new Netflix documentary series Rotten exposes the fraud, corruption, and …

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  1. I am not worried about what i am eating. Because, i raise my own chicken ( eggs, meat etc ), buy pigs from my neighbor and catching my own fish from Baltic sea or the lake near my house. Farming my own potatoes, tomatoes, fruits, veggies in my little garden. I have 5 apple trees and 7 different kind of trees. The only thing i buy from market is rice and flour. I m getting my cheese, olives, butter from Turkey when i am going to visit my parents. My daughter eats them too. So, you have possibility to have your own healthy food, instead spending hundreds of dollars in markets and eating basically antibiotics instead food.

  2. Netflix is actually really cool because they can fund risky shows without having to worry about failure as the potential increase in viewers if it is well liked is worth far more than the risk for such a big company, tho they do have a creepy level of control on culture

  3. 📲*Whatapps* *00212.645.760.441*📲
    وجـدت كــثــيــر مـن الـكـومـنـتـات عـن تــكــبــيــر الـقـضـيـب وضــعــف الانـتـصـاب وسـرعـة الــقــذف
    وأبـغـى أبــشــركــم🥳 أنـي حــصــلــت عـلـى مـعـلـومـات مـفـيـدة🤩 هـتـنـفـعـكـم كـثـيـر ومـجـربـهـا شــخــصــيــا ونـفـعـتـنـي✅
    تــواصــل مـعـي🙋‍♂️ وأنـا بــشــرح لـك ســر الــوصــفــة😉 الـواتـس اب 00212.645.760.441

  4. I watched this last night my God it's a eye opener. Until people get organized as one those big companies will continue to put the dollar before the general public. It's a must see documentary in my eyes.

  5. "if you eat food, this is an issue you should be worried about" I hope there's someone hooked up to intravenous nutrition watching this laughing.

  6. The problem with so much of our food is the obvious. The extensive agricultural model created during the WWII, ala mass produced food, and the intensive push to yield more and more not just for consumption but also export, has broken. Chemical treatment to yield crops has a side effect. Killing the nutrients and enzymes in the soil can only lead to crop that dont carry the full nutrients our bodies need, just as well. we are importing foods from other countries who have far less health standards. Also their soil is not our local domestic soils of which our bodies depend. Basically we've created a situation driven by wall st, that doesnt take health and well being into account, only sales and profits. as such, we are no longer consuming what our bodies require, in fact, all in all for decades we've been poisoning ourselves, making our bodies weaker and weaker every generation. Growth hormones, steroids, genetic alteration, importing, on and on. how could anyone having any level of common sense come to the conclusion that all this would bode well for us?. Now instead of Farming correctly, agricultural scientist are now rolling the dice with man made meats!!!. And what? they infuse the meat with vitamins? come on people . We already have enough synthesized foods on the shelves as it is, and non of it has done well for us.

  7. China is going to rule the World saddly, thats Not good at all for the rest of countries, Mark my words, Im mexican and Im scared of chinesee, USA is better for the globe economy

  8. I stupped watching after 25 mins, because a woman said that in the stoneage people ate mostly meat and fat. That is total BS. They were gatherer of fruits and what they found. Then they said that old age ppl didnt have any cancer or anything – where do they know? Also they died at the age of 25… so this movie is BS if you as me with misleading and false information.

  9. just watched 2 episodes. wow.. chicken and dairy farmers with victim mentality! playing the victims here. go and watch it yourself. but keep in mind that all animals you see in ROTTEN are/were sentient beings! they deserve freedom. end speciesism. look it up.

  10. What’s funny is this jokes and how many people thinking this is “pro vegan “ or sum like nope . The government allows this to happen and there are people in the government who eat meat they get the better version tho . Tbh instead of blaming other people blame the government .

  11. Well, you CAN THANK OBAMA for no longer knowing the source of much of the food you buy. In just ONE of many of his efforts to destroy America, when Mexico & Canada whined that "It isn't Fair"…. OUR FDA said, ok, SCREW AMERCIA. Even though 90% of Americans want to know where our food comes from, they CHANGED THE LAW.
    OBAMA SIGNED IT. Country of Origin Labeling for meat is no longer a requirement:

  12. I didn't like this series much.
    It's not bad but in my eyes it hasn't a specific point or message. The overall thing that I got is , support the small guy?! I guess.
    It has some specific events that have happen. Maybe it's the fact that it wasn't what I expected.

    Anyone has any thoughts?

  13. For those who have actually seen the series, is this a more nuanced and less one-sided look at the food industry than say the pro-vegan "What the Health" or "Cowspiracy" (both made by the same guy) or the Monsanto/GMO-conspiracy "Food Inc."? I'm looking for a more objective analysis, not more appeal-to-emotion films that discourage further critical thinking and objective facts. And before anyone makes assumptions, I say this as someone who already primarily eats plant-based and is not a fan of Big Business.

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