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Rand Paul Offers Emmett Till Legislation with Amendment for Expedited Passage – June 4, 2020

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  1. Hey Mr. Paul, I live over here in the Mississippi Delta Region of Western Kentucky and I'm sure you are well aware that thanks to the Democrats this country is about to split into sections.

    I'm not gonna beat around the bush on this but you would make an EXCELLENT president of the new south our people are so desperately wanting to forge😎

  2. You will be judged for your sins.
    You have stopped a bill we need, with a minor change.
    Sure it looks like you are doing something great.
    Until we all notice that you have effectively killed this bill.
    You will be judged.

  3. You got a lot of nerve using this moment in our history to pull this sanctimonious stunt, Paul. We all see this for what it is, the last desperate grasp at power from a backwards, and disgustingly privileged group who believe themselves superior to others because of the skin they were born with.
    If you're not willing to leave the era of Jim Crown laws behind, then go back to your little corner, sit down and shut up, Paul.

  4. Senator Paul: Stop talking about Black People, and LISTEN TO BLACK PEOPLE.

    PS: You are a ridiculous waste of space.

  5. Wow this guy is brave. In the UK like New York there is an independent police complaints department. Seems like it would make more difference than new laws that prohibit behaviour already prohibited.

  6. If we went back to true progressive political ideology we would be mostly a libertarian country and nothing like this dumb shit would even be possible or up for discussion.

  7. The most concerning part of this is that we are still talking about what is or what is not wrong. Is murder, murder? Wrong is wrong. Wrong is Wrong. I am incredulous that this is a serious conversation today. If we cannot understand right from wrong anymore, THAT is the heart of the problem. If one cannot understand discern basic human kindness/cruelty then it's a much deeper problem. Apparently it is a much deeper problem where we make human kindness a thing to be questioned. Wow. Why are we here? #gayleking #oprah#mlk

  8. Oh, Senator Paul. You can't possibly believe by this point that anyone outside of Kentucky doesn't see you for what you are. It takes some seriously deep hatred of African-Americans for you to exploit the victims of one of the darkest chapters of American history by using their suffering to justify blocking anti-lynching legislation. I voted for your father in the 2008 presidential election… but you, sir, are a disgrace.

  9. Like most of Rand Paul things, he talks and tries to say things to sway you, but in the end is only there to hold up bills as much as possible.

  10. Rand Paul go hide in a closet with your racist sentiment. We will still find you and take that white sheet off your face before we place the burning poker of justice down your throat.

  11. Can someone explain this to me in layman’s I’m a bit confused. He’s introducing a bill and says lynching is already illegal but he’s offering a ANTI LYNCHING bill?!?

  12. Not gonna lie, we know the horrible history of lynching, explain which parts define it lynching as bruising and laceration. Also illness? Cite which part of the bill says that, take a pic and share it. Let's just get this done, it shouldn't take more than an afternoon to do this. You can do this and everything else you mentioned.

  13. Yes, finally passing a bill against lynching would demean the memory of lynching victims. What in the blue hell are you babbling about? And I'm sure prosecutors would charge people with lynching when they only have a bruise, that would guarantee convictions. You're a piece of trash.

  14. Real Solutions from the man, Ron's son Rand, the establishment couldn't cheat him w/ the media nor backroom deals like they did his father, bringing in a spoiler, big bully Trump, but that Ringer spoiled more than that-themselves included this time-but forget them-what about us-yet again, Americans cheated of worthy leadership, first of Ron then that of our great Right hope, Rand.

    I hope yet still, Next or never, we overcome the "Religious Right, theocratic Pence" backing Trump in all his "wrong turns left", we win that one, or these riots, this turmoil here will seem like a day at the park in comparison, if we hope to win freedom again, in our lifetime.

  15. 1861 thu 1968. Can you please call out the black politicians for not educating the African American on the law and the constitutional way of living.
    Thank You We can also make America Great.

  16. If you want to effect a meaningful change, get rid of the War on Drugs. This is the mechanism by which the police force in the USA has militarized their departments and the pretext by which they target communities. Just like the Patriot Act, I have noticed no one is speaking to the level of power the government has afforded itself. You won't hear ANY politician say they want to get rid of these things. Nope. But, they WILL say "Let (insert political candidate here) have the power, for they shall wield it in good faith.". I'm not impressed any more, and frankly, in my 51 years on this planet, I haven't seen the politician yet who is capable of doing good for the people for its own sake. This is WHY CHECKS AND BALANCES were put in place. We have to grow up out of this shit eventually, it might as well be now!

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