Reason AMA: Impeachment, Cocktails, Debt, New Zealand, Justin Amash, Prog Rock, Libraries, and More
You asked Reason editors about impeachment, book recommendations, cocktail ingredients, public libraries, New Zealand, the debt crisis, and more. Watch us …
Just to let you know, as a bleeding heart, Reason does a good job with its content. I try to make it a point to watch each video to the end (I've failed on a few occasions–perhaps my own failing :). (Stossel gets under my skin sometimes, as one of the regulars I might moan about.)
Keep on keepin' on about sex, drugs, and robots.
Who's the schmuck doing the subtitles? 43:04 "Souter manian" really? You didn't get who she was referring to?
Gillespie has a unique voice. I wonder what he sounded like as a kid. Can't imagine it.
a president abuses the power of his office to go after an american citizen (biden) and so-called "libertarians" shrug their shoulders?!
what if trump went after the editors of reasontv for some trumped-up (pardon the pun) reasons?
ie, he orderd a secret investigation of reasontv without adequate factual predicates?
in the same way he ordered an investigation of joe and hunter biden WITHOUT ADEQUATE FACTUAL PREDICATES?*
would the editors still shrug their shoulders?
or would they recognize the gross unconstitutional abuse of government power such an order represents?
the government cannot go after american citizens simply because it serves the politcal and/or personal interests of the president, or any other official
that's constitutional liberty 101
you'd think people who claim to be "libertarians" would see government abuse when it's so naked
* the absence of adequate factual predicates is the reason trump used his personal lawyer to dig up dirt on biden–ie, he could not get the us government – not even bill barr who is already conducting a sketchy investigation – to undertake an investigation of crowdstrike or the bidens because THERE WAS NO FACTUAL PREDICATE to justify an official investigation
"You will be accountable for everything you say" Are you kidding me? That's only because the ruling class doesn't like Trump. They know full well he won't be impeached. It's purely an attempt to whip up voter anger.
Katherine smiles a lot more during the podcasts than I envisioned
Is there a link between Buddhism, Taoism and libertarianism? Mindfulness meditation, no self, impermanence, dukkha? So a lot of "libertarians" are reading Lao Tzu and Eckhart Tolle, etc now?
Trump Putin’s bitch is meeting with Russian minister Sergei Lavrov to ask for Russia’s help in the next election, this B.S needs to stop
Katherine, thank you so much for recommending Stephenson. I completely agree.
If you're done with the Stephenson books, next try Peter F. Hamilton.
Nick, your jackets listening, nicely done sir.
Nick Gillespie should auction off an autographed leather jacket.
Why do I feel like there’s some sort of love triangle going on here.
Justin Amash is not a motivating candidate for many of us. Please find someone better. Think someone who talk like John McAffe or Austin Petersen.
If you listen to "The Art of the Deal" Trumps behavior seems predictable.
The Reason Squaretable
OMG ''Snow crash'' <3
What the hell happened to mostly weekly!?
Rabbit holes are not reasonable. So if you are not defending democracy and instead side with those who do not believe in the rule of law and promote Falun Gong or Putinist theories you are no better than marxists.
I love the banter between these four.
I no loner trust "Reason" after they were parroting state dept. propaganda on Venuzuela.
Here's a question that NEEDS an answer:
Why does reason support open borders when the concept clearly, and egregiously, violates the non-aggression principle and volunteerism?
16:03 difference between editors 17:43 Nick Gillespie's leather jacket(s) 20:10 Any life shows planned? 21:12 What's the best case for Impeachment? 30:06 What's your favorite book? 36:08 Peter's political ideology. Is he more of a Centrist? 42:55 Why does Katherine hate ownership? Why is renting better? 45:50 Why does Nick hate libraries? 48:45 Isn't it true Matt Welch uses amazing metaphors 49:50 How would you advise Justin Amash to run as a Libertarian against Trump 54:24 greatest tech advice they have received 57:49 Which fictional character would be a great President? 59:20 New Zealeand moving away from Socialism. Rogernomics 1:03:12 Nick Gillespie with a John Bolton style mustache? 1:06:00 cocktail ingredients 1:09:06 when are we gonna have the debt crisis 1:14:02 why does Reason hate people who talk to Richard Spencer 1:17:52 Most libertarian music genre?
Did Trump commit any new crimes?
10:16 the cost of obtaining documents from the government. Gee, Peter, why don't you do an article on that? Or have you already and I missed it? 45:50 Speaking of public libraries, how can libertarians be for them? Or rather, if public libraries have any legitimate purpose, it would have to be for providing government documents, you know, those documents that Peter has to pay a lot of money to get, but shouldn't have to.
I got into an online argument about a video that talked about libraries. Sure, I recognize that the taxes that go towards libraries are pretty darn small compared to the tax money that goes to other things like welfare and the military. So complaining about libraries might seem like nitpicking, but it's still using coercive force to fund something that people may or may not want and may or may not use. And who goes to the library to check out classic literature or actual educational materials? My local library system has audio books, music cd's, and popular dvds, not to mention their online services with e-books, music downloads, and other stuff. Gee, isn't it great I can go to my local library and check out the latest Cinematic Marvel Universe movies or the music of Carly Rae Jepsen? Who could possibly be against libraries?
I like libraries, but strictly speaking, public libraries really have little or no place in the libertarian view, and with the internet, e-books, downloadable music, streaming video, and other options that are so readily available today, libraries are just duplicating already existing services.
1:17:53 Progrock as the most libertarian musical genre? Hmm…hadn't really occurred to me, but Nick might have a good point. I like the 70s prog of Yes, Genesis, and ELP, but never really considered that there might be some political characterization to it. Maybe I've overlooked something.
Who is the "Hand"? It reminds me of the Adams Family "Hand"!
Schumpeter may be proven right in the way capitalism could be ditched in America. Just look at the supposed conservatives like Tucker Carlson and his viewers who won't shut up about plants moving from rural Nebraska, while pointing the finger at big business greed and Wall Street. The populace in general (outside of economists, economic literates, and level-headed pragmatists) just has a hard time accepting creative destruction and the constant relocation of capital as one of the ways wealth gets created in a capitalist system.
Consider improving the comment section, maybe with Disqus or something. Or at least add some options like editing comment, notifications, and/or checking comment history. Because the one on Reason right now is pretty spartan and not very appealing.
A New Zealand liberal is basically a conservative the Labor party are the Democrats
di Saronno is best with egg nog. your welcome
How very white of you
i like video
My understanding is that immigrants vote overwhelmingly Democrat. The more you let in, the less hope libertarianism has. Yet you guys are super pro immigration. Is this not self defeating? Are you just praying the immigrants will someday be convinced by your lovely arguments? Even though there is no evidence that they are turning that way?
Just to let you know, as a bleeding heart, Reason does a good job with its content. I try to make it a point to watch each video to the end (I've failed on a few occasions–perhaps my own failing :). (Stossel gets under my skin sometimes, as one of the regulars I might moan about.)
Keep on keepin' on about sex, drugs, and robots.
Who's the schmuck doing the subtitles? 43:04 "Souter manian" really? You didn't get who she was referring to?
Gillespie has a unique voice. I wonder what he sounded like as a kid. Can't imagine it.
a president abuses the power of his office to go after an american citizen (biden) and so-called "libertarians" shrug their shoulders?!
what if trump went after the editors of reasontv for some trumped-up (pardon the pun) reasons?
ie, he orderd a secret investigation of reasontv without adequate factual predicates?
in the same way he ordered an investigation of joe and hunter biden WITHOUT ADEQUATE FACTUAL PREDICATES?*
would the editors still shrug their shoulders?
or would they recognize the gross unconstitutional abuse of government power such an order represents?
the government cannot go after american citizens simply because it serves the politcal and/or personal interests of the president, or any other official
that's constitutional liberty 101
you'd think people who claim to be "libertarians" would see government abuse when it's so naked
* the absence of adequate factual predicates is the reason trump used his personal lawyer to dig up dirt on biden–ie, he could not get the us government – not even bill barr who is already conducting a sketchy investigation – to undertake an investigation of crowdstrike or the bidens because THERE WAS NO FACTUAL PREDICATE to justify an official investigation
"You will be accountable for everything you say"
Are you kidding me?
That's only because the ruling class doesn't like Trump.
They know full well he won't be impeached.
It's purely an attempt to whip up voter anger.
Katherine smiles a lot more during the podcasts than I envisioned
Is there a link between Buddhism, Taoism and libertarianism? Mindfulness meditation, no self, impermanence, dukkha? So a lot of "libertarians" are reading Lao Tzu and Eckhart Tolle, etc now?
Trump Putin’s bitch is meeting with Russian minister Sergei Lavrov to ask for Russia’s help in the next election, this B.S needs to stop
Katherine, thank you so much for recommending Stephenson. I completely agree.
If you're done with the Stephenson books, next try Peter F. Hamilton.
Nick, your jackets listening, nicely done sir.
Nick Gillespie should auction off an autographed leather jacket.
Why do I feel like there’s some sort of love triangle going on here.
Justin Amash is not a motivating candidate for many of us. Please find someone better. Think someone who talk like John McAffe or Austin Petersen.
If you listen to "The Art of the Deal" Trumps behavior seems predictable.
The Reason Squaretable
OMG ''Snow crash'' <3
What the hell happened to mostly weekly!?
Rabbit holes are not reasonable. So if you are not defending democracy and instead side with those who do not believe in the rule of law and promote Falun Gong or Putinist theories you are no better than marxists.
I love the banter between these four.
I no loner trust "Reason" after they were parroting state dept. propaganda on Venuzuela.
Here's a question that NEEDS an answer:
Why does reason support open borders when the concept clearly, and egregiously, violates the non-aggression principle and volunteerism?
16:03 difference between editors
17:43 Nick Gillespie's leather jacket(s)
20:10 Any life shows planned?
21:12 What's the best case for Impeachment?
30:06 What's your favorite book?
36:08 Peter's political ideology. Is he more of a Centrist?
42:55 Why does Katherine hate ownership? Why is renting better?
45:50 Why does Nick hate libraries?
48:45 Isn't it true Matt Welch uses amazing metaphors
49:50 How would you advise Justin Amash to run as a Libertarian against Trump
54:24 greatest tech advice they have received
57:49 Which fictional character would be a great President?
59:20 New Zealeand moving away from Socialism. Rogernomics
1:03:12 Nick Gillespie with a John Bolton style mustache?
1:06:00 cocktail ingredients
1:09:06 when are we gonna have the debt crisis
1:14:02 why does Reason hate people who talk to Richard Spencer
1:17:52 Most libertarian music genre?
Did Trump commit any new crimes?
10:16 the cost of obtaining documents from the government.
Gee, Peter, why don't you do an article on that? Or have you already and I missed it?
45:50 Speaking of public libraries, how can libertarians be for them? Or rather, if public libraries have any legitimate purpose, it would have to be for providing government documents, you know, those documents that Peter has to pay a lot of money to get, but shouldn't have to.
I got into an online argument about a video that talked about libraries. Sure, I recognize that the taxes that go towards libraries are pretty darn small compared to the tax money that goes to other things like welfare and the military. So complaining about libraries might seem like nitpicking, but it's still using coercive force to fund something that people may or may not want and may or may not use. And who goes to the library to check out classic literature or actual educational materials? My local library system has audio books, music cd's, and popular dvds, not to mention their online services with e-books, music downloads, and other stuff. Gee, isn't it great I can go to my local library and check out the latest Cinematic Marvel Universe movies or the music of Carly Rae Jepsen? Who could possibly be against libraries?
I like libraries, but strictly speaking, public libraries really have little or no place in the libertarian view, and with the internet, e-books, downloadable music, streaming video, and other options that are so readily available today, libraries are just duplicating already existing services.
1:17:53 Progrock as the most libertarian musical genre? Hmm…hadn't really occurred to me, but Nick might have a good point. I like the 70s prog of Yes, Genesis, and ELP, but never really considered that there might be some political characterization to it. Maybe I've overlooked something.
Who is the "Hand"? It reminds me of the Adams Family "Hand"!
Schumpeter may be proven right in the way capitalism could be ditched in America. Just look at the supposed conservatives like Tucker Carlson and his viewers who won't shut up about plants moving from rural Nebraska, while pointing the finger at big business greed and Wall Street. The populace in general (outside of economists, economic literates, and level-headed pragmatists) just has a hard time accepting creative destruction and the constant relocation of capital as one of the ways wealth gets created in a capitalist system.
Consider improving the comment section, maybe with Disqus or something. Or at least add some options like editing comment, notifications, and/or checking comment history. Because the one on Reason right now is pretty spartan and not very appealing.
A New Zealand liberal is basically a conservative the Labor party are the Democrats
di Saronno is best with egg nog. your welcome
How very white of you
i like video
My understanding is that immigrants vote overwhelmingly Democrat. The more you let in, the less hope libertarianism has. Yet you guys are super pro immigration. Is this not self defeating? Are you just praying the immigrants will someday be convinced by your lovely arguments? Even though there is no evidence that they are turning that way?